Amend CSSB 1705 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, amending Section 172.001, Election Code (page 1, lines 28 and 29), between "REQUIRED." and "Except", insert "(a)".
(2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, amending Section 172.001, Election Code (page 1, between lines 37 and 38), insert the following subsection:
(b) If a party required to make nominations by primary election under this section makes nominations by any other method, except as permitted by Section 145.036, 145.038, 202.006, or 232.046, a candidate nominated by that party for a state or county officer or a member of Congress shall be ineligible for a place on the ballot in the general election following the nomination made by another method.