Amend HB 1 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 93, line 17, strike "and".
(2) On page 93, line 19, between "expenses" and the underlined period, insert the following:
; and
(E) accept, track, review, and resolve inquiries and complaints regarding the program
(3) On page 93, line 27, strike "and".
(4) On page 94, line 4, between "products" and the underlined period, insert the following:
; and
(3) reviewing and resolving inquiries and complaints regarding the program from prospective applicants, applicants, and program participants
(5) On page 95, line 5, between "school" and the underlined semicolon, insert ", including from a home school".
(6) On page 97, line 26, between "(2)" and "expenses", insert "a description of".
(7) On page 98, line 3, between "process" and the underlined semicolon, insert "under this section".
(8) On page 98, line 4, between "process" and the underlined semicolon, insert "under this section".
(9) On page 98, line 24, strike "Subsections (e) and" and substitute "Subsection".
(10) On page 99, line 27, between "school" and the underlined semicolon, insert ", including from a home school".
(11) On page 103, line 19, strike "or uniforms".
(12) On page 103, line 20, between "enrolled" and the underlined comma, insert "or being home schooled".
(13) On page 103, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following appropriately numbered subdivision and renumber subsequent subdivisions of the section accordingly:
(____) the purchase of uniforms required by a private school in which the child is enrolled, including purchases made through a third-party vendor of educational products;
(14) On page 104, line 14, between "devices" and "prescribed", insert "required by a private school in which the child is enrolled or".
(15) On page 104, line 19, strike "academic".
(16) On page 105, line 14, strike "29.362(g)" and substitute "29.362(f)".
(17) On page 106, lines 6 through 8, strike "Regardless of the deadline by which the participating parent applies for enrollment in the program under Section 29.356(a) and except" and substitute "Except".
(18) On page 106, lines 9 through 11, strike "a participating parent shall receive each school year that the parent's child participates in the program" and substitute "the comptroller shall distribute each school year to each participating child's account".
(19) On page 106, strike line 24 and substitute "comptroller distributes to the child's account under Subsection (a)".
(20) On page 107, line 15, between "parent's" and "child", insert "participating".
(21) Strike page 108, line 23, through page 109, line 3, and substitute the following:
(c) Not later than the 10th business day after each quarter, each certified educational assistance organization shall submit to the comptroller an invoice for services rendered in administering the program for that quarter. The total amount disbursed to all certified educational
(22) On page 109, line 26, between "parent's" and "child", insert "participating".
(23) On page 111, strike line 2 and substitute "participant, education service provider, or vendor of educational".
(24) On page 111, lines 18 and 19, strike "or a requirement" and substitute "and the requirements".
(25) On page 111, line 22, between "parent's" and "child", insert "participating".
(26) On page 112, lines 14 and 15, strike "if the participating child's account is suspended or closed under this section" and substitute "in accordance with applicable law".
(27) On page 112, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(____) Notwithstanding Section 29.374, a decision of the comptroller under this section is final and not subject to appeal.
(28) On page 113, strike line 7 and substitute "participant, education service provider, or vendor of educational".
(29) On page 113, strike line 11 and substitute "organization, provider, or vendor; or".
(30) On page 116, line 18, between "of" and "the", insert "determining eligibility under Section 29.355 and producing".
(31) On page 116, line 25, between "to" and "develop", insert "confirm eligibility under Section 29.355 or".
(32) On page 117, line 23, strike "cost savings" and substitute "increased costs or savings".
(33) On page 119, at the end of line 14, strike the underlined comma and substitute "or".
(34) On page 119, line 15, strike ", or the participant's removal from the program".