Amend CSSB 1001 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, immediately following added Section 2311.0303(c), Occupations Code (page 3, between lines 11 and 12), insert the following:
(d) This subsection expires December 31, 2033. Notwithstanding any other law:
(1) electric vehicle supply equipment installed before December 31, 2023, is exempt from the requirements of this section until the 10th anniversary of the date the rules described by Subsection (c) are adopted; and
(2) until the 10th anniversary described by Subdivision (1), an electric vehicle supply provider that owns or operates electric vehicle supply equipment described by Subdivision (1) shall provide, free of charge to users, a universal adapter for dispensing electrical energy to electric vehicles at the location of the equipment.
(2) In SECTION 2 of the bill, providing transition language:
(A) strike "(a)" (page 4, line 1); and
(B) strike Subsection (b) of the SECTION (page 4, lines 4 through 9).