Amend CSSB 22 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 7, strike "130.911 and 130.912" and substitute "130.911, 130.912, and 130.913".
(2) On page 1, line 20, strike "and constable's offices".
(3) On page 2, line 23, after the semicolon, add "or".
(4) On page 2, line 25, strike "; or" and substitute an underlined period.
(5) Strike page 2, line 26, through page 3, line 1.
(6) On page 3, line 7, strike "or constable's office".
(7) On page 3, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following:
(1) "Grant" means a grant authorized to be awarded by the comptroller under the rural constable's office salary assistance grant program established by this section.
(2) "Qualified county" means a county with a population of 300,000 or less.
(b) The comptroller shall establish and administer the rural constable's office salary assistance grant program to support the state purpose of ensuring professional law enforcement throughout the state by providing financial assistance to constable's offices in qualified counties.
(c) Not later than the 30th day after the first day of a qualified county's fiscal year, the county may submit an application for a grant to the comptroller. A county may submit only one application each fiscal year.
(d) The comptroller shall award a grant to a qualified county that applies for the grant using money appropriated to the comptroller for that purpose.
(e) A county that is awarded a grant shall use or authorize the use of the grant money only to provide a minimum annual salary of $45,000 to an elected constable who makes motor vehicle stops in the routine performance of the constable's duties.
(f) A county may not reduce the amount of funds provided to the constable's office because of grant funds provided under this section.
(g) The comptroller shall adopt rules necessary to implement this section, including rules that establish:
(1) a standardized application process, including the form to be used to apply for a grant and the manner of submitting the form;
(2) deadlines for:
(A) applying for the grant;
(B) disbursement of grant money; and
(C) spending grant money; and
(3) procedures for:
(A) monitoring the disbursement of grant money to ensure compliance with this section; and
(B) the return of grant money that was not used by a county for a purpose authorized by this section.
(8) On page 3, line 23, strike "130.912" and substitute "130.913".
(9) Strike page 4, line 27, through page 5, line 3, and renumber subsequent subdivisions accordingly.
(10) On page 5, line 24, strike "county" and substitute "qualified prosecutor's office".
(11) On page 5, line 26, strike "130.911 or 130.912" and substitute "130.911, 130.912, or 130.913".
(12) On page 6, line 1, between "grant" and "or", insert ", a rural constable's office salary assistance grant,".
(13) On page 6, line 5, strike "130.911 and 130.912" and substitute "130.911, 130.912, and 130.913".