88R15438 BEE-D
  By: Goldman, Turner, Sherman, Sr., Leach, H.B. No. 718
      González of Dallas, et al.
  relating to the issuance of certain tags, permits, and license
  plates authorizing the movement of vehicles.
         SECTION 1.  Section 501.022(d), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (d)  Subsection (c) does not apply to a motor vehicle
  operated on a public highway in this state with a metal dealer's
  license plate [or a dealer's or buyer's temporary tag] attached to
  the vehicle as provided by Chapter 503.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 501.0236(b) and (d), Transportation
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A purchaser to whom this section applies may apply for[:
               [(1)]  a title in the manner prescribed by the
  department by rule[; and
               [(2)  on expiration of the buyer's tag issued to the
  purchaser under Section 503.063, a 30-day permit under Section
         (d)  The department shall waive the payment of fees for[:
               [(1)]  a title issued to a purchaser described by this
  section[,] if the purchaser can show that fees for a title were paid
  to the dealer[; and
               [(2)  one 30-day permit issued to a purchaser described
  by this section].
         SECTION 3.  The heading to Section 502.043, Transportation
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 4.  Sections 502.043(a) and (b), Transportation
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  An application for vehicle registration [or a permit
  described by Section 502.094 or 502.095] must:
               (1)  be made in a manner prescribed and include the
  information required by the department by rule; and
               (2)  contain a full description of the vehicle as
  required by department rule.
         (b)  The department shall deny the registration of [or
  permitting under Section 502.094 or 502.095 of] a commercial motor
  vehicle, truck-tractor, trailer, or semitrailer if the applicant:
               (1)  has a business operated, managed, or otherwise
  controlled or affiliated with a person who is ineligible for
  registration or whose privilege to operate has been suspended,
  including the applicant entity, a relative, family member,
  corporate officer, or shareholder;
               (2)  has a vehicle that has been prohibited from
  operating by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for
  safety-related reasons;
               (3)  is a carrier whose business is operated, managed,
  or otherwise controlled or affiliated with a person who is
  ineligible for registration, including the owner, a relative, a
  family member, a corporate officer, or a shareholder; or
               (4)  fails to deliver to the county assessor-collector
  proof of the weight of the vehicle, the maximum load to be carried
  on the vehicle, and the gross weight for which the vehicle is to be
         SECTION 5.  Section 502.059(e), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (e)  Subsection (c) does not apply to:
               (1)  the issuance of specialized license plates as
  designated by the department, including state official license
  plates and[,] exempt plates for governmental entities[, and
  temporary registration plates]; or
               (2)  the issuance or validation of replacement license
  plates, except as provided by Chapter 504.
         SECTION 6.  Section 502.255(g), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (g)  This section does not apply to:
               (1)  a combination of vehicles that includes a vehicle
  that has a distinguishing license plate under Section 502.146;
               (2)  a truck-tractor or commercial motor vehicle
  registered or to be registered with $5 distinguishing license
  plates for which the vehicle is eligible under this chapter;
               (3)  a truck-tractor or commercial motor vehicle used
  exclusively in combination with a semitrailer of the travel trailer
  type; or
               (4)  a vehicle registered or to be registered[:
                     [(A)  with a temporary registration permit;
                     [(B)]  under Section 502.433[;] or
                     [(C)  under Section] 502.435.
         SECTION 7.  Section 502.410(b), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply to a statement or
  application filed or given under Section 502.060, [502.092,
  502.093, 502.094, 502.095,] 504.201, 504.202(b-1), 504.508, or
         SECTION 8.  Sections 503.038(a) and (c), Transportation
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department may cancel a dealer's general
  distinguishing number if the dealer:
               (1)  falsifies or forges a title document, including an
  affidavit making application for a certified copy of a title;
               (2)  files a false or forged tax document, including a
  sales tax affidavit;
               (3)  fails to take assignment of any basic evidence of
  ownership, including a certificate of title or manufacturer's
  certificate, for a vehicle the dealer acquires;
               (4)  fails to assign any basic evidence of ownership,
  including a certificate of title or manufacturer's certificate, for
  a vehicle the dealer sells;
               (5)  uses or permits the use of a metal dealer's license
  plate [or a dealer's temporary tag] on a vehicle that the dealer
  does not own or control or that is not in stock and offered for sale;
               (6)  makes a material misrepresentation in an
  application or other information filed with the department;
               (7)  fails to maintain the qualifications for a general
  distinguishing number;
               (8)  fails to provide to the department within 30 days
  after the date of demand by the department satisfactory and
  reasonable evidence that the person is regularly and actively
  engaged in business as a wholesale or retail dealer;
               (9)  has been licensed for at least 12 months and has
  not assigned at least five vehicles during the previous 12-month
               (10)  has failed to demonstrate compliance with
  Sections 23.12, 23.121, and 23.122, Tax Code;
               (11)  uses or allows the use of the dealer's general
  distinguishing number or the location for which the general
  distinguishing number is issued to avoid the requirements of this
  chapter; or
               (12)  [misuses or allows the misuse of a temporary tag
  authorized under this chapter;
               [(13)  refuses to show on a buyer's temporary tag the
  date of sale or other reasonable information required by the
  department; or
               [(14)]  otherwise violates this chapter or a rule
  adopted under this chapter.
