relating to eligibility for a grant to reduce recidivism, arrest, |
and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. |
SECTION 1. Section 531.0993, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (c-1), (c-2), (d), (f-1), (g), |
(h), and (i) and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: |
(a) In this section, "qualified entity" means a |
county-based community collaborative or a nonprofit organization |
that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(a), |
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, by being listed as an exempt entity |
under Section 501(c)(3) of that code. |
(a-1) The commission shall establish a program to provide |
grants to qualified entities [county-based community |
collaboratives] for the purposes of reducing: |
(1) recidivism by, the frequency of arrests of, and |
incarceration of persons with mental illness; and |
(2) the total waiting time for forensic commitment of |
persons with mental illness to a state hospital. |
(b) A qualified entity that is a community collaborative may |
petition the commission for a grant under the program only if the |
collaborative includes a county, a local mental health authority |
that operates in the county, and each hospital district, if any, |
located in the county. A community collaborative may include other |
local entities designated by the collaborative's members. |
(c) The commission shall condition each grant provided to a |
qualified entity [community collaborative] under this section on |
the qualified entity [collaborative] providing funds from |
non-state sources in a total amount at least equal to: |
(1) 25 percent of the grant amount if the qualified |
entity that is a community collaborative includes or the qualified |
entity that is a nonprofit organization operates in a county with a |
population of less than 100,000; |
(2) 50 percent of the grant amount if the qualified |
entity [collaborative] includes or operates in a county with a |
population of 100,000 or more but less than 250,000; |
(3) 100 percent of the grant amount if the qualified |
entity [collaborative] includes or operates in a county with a |
population of 250,000 or more; and |
(4) the percentage of the grant amount otherwise |
required by this subsection for the largest county included in the |
qualified entity or within which the entity operates |
[collaborative], if the qualified entity [collaborative] includes |
or operates in more than one county. |
(c-1) To raise the required non-state sourced funds, a |
qualified entity [collaborative] may seek and receive gifts, |
grants, or donations from any person. |
(c-2) From [Beginning on or after September 1, 2018, from] |
money appropriated to the commission for each fiscal year to |
implement this section, the commission shall reserve at least 20 |
percent of that total to be awarded only as grants to a qualified |
entity [community collaborative] that includes or operates in a |
county with a population of less than 250,000. |
(d) For each state fiscal year for which a qualified entity |
[community collaborative] seeks a grant, the qualified entity |
[collaborative] must submit a petition to the commission not later |
than the 30th day of that fiscal year. The qualified entity |
[community collaborative] must include with a petition: |
(1) a statement indicating the amount of funds from |
non-state sources the qualified entity [collaborative] is able to |
provide; and |
(2) a plan that: |
(A) is endorsed by each of the qualified entity's |
[collaborative's] member entities, for a qualified entity that is a |
community collaborative; |
(B) identifies a target population; |
(C) describes how the grant money and funds from |
non-state sources will be used; |
(D) includes outcome measures to evaluate the |
success of the plan; and |
(E) describes how the success of the plan in |
accordance with the outcome measures would further the state's |
interest in the grant program's purposes. |
(f-1) To [Beginning on or after September 1, 2018, to] the |
extent money appropriated to the commission for a fiscal year to |
implement this section remains available to the commission after |
the commission selects grant recipients for the fiscal year, the |
commission shall make grants available using the money remaining |
for the fiscal year through a competitive request for proposal |
process, without regard to the limitation provided by Subsection |
(c-2). |
(g) Not later than the 90th day after the last day of the |
state fiscal year for which the commission distributes a grant |
under this section, each qualified entity [community |
collaborative] that receives a grant shall prepare and submit a |
report describing the effect of the grant money and matching funds |
in achieving the standard defined by the outcome measures in the |
plan submitted under Subsection (d). |
(h) The commission may make inspections of the operation and |
provision of mental health services provided by a qualified entity |
[community collaborative] to ensure state money appropriated for |
the grant program is used effectively. |
(i) The commission may not award a grant under this section |
for a fiscal year to a qualified entity [community collaborative] |
that includes or operates in a county with a population greater than |
four million if the legislature appropriates money for a mental |
health jail diversion program in the county for that fiscal year. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023. |