Amend CSHB 100 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 13, at the end of line 24, insert "and".
(2) On page 13, strike lines 25 and 26 and reletter subsequent paragraphs accordingly.
(3) On page 14, strike lines 16 through 19 and substitute the following:
partnership by:
(A) determining scheduling;
(B) adding or removing a pathway;
(C) hiring pathway-specific personnel;
(D) developing and exercising final approval of pathway budgets, which must include at least 80 percent of the state and local funding to which each partnering school district is entitled under Chapter 48 for students participating in the program, including an allotment under Section 48.106 or 48.118 and an outcome bonus under Section 48.110 or 48.118; and
(E) determining other matters critical to the efficacy of the pathways; and
(4) On page 23, lines 10 through 12, strike "demonstrate college, career, or military readiness, as determined by commissioner rule" and substitute "obtain not later than five years after high school graduation a postsecondary credential of value, including a degree, certificate, or other credential that prepares students for continued learning and greater earnings in the state economy".
(5) On page 23, lines 16 and 17, strike "demonstrates college, career, or military readiness, as determined by commissioner rule," and substitute "earns a postsecondary credential of value described by that subsection during the preceding school year".