By: Martinez Fischer H.B. No. 1129
  relating to the creation of a health insurance risk pool for certain
  health benefit plan enrollees; authorizing an assessment.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle G, Title 8, Insurance Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 1511 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1511.0001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the board of directors appointed
  under this chapter.
               (2)  "Pool" means a health insurance risk pool
  established under this chapter and administered by the board.
         Sec. 1511.0002.  WAIVER. The commissioner shall:
               (1)  apply to the United States secretary of health and
  human services under 42 U.S.C. Section 18052 for a waiver of Section
  1312(c)(1) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub.
  L. No. 111-148) and any applicable regulations or guidance
  beginning with the 2022 plan year;
               (2)  take any action the commissioner considers
  appropriate to make an application under Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  implement a state plan that meets the requirements
  of a waiver granted in response to an application under Subdivision
  (1) if the plan is:
                     (A)  consistent with state and federal law; and
                     (B)  approved by the United States secretary of
  health and human services.
         Sec. 1511.0003.  EXEMPTION FROM STATE TAXES AND FEES.
  Notwithstanding any other law, a program created under this chapter
  is not subject to any state tax, regulatory fee, or surcharge,
  including a premium or maintenance tax or fee.
         Sec. 1511.0004.  NOTICE AND COMMENT. Following the grant of
  a waiver under Section 1511.0002 and before the commissioner
  implements a state plan under that section, the commissioner shall
  hold a public hearing to solicit stakeholder comments regarding the
  establishment of a health insurance risk pool under this chapter.
  POOL. To the extent that federal money is available and only if the
  United States secretary of health and human services grants the
  waiver application submitted under Section 1511.0002, the
  commissioner shall:
               (1)  apply for the federal money;
               (2)  use the federal money to establish a pool for the
  purpose of this chapter; and
               (3)  authorize the board to use the federal money to
  administer a pool for the purpose of this chapter.
         Sec. 1511.0052.  PURPOSE OF POOL. The purpose of the pool is
  to provide a reinsurance mechanism to:
               (1)  meaningfully reduce health benefit plan premiums
  in the individual market by mitigating the impact of high-risk
  individuals on rates;
               (2)  maximize available federal money to assist
  residents of this state to obtain guaranteed issue health benefit
  coverage without increasing the federal deficit; and
               (3)  increase enrollment in guaranteed issue,
  individual market health benefit plans that provide benefits and
  coverage and cost-sharing protections against out-of-pocket costs
  comparable to and as comprehensive as health benefit plans that
  would be available without the pool.
         Sec. 1511.0101.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS. (a) The pool is
  governed by a board of directors.
         (b)  The board consists of nine members appointed by the
  commissioner as follows:
               (1)  at least two, but not more than four, members must
  be individuals who are affiliated with a health benefit plan issuer
  authorized to write health benefit plans in this state;
               (2)  at least two members must be:
                     (A)  individuals or the parents of individuals who
  are covered by the pool or are reasonably expected to qualify for
  coverage by the pool; or
                     (B)  individuals who work as advocates for
  individuals described by Paragraph (A); and
               (3)  the other members may be selected from individuals
  such as:
                     (A)  a physician licensed to practice in this
  state by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners;
                     (B)  a hospital administrator;
                     (C)  an advanced nurse practitioner; or
                     (D)  a representative of the public who is not:
                           (i)  employed by or affiliated with an
  insurance company or insurance plan, group hospital service
  corporation, or health maintenance organization;
                           (ii)  related within the first degree of
  consanguinity or affinity to an individual described by 
  Subparagraph (i); or
                           (iii)  licensed as, employed by, or
  affiliated with a physician, hospital, or other health care
         (c)  For purposes of Subsection (b), an individual who is
  required to register under Chapter 305, Government Code, because of
  the individual's activities with respect to health benefit
  plan-related matters is affiliated with a health benefit plan
         (d)  An individual is not disqualified under Subsection
  (b)(3)(D)(i) from representing the public if the individual's only
  affiliation with an insurance company or insurance plan, group
  hospital service corporation, or health maintenance organization
  is as an insured or as an individual who has coverage through a plan
  provided by the corporation or organization.
