2023S0523-1 11/17/23
  By: West S.R. No. 27
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Golden Soror DeMetris Sampson, a 50-year member of
  Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, who is being honored by
  Omicron Mu Omega Chapter at its Founders' Day Luncheon on January
  28, 2024; and
         WHEREAS, Omicron Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha
  Sorority was conceived in October of 1983 by five sorors who met
  to discuss the formation of a second graduate chapter in the
  Dallas area; after much dedicated effort, the chapter was
  established on June 23, 1984; it has an illustrious history of
  service and community work, and it annually recognizes
  long-standing sorority members at its Founders' Day Luncheon;
         WHEREAS, DeMetris Sampson was inducted into the Eta
  Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at Stephen F.
  Austin University in 1974, and she later joined the Omicron Mu
  Omega Chapter of the sorority; over the years, she has remained a
  loyal member of the sorority and has served as a mentor and role
  model to countless sisters; and
         WHEREAS, DeMetris is truly deserving of recognition for
  her longtime membership in and service to Alpha Kappa Alpha
  Sorority and for the important role she has played in helping to
  encourage leadership, scholarship, personal development, and
  community service through the programs of Omicron Mu Omega
  Chapter; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby commend Golden Soror
  DeMetris Sampson on her dedicated service and her many
  achievements and extend to her congratulations on being honored
  by Omicron Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at its
  2024 Founders' Day Luncheon; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  her as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.