Amend CSSB 590 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 7, strike "amending Subsection (d) and".
(2) On page 1, strike lines 9 through 18 and substitute the following:
(g) Notwithstanding Subsections (c) and (d), in addition to the amount of any retroactive child support ordered for a child under this section to accrue beginning on a date following the child's birth, the court may order an additional amount of retroactive child support for the child to accrue beginning on the earliest possible date of the child's conception, as determined by:
(3) Strike page 1, line 23, through page 2, line 2, and substitute the following:
(h) The amount of retroactive child support ordered under Subsection (g) may not exceed an equitable portion of:
(1) the reasonable and necessary maternity expenses of the mother and the child; and
(2) the prenatal and postnatal health care expenses of the mother and the child.
(4) On page 2, strike line 13 and substitute ", on the request of a party and on a proper showing, may".