88R7299 MPF-F
  By: Campos H.B. No. 1463
  relating to a state plan and requirements for nursing facilities
  and related institutions that provide care and treatment for
  persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
         SECTION 1.  The heading to Section 242.040, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  Section 242.040, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (e), and (f) and
  adding Subsections (b-1), (b-2), and (b-3) to read as follows:
         (a)  The commission [department] shall establish a system
  for certifying institutions that meet standards adopted by the
  executive commissioner concerning the specialized care and
  treatment of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders. The commission may periodically modify the system and
  standards as the executive commissioner determines appropriate.
         (b)  An institution may [is] not [required to be certified
  under this section in order to] provide care and treatment for [of]
  persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders unless the
  institution holds a certification issued under this section.
         (b-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b) and subject to
  Subsection (b-2), an institution is not required to hold a
  certification issued under this section to provide care and
  treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders before January 1, 2033.
         (b-2)  An institution that is initially licensed under this
  chapter on or after January 1, 2025, must hold a certification
  issued under this section to provide care and treatment for persons
  with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.
         (b-3)  Subsections (b-1) and (b-2) and this subsection
  expire September 1, 2035.
         (c)  The executive commissioner by rule shall [may] adopt
  standards for the specialized care and treatment of persons with
  Alzheimer's disease and related disorders and provide procedures
  for institutions applying for certification under this section.
  The rules must provide for a three-year certification period.
         (e)  An institution may not advertise or otherwise
  communicate that the institution is certified by the commission
  [department] to provide specialized care or treatment for persons
  with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders unless the
  institution is certified under this section.
         (f)  The executive commissioner by rule shall adopt a system
  under which an appropriate number of certifications issued by the
  commission [department] expire on staggered dates occurring in each
  three-year period. If the expiration date of a certification
  changes as a result of this subsection, the commission [department]
  shall prorate the certification fee relating to that certification
  as appropriate. To the extent possible, the system must align the
  expiration date for an institution's certification under this
  section with the expiration date for the institution's license
  under this chapter.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter B, Chapter 242, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 242.0406 to read as follows:
  DISEASE AND RELATED DISORDERS. (a) The commission shall develop a
  state plan to certify under Section 242.040 each institution
  licensed under this chapter that provides care and treatment for
  persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders by January
  1, 2033. The executive commissioner must approve the state plan and
  shall adopt rules for implementing the approved state plan.
         (b)  In developing the state plan, the commission shall:
               (1)  conduct a study on certifying under Section
  242.040 each institution licensed under this chapter that provides
  care and treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders by January 1, 2033; and
               (2)  determine and consider in implementing the state
  plan the:
                     (A)  costs and challenges;
                     (B)  legal and technical issues; and
                     (C)  scheduling factors and time considerations.
         (c)  The state plan must require that:
               (1)  at least 10 percent of the total number of
  institutions licensed under this chapter that provide care and
  treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders be certified under Section 242.040 by January 1, 2025;
               (2)  at least 25 percent of the total number of
  institutions licensed under this chapter that provide care and
  treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders be certified under Section 242.040 by January 1, 2027;
               (3)  at least 50 percent of the total number of
  institutions licensed under this chapter that provide care and
  treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders be certified under Section 242.040 by January 1, 2029;
               (4)  at least 75 percent of the total number of
  institutions licensed under this chapter that provide care and
  treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders be certified under Section 242.040 by January 1, 2031;
               (5)  each institution licensed under this chapter that
  provides care and treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease
  and related disorders be certified under Section 242.040 by January
  1, 2033.
         (d)  The state plan may provide for reimbursement to
  institutions licensed under this chapter that provide care and
  treatment for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related
  disorders and that become certified under Section 242.040 in
  amounts based on the following schedule:
               (1)  for an institution certified by January 1, 2025,
  the state plan may reimburse the institution for 100 percent of the
  certification costs;
               (2)  for an institution certified by January 1, 2027,
  the state plan may reimburse the institution in an amount not to
  exceed 75 percent of the certification costs;
               (3)  for an institution certified by January 1, 2029,
  the state plan may reimburse the institution in an amount not to
  exceed 50 percent of the certification costs; and
               (4)  for an institution certified by January 1, 2031,
  the state plan may reimburse the institution in an amount not to
  exceed 25 percent of the certification costs.
         (e)  The commission may use existing resources and solicit
  and accept gifts, grants, and donations from any source to
  implement the state plan.
         (f)  This section expires September 1, 2035.
         SECTION 4.  Not later than September 1, 2024, the Health and
  Human Services Commission shall develop, and the executive
  commissioner of the commission shall approve and adopt, rules for
  implementing the state plan required by Section 242.0406, Health
  and Safety Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 5.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall adopt the rules necessary to implement
  the changes in law made by this Act.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.