         Sec. 1511.0102.  TERMS; VACANCY. (a) Board members serve
  staggered six-year terms.
         (b)  The commissioner shall fill a vacancy on the board by
  appointing, for the unexpired term, an individual who has the
  appropriate qualifications to fill that position.
         Sec. 1511.0103.  PRESIDING OFFICER. The commissioner shall
  designate one board member to serve as presiding officer at the
  pleasure of the commissioner.
         Sec. 1511.0104.  PER DIEM; REIMBURSEMENT. A board member is
  not entitled to compensation for service on the board but is
  entitled to:
               (1)  a per diem in the amount provided by the General
  Appropriations Act for state officials for each day the member
  performs duties as a board member; and
               (2)  reimbursement of expenses incurred while
  performing duties as a board member in the amount provided by the
  General Appropriations Act for state officials.
         Sec. 1511.0105.  MEMBER'S IMMUNITY. (a) A board member is
  not liable for an act or omission made in good faith in the
  performance of powers and duties under this chapter.
         (b)  A cause of action does not arise against a board member
  for an act or omission described by Subsection (a).
         Sec. 1511.0106.  ADDITIONAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The
  commissioner by rule may establish powers and duties of the board in
  addition to those provided by this chapter.
         Sec. 1511.0107.  PLAN OF OPERATION. (a) Operation and
  management of the pool are governed by a plan of operation adopted
  by the board and approved by the commissioner. The plan of operation
  includes the articles, bylaws, and operating rules of the pool.
         (b)  The plan of operation must ensure the fair, reasonable,
  and equitable administration of the pool.
         (c)  The board shall amend the plan of operation as necessary
  to carry out this chapter. An amendment to the plan of operation
  must be approved by the commissioner before the board may adopt the
  MARKET. Subject to any requirements to obtain federal money for the
  pool, the board may use pool money to achieve lower enrollee premium
  rates by establishing a reinsurance mechanism for health benefit
  plan issuers writing comprehensive, guaranteed issue coverage in
  the individual market.
  COVERAGE. The board shall use pool money to increase enrollment in
  guaranteed issue coverage in the individual market in a manner that
  ensures that the benefits and cost-sharing protections available in
  the individual market are maintained in the same manner the
  benefits and protections would be maintained without the waiver
  described by Section 1511.0002.
         Sec. 1511.0153.  CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS. The board may
  enter into a contract or agreement that the board determines is
  appropriate to carry out this chapter, including a contract or
  agreement with:
               (1)  a similar pool in another state for the joint
  performance of common administrative functions;
               (2)  another organization for the performance of
  administrative functions; or
               (3)  a federal agency.
         Sec. 1511.0154.  RULES. The commissioner and board may
  adopt rules necessary to implement this chapter, including rules to
  administer the pool and distribute pool money.
         Sec. 1511.0155.  PROCEDURES, CRITERIA, AND FORMS. The board
  by rule shall provide the procedures, criteria, and forms necessary
  to implement, collect, and deposit assessments under Subchapter E.
         Sec. 1511.0156.  PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH. (a) The
  board may develop and implement public education, outreach, and
  facilitated enrollment strategies under this chapter.
         (b)  The board may contract with marketing organizations to
  perform or provide assistance with the strategies described by
  Subsection (a).
         Sec. 1511.0157.  AUTHORITY TO ACT AS REINSURER. In addition
  to the powers granted to the board under this chapter, the board may
  exercise any authority that may be exercised under the law of this
  state by a reinsurer.
         Sec. 1511.0201.  FUNDING. The commissioner may use money
  appropriated to the department to:
               (1)  apply for federal money and grants; and
               (2)  implement this chapter.
         Sec. 1511.0202.  ASSESSMENTS. (a) The board may assess
  health benefit plan issuers, including making advance interim
  assessments, as reasonable and necessary for the pool's
  organizational and interim operating expenses.
         (b)  The board shall credit an interim assessment as an
  offset against any regular assessment that is due after the end of
  the fiscal year.
         (c)  The regular assessment is the amount calculated under
  Section 1511.0204.
         (d)  The board shall deposit money from the interim and
  regular assessments described by this section in an account
  established outside the treasury and administered by the board.
