Amend the Kuempel amendment to CSSB 17 as follows:
(1)  On page 1, line 17, strike "or" at the end of the line.
(2)  On page 1, line 25, strike the underlined period.
(3)  On page 1, following line 25, insert the following appropriately numbered subdivisions:
(____)  maintaining thoughtful consideration of diverse viewpoints to promote intellectual diversity and inquiry;
(____)  recognizing the numerous populations, backgrounds, ethnicities, and political, social, and religious viewpoints present at an institution of higher education;
(____)  being a confidential, informed resource for certain student populations, including students with physical or cognitive disabilities, veterans, students who are parents, international students, first-generation students, socioeconomically distressed students, rural students, transfer students, and other student populations not historically represented in higher education; or
(____)  promoting productive academic discussions between individuals of differing viewpoints, such as political, social, economic, or religious perspectives.