         (c)  A person whose general distinguishing number is
  canceled under this chapter shall surrender to a representative of
  the department each license, license plate, [temporary tag,]
  sticker, and receipt issued under this chapter not later than the
  10th day after the date the general distinguishing number is
  canceled. The department shall direct any peace officer to secure
  and return to the department any plate, [tag,] sticker, or receipt
  of a person who does not comply with this subsection.
         SECTION 9.  Section 503.063, Transportation Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  [BUYER'S TEMPORARY TAGS]. (a) Except as provided by this section,
  a dealer shall issue to a person who buys a vehicle:
               (1)  a license plate or set of license plates, if a
  license plate is required by law to be displayed on [one temporary
  buyer's tag for] the vehicle; and
               (2)  a completed and signed form required by, as
  applicable, Section 503.0631(c) or (d).
         (b)  A license plate or set of license plates issued under
  this section [Except as provided by this section, the buyer's tag]
  is valid for the operation of the vehicle while the registration
  application submitted by the dealer on behalf of the buyer under
  Section 501.0234 is pending [until the earlier of:
               [(1)  the date on which the vehicle is registered; or
               [(2)  the 60th day after the date of purchase].
         (c)  At the time of issuance of a license plate or set of
  license plates under this section, the [The] dealer[:
               [(1) must show in ink on the buyer's tag the actual date
  of sale and any other required information; and
               [(2)]  is responsible for displaying the license plate
  or set of license plates in compliance with department rules
  regarding the placement of license plates [tag].
         (d)  The dealer is responsible for the safekeeping and
  distribution of each license plate or set of license plates
  [buyer's tag] the dealer obtains from the department.
         (e)  A dealer shall obtain license plates and sets of license
  plates from the [The] department in the manner provided by
  department rules [may not issue a buyer's tag or contract for the
  issuance of a buyer's tag but shall prescribe:
               [(1)  the specifications, color, and form of a buyer's
  tag; and
               [(2)  procedures for a dealer to:
                     [(A)  generate a vehicle-specific number using
  the database developed under Section 503.0631 and assign it to each
                     [(B)  generate a vehicle-specific number using
  the database developed under Section 503.0631 for future use for
  when a dealer is unable to access the Internet at the time of sale;
                     [(C)  clearly display the vehicle-specific number
  on the tag].
         (f)  The department shall ensure that a dealer may obtain
  [generate] in advance a sufficient amount of license plates or sets
  of license plates [vehicle-specific numbers under Subsection
  (e)(2)(B)] in order to continue selling vehicles without an
  unreasonable disruption of business due to the unavailability of
  license plates [for a period of up to one week in which a dealer is
  unable to access the Internet due to an emergency]. The department
  shall establish an expedited procedure to allow a dealer [affected
  dealers] to obtain [apply for] additional license plates or sets of
  license plates [vehicle-specific numbers] so the dealer [they] may
  remain in business [during an emergency].
         (g)  For each license plate or set of license plates issued
  to a buyer under this section, the [buyer's temporary tag, a] dealer
  shall charge the buyer a registration fee [of not more than $5 as]
  prescribed by the department to be sent to the comptroller for
  deposit to the credit of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
         (h)  A federal, state, or local governmental agency that is
  exempt under Section 503.024 from the requirement to obtain a
  dealer general distinguishing number may issue one license plate or
  set of license plates [temporary buyer's tag] in accordance with
  this section for a vehicle sold or otherwise disposed of by the
  governmental agency under Chapter 2175, Government Code, or other
  law that authorizes the governmental agency to sell or otherwise
  dispose of the vehicle. A governmental agency that issues a license
  plate or set of license plates [temporary buyer's tag] under this
               (1)  is subject to the provisions of Section [Sections]
  503.0631 [and 503.067] applicable to a dealer; and
               (2)  is not required to charge the registration fee
  under Subsection (g).