  Money in the account may be spent without an appropriation and may
  be used only for purposes authorized by this chapter.
         Sec. 1511.0203.  DETERMINATION OF POOL FUNDING
  REQUIREMENTS. After the end of each fiscal year, the board shall
  determine for the next calendar year the amount of money required by
  the pool to reduce enrollee premiums in accordance with this
  chapter after applying the federal money obtained under this
  REQUIREMENTS. (a) The board shall recover an amount equal to the
  funding required as determined under Section 1511.0203 by assessing
  each health benefit plan issuer an amount determined annually by
  the board based on information in annual statements, the health
  benefit plan issuer's annual report to the board under Sections
  1511.0251 and 1511.0252, and any other reports required by and
  filed with the board.
         (b)  The board shall use the total number of enrolled
  individuals reported by all health benefit plan issuers under
  Section 1511.0252 as of the preceding December 31 to compute the
  amount of a health benefit plan issuer's assessment, if any, in
  accordance with this subsection. The board shall allocate the
  total amount to be assessed based on the total number of enrolled
  individuals covered by excess loss, stop-loss, or reinsurance
  policies and on the total number of other enrolled individuals as
  determined under Section 1511.0252. To compute the amount of a
  health benefit plan issuer's assessment:
               (1)  for the issuer's enrolled individuals covered by
  an excess loss, stop-loss, or reinsurance policy, the board shall:
                     (A)  divide the allocated amount to be assessed by
  the total number of enrolled individuals covered by excess loss,
  stop-loss, or reinsurance policies, as determined under Section
  1511.0252, to determine the per capita amount; and
                     (B)  multiply the number of a health benefit plan
  issuer's enrolled individuals covered by an excess loss, stop-loss,
  or reinsurance policy, as determined under Section 1511.0252, by
  the per capita amount to determine the amount assessed to that
  health benefit plan issuer; and
               (2)  for the issuer's enrolled individuals not covered
  by excess loss, stop-loss, or reinsurance policies, the board,
  using the gross health benefit plan premiums reported for the
  preceding calendar year by health benefit plan issuers under
  Section 1511.0253, shall:
                     (A)  divide the gross premium collected by a
  health benefit plan issuer by the gross premium collected by all
  health benefit plan issuers; and
                     (B)  multiply the allocated amount to be assessed
  by the fraction computed under Paragraph (A) to determine the
  amount assessed to that health benefit plan issuer.
         (c)  A small employer health benefit plan described by
  Chapter 1501 is not subject to an assessment under this section.
         Sec. 1511.0205.  ASSESSMENT DUE DATE; INTEREST. (a) An
  assessment is due on the date specified by the board that is not
  earlier than the 30th day after the date written notice of the
  assessment is transmitted to the health benefit plan issuer.
         (b)  Interest accrues on the unpaid amount of an assessment
  at a rate equal to the prime lending rate, as published in the most
  recent issue of the Wall Street Journal and determined as of the
  first day of each month during which the assessment is delinquent,
  plus three percent.
         Sec. 1511.0206.  ABATEMENT OR DEFERMENT OF ASSESSMENT. (a)
  A health benefit plan issuer may petition the board for an abatement
  or deferment of all or part of an assessment imposed by the board.
  The board may abate or defer all or part of the assessment if the
  board determines that payment of the assessment would endanger the
  ability of the health benefit plan issuer to fulfill its
  contractual obligations.
         (b)  If all or part of an assessment against a health benefit
  plan issuer is abated or deferred, the amount of the abatement or
  deferment shall be assessed against the other health benefit plan
  issuers in a manner consistent with the method for computing
  assessments under this chapter.
         (c)  A health benefit plan issuer receiving an abatement or
  deferment under this section remains liable to the pool for the
         Sec. 1511.0207.  USE OF EXCESS FROM ASSESSMENTS. If the
  total amount of the assessments exceeds the pool's actual losses
  and administrative expenses, the board shall credit each health
  benefit plan issuer with the excess in an amount proportionate to
  the amount the health benefit plan issuer paid in assessments. The
  credit may be paid to the health benefit plan issuer or applied to
  future assessments under this chapter.
