Amend CSHB 3359 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 4, strike lines 8-9 and substitute the following:
after the date the material deviation occurred unless:
(i)  there are no uncontracted licensed physicians or health care providers in the affected county; or
(ii)  the insurer requests a waiver under this subsection
(2)  On page 5, line 15, between "no" and "physicians", insert "uncontracted".
(3)  On page 8, line 13, strike "without using tolled roadways or waterway passages".
(4)  On page 21, lines 23-24, strike "before [or an exclusive provider benefit plan offered by]" and substitute "or an exclusive provider benefit plan before [offered by]".
(5)  On page 21, line 26, between "chapter" and the period, insert "or the insurer receives a waiver under Section 1301.0055".
(6)  On page 27, line 20, between "expenses" and the underlined period, insert "or decrease the provider's payment or compensation".
(7)  On page 29, line 22, between "entered into" and "on", insert ", amended, or renewed".