Amend CSSB 17 (senate committee report) in SECTION 2 of the bill, adding Section 51.3525, Education Code, as follows:
(1)  In Subsection (b) (page 2, line 23), strike "academic or administrative".
(2)  In Subsection (b)(1)(E) (page 2, line 39), between "require" and "any", insert "as a condition of enrolling at the institution or performing any institution function".
(3)  After Subsection (b) (page 2, between lines 52 and 53), insert the following appropriately lettered subsection and reletter subsequent subsections and references to those subsections accordingly:
(__)  Subsection (b)(1) may not be construed to apply to:
(1)  academic course instruction;
(2)  scholarly research or a creative work by an institution of higher education's students, faculty, or other research personnel or the dissemination of that research or work;
(3)  an activity of a student organization registered with or recognized by an institution of higher education;
(4)  guest speakers or performers on short-term engagements;
(5)  a policy, practice, procedure, program, or activity to enhance student academic achievement or postgraduate outcomes that is designed and implemented without regard to race, color, ethnicity or sex;
(6)  data collection; or
(7)  student admissions.