         Sec. 1511.0208.  COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS. The pool may
  recover or collect assessments made under this subchapter.
  INFORMATION. Each health benefit plan issuer shall report to the
  board the information requested by the board, as of December 31 of
  the preceding year.
  INDIVIDUALS. (a) Each health benefit plan issuer shall report to
  the board the number of residents of this state enrolled, as of
  December 31 of the preceding year, in the issuer's health benefit
  plans providing coverage for residents in this state, as:
               (1)  an employee under a group health benefit plan; or
               (2)  an individual policyholder or subscriber.
         (b)  In determining the number of individuals to report under
  Subsection (a)(1), the health benefit plan issuer shall include
  each employee for whom a premium is paid and coverage is provided
  under an excess loss, stop-loss, or reinsurance policy issued by
  the issuer to an employer or group health benefit plan providing
  coverage for employees in this state. A health benefit plan issuer
  providing excess loss insurance, stop-loss insurance, or
  reinsurance, as described by this subsection, for a primary health
  benefit plan issuer may not report individuals reported by the
  primary health benefit plan issuer.
         (c)  Ten employees covered by a health benefit plan issuer
  under a policy of excess loss insurance, stop-loss insurance, or
  reinsurance count as one employee for purposes of determining that
  health benefit plan issuer's assessment.
         (d)  In determining the number of individuals to report under
  this section, the health benefit plan issuer shall exclude:
               (1)  the dependents of the employee or an individual
  policyholder or subscriber; and
               (2)  individuals who are covered by the health benefit
  plan issuer under a Medicare supplement benefit plan subject to
  Chapter 1652.
         (e)  In determining the number of enrolled individuals to
  report under this section, the health benefit plan issuer shall
  exclude individuals who are retired employees 65 years of age or
         Sec. 1511.0253.  ANNUAL ISSUER REPORT TO BOARD: GROSS
  PREMIUMS. (a) Each health benefit plan issuer shall report to the
  board the gross premiums collected for the preceding calendar year
  for health benefit plans.
         (b)  For purposes of this section, gross health benefit plan
  premiums do not include premiums collected for:
               (1)  coverage under a Medicare supplement benefit plan
  subject to Chapter 1652;
               (2)  coverage under a small employer health benefit
  plan subject to Chapter 1501;
               (3)  coverage:
                     (A)  for wages or payments in lieu of wages for a
  period during which an employee is absent from work because of
  accident or disability;
                     (B)  as a supplement to a liability insurance
                     (C)  for credit insurance;
                     (D)  only for dental or vision care; or
                     (E)  only for a specified disease or illness;
               (4)  a workers' compensation insurance policy;
               (5)  medical payment insurance coverage provided under
  a motor vehicle insurance policy;
               (6)  a long-term care policy, including a nursing home
  fixed indemnity policy, unless the commissioner determines that the
  policy provides comprehensive health benefit plan coverage;
               (7)  liability insurance coverage, including general
  liability insurance and automobile liability insurance;
               (8)  coverage for on-site medical clinics;
               (9)  insurance coverage under which benefits are
  payable with or without regard to fault and that is statutorily
  required to be contained in a liability insurance policy or
  equivalent self-insurance; or
               (10)  other similar insurance coverage, as specified by
  federal regulations issued under the Health Insurance Portability
  and Accountability Act of 1996 (Pub. L. No. 104-191), under which
  benefits for medical care are secondary or incidental to other
  insurance benefits.
  (a) Beginning June 1, 2022, not later than June 1 of each year, the
  board shall submit a report to the governor, lieutenant governor,
  and speaker of the house of representatives.
         (b)  The report submitted under Subsection (a) must include:
               (1)  a summary of the activities conducted under this
  chapter in the calendar year preceding the year in which the report
  is submitted;
               (2)  the average amount by which health benefit plan
  premiums were reduced in this state and in each rating region;
               (3)  the average change in each rating region in the
  amount of health benefit plan premiums paid by individuals who
  receive a premium subsidy under the Patient Protection and
  Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. No. 111-148); and
               (4)  an estimate of the change in each rating region in
  enrollment in health benefit plans due to the reduction in
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.