Amend HB 4087 on third reading by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____.  Section 366.012(a), Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  To assure the effective and efficient administration of this chapter, the commission shall:
(1)  adopt rules governing the installation of on-site sewage disposal systems, including rules concerning the:
(A)  review and approval of on-site sewage disposal systems; and
(B)  temporary waiver of a permit for an emergency repair; and
(2)  adopt rules under this chapter that:
(A)  encourage the use of economically feasible alternative techniques and technologies for on-site sewage disposal systems that can be used in soils not suitable for conventional on-site sewage disposal;
(B)  address the separation of graywater, as defined by Section 341.039, in a residence served by an on-site sewage disposal system;
(C)  allow for an adjustment in the size required of an on-site sewage disposal system if the system is used in conjunction with a graywater system that complies with the rules adopted under Section 341.039; [and]
(D)  require on-site sewage disposal systems, including risers and covers, installed after September 1, 2012, to be designed to prevent access to the system by anyone other than:
(i)  the owner of the system; or
(ii)  a person described by Section 366.071(a) or (b); and
(E)  for a county with a population of at least 350,000 and not more than 370,000 that is adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent to a county with a population of at least 3.3 million, allow for the installation of aerobic drip emitter systems on subdivided or platted properties less than one-half acre in size serving single-family residences supplied by a public drinking water system if site-specific planning materials have been:
(i)  submitted by a licensed engineer or registered sanitarian; and
(ii)  approved by the appropriate authorized agent.
SECTION ____.  As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality shall adopt rules in accordance with Section 366.012(a), Health and Safety Code, as amended by this Act.