Amend SB 17 on third reading as follows:
(1)  In the SECTION of the bill adding Section 51.3525, Education Code, strike the subsection added by Item (1) of Floor Amendment No. 23 by Kuempel on second reading and reletter subsequent subsections accordingly.
(2)  Strike the SECTION of the bill added by Item (2) of Floor Amendment No. 23 by Kuempel on second reading and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.
(3)  In the SECTION of the bill providing transition language, as amended by Item (3) of Floor Amendment No. 23 by Kuempel on second reading, in Subsection (a) of that section, strike "spring semester of the".
(4)  In the SECTION of the bill providing an effective date, as amended by Item (4) of Floor Amendment No. 23 by Kuempel on second reading, strike "January 1, 2024" and substitute "September 1, 2023".