Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article II of the bill, by adding the following appropriately numbered rider after the appropriations to the Health and Human Services Commission (page II-38):
____.  Subcontractor Information Clause. (a) The Health and Human Services Commission may not use money appropriated under this Act to pay a contractor unless the contract requires the contractor to disclose the following information relating to any subcontractor under the contract:
(1)  the process the contractor uses to select subcontractors;
(2)  the number of persons who submit subcontractor proposals to the contractor and the name of each person who:
(A)  submits a proposal to be a subcontractor; and
(B)  is awarded a subcontract under the contract; and
(3)  the reasons for the contractor's selection of one subcontractor over another subcontractor.
(b)  Not later than September 1, 2025, the commission shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and each member of the legislature a report that includes a summary of the information collected from the reports submitted under this rider.