         (i)  A vehicle may be issued and display a license plate or
  set of license plates under this section [buyer's tag] without
  satisfying the inspection requirements of Chapter 548 if:
               (1)  the buyer of the vehicle is not a resident of this
  state; and
               (2)  the vehicle:
                     (A)  at the time of purchase, is not located or
  required to be titled or registered in this state;
                     (B)  will be titled and registered in accordance
  with the laws of the buyer's state of residence; and
                     (C)  will be inspected in accordance with the laws
  of the buyer's state of residence, if the laws of that state require
         (j)  A vehicle may be issued and display a license plate or
  set of license plates under this section [buyer's tag] without
  satisfying the inspection requirements of Chapter 548 if the
  vehicle is purchased at public auction in this state and is:
               (1)  an antique vehicle as defined by Section
  683.077(b); or
               (2)  a special interest vehicle as defined by Section
  683.077(b) that:
                     (A)  is at least 12 years of age; and
                     (B)  has been the subject of a retail sale.
         (k)  A dealer may not issue a license plate or set of license
  plates for a vehicle that is exempt from the payment of registration
  fees under Subchapter J, Chapter 502, until the department approves
  the application for registration of the vehicle.
         SECTION 10.  The heading to Section 503.0631, Transportation
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 503.0631.  [BUYER'S TEMPORARY TAG] DATABASE OF
         SECTION 11.  Section 503.0631, Transportation Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) and adding
  Subsections (c-1), (d-1), and (d-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  The department shall develop, manage, and maintain a
  secure, real-time database of information on buyers [persons] to
  whom dealers issue a license plate or set of license plates under
  Section 503.063 [temporary buyer's tags are issued] that may be
  used by a law enforcement agency in the same manner that the agency
  uses vehicle registration information.
         (b)  The database must allow law enforcement agencies to use
  the information required to be included on a license plate [a
  vehicle-specific number assigned to and displayed on the tag as
  required by Section 503.063(e)(2)] to obtain information about the
  person to whom the license plate [tag] was issued.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), before a license
  plate or set of license plates issued under Section 503.063
  [buyer's temporary tag] may be displayed on a vehicle, a dealer
  must, as prescribed by the department:
               (1)  enter into the database through the Internet
  information about the buyer of the vehicle for which the license
  plate or set of license plates [tag] was issued; [as prescribed by
  the department] and
               (2)  complete and sign a form prescribed by the
  department stating that the dealer entered the buyer's information
  into the database as required by Subdivision (1) [generate a
  vehicle-specific number for the tag as required by Section
         (c-1)  Except as provided by Section 503.0633(f)
  [506.0632(f)], the department may not deny access to the database
  to any dealer who holds a general distinguishing number issued
  under this chapter or who is licensed under Chapter 2301,
  Occupations Code.
         (d)  A dealer shall obtain 24-hour Internet access at its
  place of business, but if the dealer is unable to access the
  Internet at the time of the sale of a vehicle, the dealer shall
  complete and sign a form, as prescribed by the department, that
  states the dealer has Internet access, but was unable to access the
  Internet at the time of sale to enter the buyer's information into
  the database as required by Subsection (c). [The buyer shall keep
  the original copy of the form in the vehicle until the vehicle is
  registered to the buyer.] Not later than the next business day
  after the time of sale, the dealer shall submit the information
  required under Subsection (c).
         (d-1)  The forms prescribed by the department under
  Subsections (c) and (d) must contain a notice to the buyer
  describing the procedure by which the vehicle's registration
  insignia will be provided to the buyer.
         (d-2)  Until a vehicle displaying a license plate or set of
  license plates issued under Section 503.063 is registered to the
  buyer, the buyer shall keep in the vehicle the original copy of the
  form provided by the dealer as required by, as applicable,
  Subsection (c) or (d).
         SECTION 12.  Subchapter C, Chapter 503, Transportation Code,
  is amended by adding Section 503.0633 to read as follows:
  PLATES.  (a) The department by rule may establish the maximum
  number of license plates or sets of license plates that a dealer may
  obtain in a calendar year under Section 503.063.
