Amend Amendment No. 2 by Zwiener to CSHB 1 (page 11, prefiled amendments packet) as follows:
(1) Strike Items 1 and 2 of the amendment and substitute the following appropriately numbered item:
(____) In Article I of the bill, following the appropriations to Fiscal Programs-Comptroller of Public Accounts, in Rider 22, Opioid Abatement Account (page I-30), in the first sentence of the rider, between "No. 5189," and "are", insert "except the sums otherwise appropriated by this Act,".
(2) In Item 3 of the amendment, in Subsection (a) of the added rider, strike "From funds appropriated above for Strategy B.2.2, Health and Safety, the commissioner of education shall allocate $2,611,722" and substitute "In addition to the amounts appropriated above, the amount of $2,611,722 is appropriated from the Opioid Abatement Account No. 5189 to the Texas Education Agency".
(3) In Item 3 of the amendment, in Subsections (b) and (c) of the added rider, strike "allocated" in each instance it appears and substitute "appropriated".
(4) Strike Item 4 of the amendment.
(5) In Item 5 of the amendment, in the added rider, strike "From funds appropriated above for Strategy E.2.1, Opioid Abuse Prevention, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is allocated $500,000 for the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2023, and $100,000 for the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2024," and substitute the following:
In addition to the amounts appropriated above, the amount of $500,000 is appropriated for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2024, and the amount of $100,000 is appropriated for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2025, from the Opioid Abatement Account No. 5189 to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
(6) Renumber the items of the amendment accordingly.