88R7837 CJC-F
  By: Reynolds H.B. No. 2226
  relating to state and municipal motor fuel taxes; providing civil
  penalties; creating criminal offenses; requiring occupational
  licenses; authorizing the imposition of taxes; providing for
  increases and decreases in the rates of taxes.
         SECTION 1.  Title 3, Tax Code, is amended by adding Subtitle
  E to read as follows:
         Sec. 401.001.  MEANINGS OF WORDS AND PHRASES. A word or
  phrase used in this chapter that is defined by Chapter 162 has the
  meaning assigned by that chapter.
         Sec. 401.051.  MUNICIPAL MOTOR FUEL TAXES AUTHORIZED. (a)  
  Notwithstanding Section 162.014, if approved by a majority of the
  votes cast in a municipality at an election held for that purpose,
  the municipality shall impose taxes at the rate of one cent per
  gallon on the sale of gasoline and diesel fuel that is sold in the
  municipality by a person, including a dealer, distributor,
  supplier, or permissive supplier, engaged in the sale of motor
  fuels used to propel a motor vehicle on the public highways of this
  state.  The rates of the taxes shall be adjusted as provided by
  Sections 162.1026 and 162.2026 on January 1 of each year after the
  year in which the taxes are first imposed.
         (b)  The tax authorized by this section is in addition to the
  tax imposed by Chapter 162 and shall be collected in conjunction
  with that tax when gasoline or diesel fuel is removed from a
  terminal using the terminal rack, other than by bulk transfer, to be
  sold or delivered into a municipality that has imposed the tax
  authorized by this section.
         Sec. 401.052.  USE OF REVENUE. The revenue collected under
  this chapter may be used as provided by Section 7-a, Article VIII,
  Texas Constitution.
         Sec. 401.101.  ELECTION. (a)  The governing body of a
  municipality may call an election on the issue of imposing motor
  fuel taxes under this chapter by a vote of a majority of its
         (b)  An election called under this section must be held on
  the uniform election date in May or November. 
         Sec. 401.102.  BALLOT WORDING. The ballot shall be printed
  to provide for voting for or against the proposition: "A motor fuel
  tax is adopted within the city at a rate of one cent per gallon of
  gasoline or diesel fuel sold in the city.  The rate may be increased
  or decreased each year to account for inflation or deflation."
         Sec. 401.103.  OFFICIAL RESULTS OF ELECTION. (a)  Not later
  than 10 days after an election in which the voters approve the
  adoption of a tax authorized by this chapter, the governing body of
  the municipality shall by resolution or ordinance entered in its
  minutes of proceedings declare the results of the election. A
  resolution or ordinance under this section must include statements
               (1)  the date of the election;
               (2)  the proposition on which the vote was held;
               (3)  the total number of votes cast for and against the
  proposition; and 
               (4)  the number of votes by which the proposition was
         (b)  If the imposition of a tax under this chapter is
  approved by the voters, the municipal secretary shall send to the
  comptroller a certified copy of the resolution or the ordinance
  along with a map of the municipality clearly showing its
         (c)  Not later than the 30th day after the date the
  comptroller receives a certified copy of an ordinance or resolution
  showing the adoption of the tax, the comptroller shall notify the
  municipal secretary of the date provided by Section 401.151(d) or
  (e) when the comptroller will begin collecting the tax.
  MOTOR FUEL TAXES. (a)  The comptroller shall administer, collect,
  and enforce a tax imposed on the sale of gasoline or diesel fuel
  approved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The tax
  shall be exclusively administered, collected, and enforced in
  conformance with Chapter 162 governing the taxes imposed on the
  sale of gasoline and diesel fuel, except that Subchapter F, Chapter
  162 does not apply. References in Chapter 162 to taxes imposed under
  that chapter also include taxes imposed under this chapter.
         (b)  The exemptions provided by Sections 162.104 and 162.204
  apply to taxes imposed under this chapter.
         (c)  The comptroller may adopt reasonable rules and
  prescribe forms that are consistent with this chapter and Chapter
  162 for the administration, collection, reporting, and enforcement
  of the taxes imposed under this chapter.
         (d)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), a tax authorized
  by this chapter takes effect on the first day of the first calendar
  quarter following the expiration of the first complete quarter
  occurring after the date of the election authorizing the tax under
  Section 401.051.
         (e)  If the comptroller determines that an effective date
  provided by Subsection (d) will occur before the comptroller can
  reasonably take the action required to begin collecting the tax,
  the comptroller may delay the effective date until the first day of
  the first calendar quarter following the date the comptroller
  declares that the comptroller is ready to begin collecting the tax.
         (f)  Before making a distribution to a municipality under
  Section 401.154, the comptroller shall deduct any costs incurred by
  the comptroller related to the comptroller's preparations to
  administer, collect, and enforce a tax on the sale of gasoline or
  diesel fuel approved in accordance with this chapter. Each
  municipality that approves the imposition of taxes on the sale of
  gasoline and diesel fuel shall pay a pro rata amount of the
  comptroller's costs in preparing to administer, collect, and
  enforce the taxes. If only one municipality elects to approve the
  imposition of taxes on the sale of gasoline and diesel fuel in its
  jurisdiction, that municipality bears all of the costs incurred by
  the comptroller but may recover pro rata shares of this cost from
  other municipalities that approve the imposition of the taxes.
