88S40788 CW-D
  By: Zaffirini S.R. No. 55
         WHEREAS, Attorneys with the Travis County Probate Court have
  rendered exceptional service to their fellow citizens through their
  pro bono work in behalf of The Arc of the Capital Area of Austin; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in 1949, The Arc of the Capital Area serves
  Central Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  through compassionate case management and a wide range of
  initiatives; with assistance from the Travis County Probate Court
  and local lawyers, the nonprofit provides training and education as
  part of its Guardianship and Alternatives Program, which offers
  support to individuals and families; participating in a series of
  workshops led by legal experts, prospective guardians learn how to
  protect the rights of people while helping them make decisions in
  such critical areas as finance and medical care; and
         WHEREAS, For the 20th year, Travis County probate lawyers
  took part in the annual Arc of the Capital Area project by helping
  to create guardianships for members of indigent families; the list
  of participating attorneys included Michael Knisely, Don Walden,
  Victoria Seybold, John Crane, Eryn Lyle, Hailey Hanners, Jason
  Scott, Mike Jones, Tyler Hannusch, Mitchell Crane, Clint Alexander,
  Julia Jonas, Rose Cohen, Leigh Banaszak, Blake Tollett, Maite
  Elorduy, Melissa Harvey, Glenn Karisch, Carlotta Garza-Kilcullen,
  and Brian Thompson; in addition, Caleb Alford, the director of
  community services, and other Arc employees lent their support to
  the program; and
         WHEREAS, The Travis County Probate Court is helping to equip
  individuals with the tools they need to improve their lives and
  build a brighter future for themselves and their families, and it is
  a pleasure to join in recognizing the participating attorneys for
  volunteering their time and expertise to this worthy program; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature, 4th
  Called Session, hereby commend members of the Travis County Probate
  Court for their pro bono efforts in behalf of The Arc of the Capital
  Area and extend to these attorneys sincere best wishes for
  continued success with their important work.