88R2806 MCF-D
  By: Wu H.B. No. 530
  relating to the terminology used in statute to refer to
  intellectual disability.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 51.20(a), (b), (c), and (d), Family
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  At any stage of the proceedings under this title,
  including when a child is initially detained in a pre-adjudication
  secure detention facility or a post-adjudication secure
  correctional facility, the juvenile court may, at its discretion or
  at the request of the child's parent or guardian, order a child who
  is referred to the juvenile court or who is alleged by a petition or
  found to have engaged in delinquent conduct or conduct indicating a
  need for supervision to be examined by a disinterested expert,
  including a physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist, qualified by
  education and clinical training in mental health or intellectual
  and developmental disabilities [mental retardation] and
  experienced in forensic evaluation, to determine whether the child
  has a mental illness as defined by Section 571.003, Health and
  Safety Code, is a person with an intellectual disability [mental
  retardation] as defined by Section 591.003, Health and Safety Code,
  or suffers from chemical dependency as defined by Section 464.001,
  Health and Safety Code.  If the examination is to include a
  determination of the child's fitness to proceed, an expert may be
  appointed to conduct the examination only if the expert is
  qualified under Subchapter B, Chapter 46B, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, to examine a defendant in a criminal case, and the
  examination and the report resulting from an examination under this
  subsection must comply with the requirements under Subchapter B,
  Chapter 46B, Code of Criminal Procedure, for the examination and
  resulting report of a defendant in a criminal case.
         (b)  If, after conducting an examination of a child ordered
  under Subsection (a) and reviewing any other relevant information,
  there is reason to believe that the child has a mental illness or an
  intellectual disability [mental retardation] or suffers from
  chemical dependency, the probation department shall refer the child
  to the local mental health authority or local intellectual and
  developmental disability [mental retardation] authority or to
  another appropriate and legally authorized agency or provider for
  evaluation and services, unless the prosecuting attorney has filed
  a petition under Section 53.04.
         (c)  If, while a child is under deferred prosecution
  supervision or court-ordered probation, a qualified professional
  determines that the child has a mental illness or an intellectual
  disability [mental retardation] or suffers from chemical
  dependency and the child is not currently receiving treatment
  services for the mental illness, intellectual disability [mental
  retardation], or chemical dependency, the probation department
  shall refer the child to the local mental health authority or local
  intellectual and developmental disability [mental retardation]
  authority or to another appropriate and legally authorized agency
  or provider for evaluation and services.
         (d)  A probation department shall report each referral of a
  child to a local mental health authority or local intellectual and
  developmental disability [mental retardation] authority or another
  agency or provider made under Subsection (b) or (c) to the Texas
  Juvenile Justice Department in a format specified by the
         SECTION 2.  Section 54.0408, Family Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
  [MENTAL RETARDATION] AUTHORITY. A juvenile probation officer shall
  refer a child who has been determined to have a mental illness or an
  intellectual disability [mental retardation] to an appropriate
  local mental health authority or local intellectual and
  developmental disability [mental retardation] authority at least
  three months before the child is to complete the child's juvenile
  probation term unless the child is currently receiving treatment
  from the local mental health authority or local intellectual and
  developmental disability [mental retardation] authority of the
  county in which the child resides.
         SECTION 3.  Section 58.0051(a)(2), Family Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
               (2)  "Juvenile service provider" means a governmental
  entity that provides juvenile justice or prevention, medical,
  educational, or other support services to a juvenile.  The term
                     (A)  a state or local juvenile justice agency as
  defined by Section 58.101;
                     (B)  health and human services agencies, as
  defined by Section 531.001, Government Code, and the Health and
  Human Services Commission;
                     (C)  the Department of Family and Protective
                     (D)  the Department of Public Safety;
                     (E)  the Texas Education Agency;
                     (F)  an independent school district;
                     (G)  a juvenile justice alternative education
                     (H)  a charter school;
                     (I)  a local mental health authority or local
  intellectual and developmental disability [mental retardation]
                     (J)  a court with jurisdiction over juveniles;
                     (K)  a district attorney's office;
                     (L)  a county attorney's office; and
                     (M)  a children's advocacy center established
  under Section 264.402.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.