         (b)  The maximum number of license plates or sets of license
  plates that the department determines a dealer may obtain under
  this section must be based on the dealer's anticipated need for
  license plates and sets of license plates, taking into
               (1)  the dealer's:
                     (A)  time in operation;
                     (B)  sales data; and
                     (C)  expected growth;
               (2)  expected changes in the dealer's market;
               (3)  temporary conditions that may affect sales by the
  dealer; and
               (4)  any other information the department considers
         (c)  At the request of a dealer, the department may authorize
  additional license plates or sets of license plates for the dealer
  if the dealer demonstrates a need for additional license plates or
  sets of license plates resulting from business operations,
  including anticipated need.
         (d)  The department's denial of a request under Subsection
  (c) may be overturned if a dealer shows by a preponderance of the
  evidence the need for additional license plates or sets of license
         (e)  The department shall monitor the number of license
  plates and sets of license plates obtained by a dealer.
         (f)  If the department determines that a dealer is
  fraudulently obtaining license plates or sets of license plates or
  fraudulently using the database of dealer-issued license plates,
  the department may, after giving notice electronically and by
  certified mail to the dealer, deny access to the database of
  dealer-issued license plates to the dealer. A dealer denied access
  to the database of dealer-issued license plates under this
  subsection may request a hearing on the denial as provided by
  Subchapter O, Chapter 2301, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 13.  Subchapter C, Chapter 503, Transportation Code,
  is amended by adding Section 503.0671 to read as follows:
  DEALER-ISSUED LICENSE PLATE. (a) A person may not operate a
  vehicle that displays a dealer-issued license plate or set of
  license plates in violation of this chapter or Chapter 502.
         (b)  A person may not sell or distribute a dealer-issued
  license plate or set of license plates or an item represented to be
  a dealer-issued license plate or set of license plates unless the
  person is a dealer issuing the license plate or set of license
  plates in connection with the sale of a vehicle.
         SECTION 14.  The heading to Section 503.068, Transportation
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 15.  Sections 503.068(b), (c), and (d),
  Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A person may not use a metal dealer's license plate [or
  dealer's temporary tag] on:
               (1)  a service or work vehicle, except as provided by
  Subsection (b-1); or
               (2)  a commercial vehicle that is carrying a load.
         (c)  For purposes of this section, a boat trailer carrying a
  boat is not a commercial vehicle carrying a load.  A dealer
  complying with this chapter may affix to the rear of a boat trailer
  the dealer owns or sells a metal dealer's license plate issued under
  Section 503.061 or dealer-issued license plate [temporary tag]
  issued under Section [503.061, 503.062, or] 503.063.
         (d)  This section does not prohibit the operation or
  conveyance of an unregistered vehicle using the full-mount method,
  saddle-mount method, tow-bar method, or a combination of those
  methods in accordance with Section [503.062 or] 503.063.
         SECTION 16.  The heading to Section 503.069, Transportation
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 503.069.  DISPLAY OF LICENSE PLATES [AND TAGS].
         SECTION 17.  Section 503.069(a), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A license plate, other than an in-transit license plate,
  [or a temporary tag] issued under this chapter shall be displayed in
  accordance with commission rules.
         SECTION 18.  Section 504.007(f), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (f)  Subsection (e) does not apply to the issuance of
  specialized license plates for limited distribution, including
  exempt plates for governmental entities [and temporary
  registration plates].
         SECTION 19.  Section 520.051(3), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (3)  "Title documents" means motor vehicle title
  applications, motor vehicle registration renewal applications,
  motor vehicle mechanic's lien title applications, motor vehicle
  storage lien title applications, [motor vehicle temporary
  registration permits,] motor vehicle title application transfers
  occasioned by the death of the title holder, or notifications under
  Chapter 683 of this code or Chapter 70, Property Code.
