Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(a)  In the bill pattern of the Health and Human Services Commission Health, in Rider 21, Human Services Cost Containment, delete "$350,000,000" and replace with "$342,500,000".
(b)  In the bill pattern of the Department of State Health Services bill pattern, increase appropriations in Strategy A.3.1, Chronic Disease Prevention, by $7,500,000
(c)  On page II-____ of the Department of State Health Services bill pattern, add the following rider:
____.  Comprehensive Diabetes and Endocrinology Care Institute. Included in the amounts appropriated above in Strategy A.3.1, Chronic Disease Prevention, is $7,500,000 in general revenue in fiscal year 2024 for a grant program to support a multidisciplinary facility to prevent the onset of diabetes, mitigate the impact of diabetes on other chronic health conditions, and preserve limb and vascular function as much as possible. It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of State Health Services give preference to a grant application that is a healthcare entity located in Hidalgo County and has been designated as a Level I trauma facility since at least January 1, 2022.
Any unexpended balances of these funds remaining at the end of the first fiscal year of the biennium are appropriated for the same purposes for the second fiscal year of the biennium.