88S40348 JRI-D
  By: Craddick H.C.R. No. 12
         WHEREAS, In recognition of his notable contributions to area
  athletics, Terry Williamson was posthumously inducted into the
  Midland Independent School District Hall of Legends on October 27,
  2023; and
         WHEREAS, Every other year, the Hall of Legends recognizes a
  new class of inductees, honoring exceptional athletes, teams, and
  coaches, as well as prominent supporters of the district's sports
  programs; and
         WHEREAS, For more than four decades, Mr. Williamson
  documented Midland and Permian Basin sports as a reporter with the
  Midland Reporter-Telegram; he joined the paper in 1972 and became
  sports editor in 1988; in the course of his duties, he was actively
  involved in covering local school athletics, and he played an
  instrumental role in establishing the Reporter-Telegram's
  reportage on Title IX sports; highly respected by his peers, he was
  a two-time winner of the Hearst Eagle Award and garnered numerous
  other journalism accolades; and
         WHEREAS, Before he joined the paper, Mr. Williamson was a
  member of the U.S. Army and earned a Bronze Star for his service in
  Vietnam; after retiring from full-time journalism in 2013, he
  authored opinion pieces for the Reporter-Telegram as well as a
  book, Man in the Ring; he passed away in 2022; and
         WHEREAS, Through his dedicated efforts, Terry Williamson
  helped focus public attention on the proud tradition of athletic
  excellence and participation that has long been a hallmark of
  Midland ISD, and he is indeed deserving of this prestigious honor;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas,
  4th Called Session, hereby pay tribute to Terry Williamson on the
  occasion of his posthumous induction into the Midland ISD Hall of
  Legends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.