88R1928 MM-D
  By: J. Johnson of Harris, Garcia H.B. No. 347
  relating to law enforcement agency policies regarding the placement
  of a child taken into possession by a peace officer during the
  arrest of a person.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 2, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended by adding Article 2.274 to read as follows:
  In this article, "law enforcement agency" has the meaning assigned
  by Article 2.1386.
         (b)  Each law enforcement agency shall adopt a written policy
  regarding the safe placement of a child who is in the care, custody,
  or control of a person at the time the person is arrested. The
  policy must require that:
               (1)  the arresting peace officer attempt to locate a
  competent adult identified by the arrested person to whom the
  officer may release the child;
               (2)  before releasing the child to an adult located
  under Subdivision (1), the officer:
                     (A)  search the relevant databases of the National
  Crime Information Center system, including those pertaining to
  protection orders, historical protection orders, warrants, sex
  offender registries, and persons on supervised release to verify
  that the person to whom the child is being released:
                           (i)  does not have an outstanding warrant;
                           (ii)  does not have a protective order
  issued against the person; 
                           (iii)  is not registered as a sex offender;
                           (iv)  has not previously been finally
  convicted of any felony under Section 20A.03 or 21.02, Penal Code,
  or listed in Article 42A.054(a);
                     (B)  verify that the person to whom the child is
  being released is at least 18 years of age; and
                     (C)  collect information about the child's
  placement to provide to the person who is arrested on the person's
  release, including:
                           (i)  identifying information about the
  child, including the child's name and pseudonyms; and
                           (ii)  the name and address of the person to
  whom the child is being released;
               (3)  if after a reasonable period of time and a good
  faith effort the officer does not locate a person described by
  Subdivision (1), the officer may release the child to a safe living
  arrangement determined under Subsection (c); and
               (4)  if after a reasonable period of time and a good
  faith effort, the officer does not locate a safe living arrangement
  determined under Subsection (c), the officer may release the child
  to a representative of the victim services division or other
  similar division within the law enforcement agency to arrange the
  release of the child to the Department of Family and Protective
         (c)  Each law enforcement agency shall coordinate with
  child-care providers, nonprofit organizations, and faith-based
  entities in the agency's region to develop options for safe living
  arrangements for a child who is in the care, custody, or control of
  a person at the time the person is arrested and develop an agreement
  that provides the procedures for the law enforcement agency to
  release a child to the care of those entities.
         SECTION 2.  Not later than June 1, 2024, each law enforcement
  agency in this state shall adopt the policy required by Article
  2.274, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.