         SECTION 20.  Section 548.052, Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 548.052.  VEHICLES NOT SUBJECT TO INSPECTION. This
  chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer, or mobile
  home moving under or bearing a current factory-delivery license
  plate or current in-transit license plate;
               (2)  a vehicle moving under or bearing a [paper dealer
  in-transit tag,] machinery license, disaster license, parade
  license, prorate tab, [one-trip permit, vehicle temporary transit
  permit,] antique license, custom vehicle license, street rod
  license, [temporary 24-hour permit,] or permit license;
               (3)  a trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer, or mobile
  home having an actual gross weight or registered gross weight of
  7,500 pounds or less;
               (4)  farm machinery, road-building equipment, a farm
  trailer, or a vehicle required to display a slow-moving-vehicle
  emblem under Section 547.703;
               (5)  a former military vehicle, as defined by Section
               (6)  a vehicle qualified for a tax exemption under
  Section 152.092, Tax Code; or
               (7)  a vehicle for which a certificate of title has been
  issued but that is not required to be registered, including an
  off-highway vehicle registered under Section 502.140(c).
         SECTION 21.  Section 601.002(12), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (12)  "Vehicle registration" means:
                     (A)  a registration certificate, registration
  receipt, or number plate issued under Chapter 502; or
                     (B)  a dealer's license plate [or temporary tag]
  issued under Chapter 503.
         SECTION 22.  Section 648.101(a), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A foreign commercial motor vehicle is exempt from
  Chapter 502 and any other law of this state requiring the vehicle to
  be registered in this state[, including a law providing for a
  temporary registration permit,] if:
               (1)  the vehicle is engaged solely in transportation of
  cargo across the border into or from a border commercial zone;
               (2)  for each load of cargo transported the vehicle
  remains in this state:
                     (A)  not more than 24 hours; or
                     (B)  not more than 48 hours, if:
                           (i)  the vehicle is unable to leave this
  state within 24 hours because of circumstances beyond the control
  of the motor carrier operating the vehicle; and
                           (ii)  all financial responsibility
  requirements applying to the vehicle are satisfied;
               (3)  the vehicle is registered and licensed as required
  by the country in which the person that owns the vehicle is
  domiciled or is a citizen as evidenced by a valid metal license
  plate attached to the front or rear of the exterior of the vehicle;
               (4)  the country in which the person that owns the
  vehicle is domiciled or is a citizen provides a reciprocal
  exemption for commercial motor vehicles owned by residents of this
         SECTION 23.  Section 418.016(f), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (f)  The governor may suspend any of the following
  requirements in response to an emergency or disaster declaration of
  another jurisdiction if strict compliance with the requirement
  would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in assisting
  another state with coping with an emergency or disaster:
               (1)  a registration requirement in an agreement entered
  into under the International Registration Plan under Section
  502.091, Transportation Code, to the extent authorized by federal
               (2)  [a temporary registration permit requirement
  under Section 502.094, Transportation Code;
               [(3)]  a provision of Subtitle E, Title 7,
  Transportation Code, to the extent authorized by federal law;
               (3) [(4)]  a motor carrier registration requirement
  under Chapter 643, Transportation Code;
               (4) [(5)]  a registration requirement under Chapter
  645, Transportation Code, to the extent authorized by federal law;
               (5) [(6)]  a fuel tax requirement under the
  International Fuel Tax Agreement described by 49 U.S.C. Section
  31701 et seq., to the extent authorized by federal law.
         SECTION 24.  The following provisions of the Transportation
  Code are repealed:
               (1)  Section 502.092;
               (2)  Section 502.093;
               (3)  Section 502.094;
               (4)  Section 502.095;
               (5)  Section 502.474;
               (6)  Section 502.476;
               (7)  Section 502.477;
               (8)  Section 502.492;
               (9)  Section 503.062;
               (10)  Section 503.0625;
               (11)  Section 503.0626;
               (12)  Section 503.0632;
               (13)  Section 503.065;
               (14)  Section 503.067;
               (15)  Section 503.068(a); and
               (16)  Section 503.094(d).
         SECTION 25.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only
  to an offense committed on or after March 1, 2025. An offense
  committed before March 1, 2025, is governed by the law in effect on
  the date the offense was committed, and the former law is continued
  in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section, an
  offense was committed before March 1, 2025, if any element of the
  offense was committed before that date.
         SECTION 26.  Not later than March 1, 2024, the Texas
  Department of Motor Vehicles shall:
               (1)  adopt rules necessary to implement the changes in
  law made by this Act; and
               (2)  create the database described by Section 503.0631,
  Transportation Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 27.  To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails
  over another Act of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023,
  relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted
         SECTION 28.  (a) Except as otherwise provided by Subsection
  (b) of this section, this Act takes effect March 1, 2025.
         (b)  Section 26 of this Act takes effect September 1, 2023.