Senate Research Center |
S.B. 565 |
By: Sparks |
Health & Human Services |
6/19/2023 |
Enrolled |
In 2019, a reversionary interest by the Health and Human Services Commission was authorized by H.B. 2641 for a new property in Big Spring for West Texas Centers Mental Health and Retardation (West Texas Centers), a local mental health authority. This property eventually proved to be inadequate, and H.B. 3800 passed in 2021 to complete the exchange between West Texas Centers and Cap Rock Holdings, LLC regarding a different, suitable property.
S.B. 565 extends the Health and Human Services Commission's reversionary interest to February 2027 in order to provide enough time for renovation of the second property.
S.B. 565 amends current law relating to the release of a reversionary interest in certain real property by the Health and Human Services Commission.
This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.
SECTION 1. Amends Section 1(a), Chapter 54 (H.B. 2641), Acts of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, as follows:
(a) Requires the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), subject to Subsections (b) (relating to requiring HHSC to by appropriate instrument release the right of reverter only in certain circumstances) and (c) (relating to authorizing HHSC to execute the instrument releasing the right of reverter to nullify the right of reverter and clear the right of reverter from the title of the real property only if certain requirements are met) of this section and not later than August 31, 2027, rather than not later than February 1, 2023, to execute an appropriate instrument to release and nullify the right of reverter to which the real property described by Section 2 (relating to describing the real property title to which is held by the West Texas Centers for Mental Health and Mental Retardation) of this Act is subject under the deed filed in the Deed Records of Howard County, Texas, at Volume 795, Pages 141-143.
SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2023.