Amend CSSB 17 (senate committee report) in SECTION 2 of the bill, adding Section 51.3525, Education Code, as follows:
(1)  Strike Subsection (a)(4) (page 2, lines 15 through 21) and substitute the following appropriately numbered subdivision:
(  )  conducting mandatory trainings designed or implemented in reference to race, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation, other than trainings approved in writing by the institution's general counsel for the sole purpose of ensuring compliance with any applicable court order or state or federal law.
(2)  In Subsection (b)(1)(E)(i) (page 2, lines 41 and 42), strike ", program, or activity".
(3)  Strike Subsection (b)(1)(E)(ii) (page 2, lines 44 through 48) and substitute the following appropriately numbered subparagraph:
(  )  does not include a training approved in writing by the institution's general counsel for the sole purpose of ensuring compliance with any applicable court order or state or federal law; and