  TAXES. (a) Before the comptroller may adopt rules under Section
  401.151, the comptroller must consult with representatives of:
               (1)  the entities that would be required to:
                     (A)  collect and remit a motor fuel tax imposed
  under this chapter; and
                     (B)  file reports with the comptroller relating to
  a motor fuel tax imposed under this chapter; and
               (2)  municipalities in which the voters have approved
  the imposition of a motor fuel tax under this chapter.
         (b)  Rules adopted under Section 401.151 must provide for the
  uniform administration and reporting of all motor fuel taxes
  imposed by a municipality under this chapter. A municipality may
  not impose requirements on an entity required to collect a motor
  fuel tax under this chapter that are not specifically authorized by
  the rules adopted under Section 401.151.
         (c)  Rules adopted under Section 401.151:
               (1)  may require the comptroller to report sufficient
  information to each municipality imposing a motor fuel tax under
  this chapter to ensure proper allocation of revenue by the
  municipality under this chapter;
               (2)  may not require the comptroller to report
  proprietary information collected from an individual taxpayer in a
  way that would be subject to public disclosure; and
               (3)  may not authorize a municipality imposing a motor
  fuel tax under this chapter to contract with a private entity to
  perform any duty or responsibility associated with the collection,
  enforcement, or administration of the tax.
         Sec. 401.153.  TRUST ACCOUNT. The comptroller shall deposit
  the municipal taxes collected by the comptroller under this chapter
  and Chapter 162 in trust in a separate suspense account of the
  municipality for which the taxes were collected.
         Sec. 401.154.  DISTRIBUTION OF TRUST FUNDS. The comptroller
  shall each month distribute to a municipality the municipality's
  share of the taxes collected by the comptroller under this chapter
  and Chapter 162.
         Sec. 401.155.  STATE'S SHARE. Before making a distribution
  to a municipality under Section 401.154, the comptroller shall
  deduct an amount not to exceed two percent of the amount of the
  taxes collected for the municipality during the period for which a
  distribution is made as the state's charge for its services. The
  comptroller shall credit the amount deducted to the general revenue
  fund. The comptroller shall adjust the percentage of the amount
  deducted each state fiscal year considering the projected
  expenditures necessary for the collection, administrative, and
  enforcement functions related to the municipal motor fuel taxes.
         Sec. 401.156.  AMOUNTS RETAINED IN TRUST ACCOUNT. (a)  The
  comptroller may retain in the suspense account of a municipality a
  portion of the municipality's share of the tax collected for the
  municipality under this chapter and Chapter 162 not to exceed five
  percent of the amount distributed to the municipality.
         (b)  From the amounts retained in a municipality's suspense
  account, the comptroller may correct erroneous deposits to the
  account, make refunds for overpayments to the account, and redeem
  dishonored checks and drafts deposited to the credit of the
         Sec. 401.157.  INTEREST ON TRUST ACCOUNT. Interest earned
  on all deposits made by the comptroller under this subchapter shall
  be credited to the suspense account of the municipality.
         SECTION 2.  Section 162.001, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subdivisions (44-a), (44-b), (56-a), (56-b), and (57-a) to read as
               (44-a)  "Municipal diesel fuel tax" means the tax
  imposed by Section 162.2011 or 162.2035.
               (44-b)  "Municipal gasoline tax" means the tax imposed
  by Section 162.1011 or 162.1035.
               (56-a)  "State diesel fuel tax" means the tax imposed
  by Section 162.201 or 162.203.
               (56-b)  "State gasoline tax" means the tax imposed by
  Section 162.101 or 162.103.
               (57-a)  "Taxing municipality" means a municipality
  that has adopted the taxes authorized by Chapter 401.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 162.004(e) and (g), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (e)  A person to whom a shipping document was issued shall:
               (1)  carry the shipping document in the barge, vessel,
  railroad tank car, or other transport vehicle for which the
  document was issued when transporting the motor fuel described in
  the document;
               (2)  show the shipping document on request to any law
  enforcement officer, representative of the comptroller, or other
  authorized individual, when transporting the motor fuel described;
               (3)  deliver the motor fuel to the destination state
  printed on the shipping document unless the person:
                     (A)  notifies the comptroller and the destination
  state, if a diversion program is in place, before transporting the
  motor fuel into a state other than the printed destination state,
  that the person has received instructions after the shipping
  document was issued to deliver the motor fuel to a different
  destination state;
                     (B)  receives from the comptroller and
  destination state, if a diversion program is in place, a diversion
  number authorizing the diversion; and
                     (C)  writes on the shipping document the change in
  destination state and the diversion number; [and]
               (4)  if delivering the motor fuel into a municipality
  in this state, denote on the shipping document the municipality to
  which the motor fuel will be delivered or, in the case of a split
  load, each municipality in which a portion of the motor fuel will be
  delivered; and
               (5)  give a copy of the shipping document to the person
  to whom the motor fuel is delivered.
