88S40881 TBO-D
  By: Craddick H.C.R. No. 21
         WHEREAS, The Midland Festival Ballet is celebrating its 30th
  anniversary in 2023; and
         WHEREAS, A local, pre-professional, nonprofit ballet
  company, the Midland Festival Ballet was founded by Judy Coleman in
  1993 to help bring quality dance performances to the West Texas
  area; equipped with her many years of experience as a dancer in New
  York, she opened her own ballet school and began offering classes
  for 50 students; in 1994, the ballet company conducted its first
  annual performance of The Nutcracker at Wagner and Brown Auditorium
  at Midland College; and
         WHEREAS, The Midland Festival Ballet has produced a number of
  live performances at the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center, and it
  has broadcasted its digital season on Basin PBS; in addition, the
  ballet company has created four documentaries, one dance film, one
  full-length ballet, and more than 60 new works; today, its two
  studios provide dance education to over 150 students, and it has
  collaborated with local schools and public libraries to provide
  free camps and performances; and
         WHEREAS, Among its many achievements, the Midland Festival
  Ballet has been recognized as a Regional Dance America Honor
  Company, and it has had the privilege of hosting the Regional Dance
  America/Southwest 2023 Festival; and
         WHEREAS, Over the past three decades, the Midland Festival
  Ballet has contributed to the vibrancy and cultural richness of the
  West Texas region, and it is a pleasure to join in honoring the
  dance company on this milestone occasion; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas,
  4th Called Session, hereby commemorate the 30th anniversary of the
  Midland Festival Ballet and extend to all those associated with the
  group sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Midland Festival Ballet as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.