Amend CSHB 729 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 2, strike lines 21 and 22, substitute the following appropriately numbered paragraphs, and renumber subsequent paragraphs accordingly:
(____) an individual or family member of an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability receiving home and community-based services, including under the home and community-based services (HCS) waiver program;
(____) an individual or family member of an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability residing in a private intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability licensed under Chapter 252, Health and Safety Code;
(____) an individual or family member of an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability residing in a state supported living center, as defined by Section 531.002, Health and Safety Code;
(2) On page 3, between lines 24 and 25, insert the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(____) Chapter 2110 does not apply to the composition of the council.