Amend CSSJR 74 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 49-e-1, Article III, Texas Constitution, as follows:
(1)  Strike proposed Subsection (b) of that section (page 1, lines 29 through 36) and substitute the following:
(b)  The centennial parks conservation fund consists of:
(1)  money appropriated, credited, or transferred to the fund by the legislature;
(2)  gifts, grants, and donations received by the Parks and Wildlife Department or the department's successor in function for a purpose for which money in the fund may be used under this section; and
(3)  investment earnings and interest earned on amounts credited to the fund.
(2)  Immediately following proposed Subsection (d) of that section (page 1, between lines 48 and 49), insert the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(__)  The reasonable expenses of managing the fund and its assets shall be paid from the fund.