         (g)  The person to whom motor fuel is delivered by barge,
  vessel, railroad tank car, or transport vehicle may not accept
  delivery of the motor fuel if the destination state shown on the
  shipping document for the motor fuel is a state other than this
  state, except that the person may accept the [that] delivery if the
  document contains a diversion number authorized by the comptroller
  and destination state, if applicable, and has received a properly
  completed shipping document listing the municipality, if
  applicable, in this state in which the person accepts delivery. The
  person to whom the motor fuel is delivered shall examine the
  shipping document to determine that the destination state is this
  state and, if applicable, that the municipality in this state is the
  municipality in which the person accepts delivery[,] and shall
  retain a copy of the shipping document at the delivery location or
  another place until the fourth anniversary of the date of delivery.
         SECTION 4.  Section 162.005(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (e)  The comptroller may revoke a license if the license
               (1)  purchases for export motor fuel on which the tax
  was not paid under this chapter and subsequently diverts or causes
  the motor fuel to be diverted to a destination in this state or to
  any destination other than the originally designated state or
  country without first obtaining a diversion number; or
               (2)  delivers motor fuel on which the municipal
  gasoline tax or municipal diesel fuel tax is due without issuing a
  properly completed shipping document listing the taxing
  municipality in which the delivery occurred.
         SECTION 5.  Section 162.006(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (a)  The comptroller may suspend a person's license without
  notice or a hearing for the person's failure to comply with this
  chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter or Chapter 401 if the
  person's continued operation constitutes an immediate and
  substantial threat to the collection of taxes imposed by this
  chapter and attributable to the person's operation.
         SECTION 6.  Section 162.012, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.012.  PRESUMPTIONS. (a) A person licensed under
  this chapter or required to be licensed under this chapter, or other
  user, who fails to keep a record, issue an invoice, or file a return
  or report required by this chapter is presumed to have sold or used
  for taxable purposes all motor fuel shown by an audit by the
  comptroller to have been sold to the license holder or other
  user.  Motor fuel unaccounted for is presumed to have been sold or
  used for taxable purposes.
         (b)  If an exporter claims an exemption under Section
  162.104(a)(4) or 162.204(a)(4) and fails to report subsequent
  tax-free sales in this state of the motor fuel for which the
  exemption was claimed as required by Section 162.1155 or 162.2165,
  or to produce proof of payment of tax to the destination state or
  proof that the transaction was exempt in the destination state, the
  exporter is presumed to have not paid the destination state's tax or
  this state's tax on the motor fuel and the comptroller shall assess
  the tax imposed by this chapter on the motor fuel against the
         (c)  If a person claims an exemption from the municipal
  gasoline tax or municipal diesel fuel tax and fails to produce proof
  of delivery to a nontaxing municipality or an unincorporated area
  of the state, the person is presumed to have delivered the motor
  fuel to a taxing municipality that imposes the tax on motor vehicle
  fuels authorized by Chapter 401.
         (d)  The comptroller may fix or establish the amount of
  taxes, penalties, and interest due this state from the records of
  deliveries or from any records or information available.  If a tax
  claim, as developed from this procedure, is not paid, after the
  opportunity to request a redetermination, the claim and any audit
  made by the comptroller or any report filed by the license holder or
  other user is evidence in any suit or judicial proceedings filed by
  the attorney general and is prima facie evidence of the correctness
  of the claim or audit.  A prima facie presumption of the
  correctness of the claim may be overcome at the trial by evidence
  adduced by the license holder or other user.
         (e) [(b)]  In the absence of records showing the number of
  miles actually operated per gallon of motor fuel consumed, it is
  presumed that not less than one gallon of motor fuel was consumed
  for every four miles traveled. An interstate trucker may produce
  evidence of motor fuel consumption to establish another mileage
  factor. If an examination or audit made by the comptroller from the
  records of an interstate trucker shows that a greater amount of
  motor fuel was consumed than was reported by the interstate trucker
  for tax purposes, the interstate trucker is liable for the tax,
  penalties, and interest on the additional amount shown or the
  trucker is entitled to a credit or refund on overpayments of tax
  established by the audit.
         SECTION 7.  Section 162.015, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.015.  ADDITIONAL TAX APPLIES TO INVENTORIES. (a)  
  On the effective date of an increase in the rate [rates] of a tax
  [the taxes] imposed by this chapter, a distributor or dealer that
  possesses for the purpose of sale 2,000 or more gallons of gasoline
  or diesel fuel at each business location on which a tax [the taxes]
  imposed by this chapter at a previous rate has [have] been paid
  shall report to the comptroller the volume of that gasoline and
  diesel fuel[,] and at the time of the report shall pay a tax on that
  gasoline and diesel fuel at a rate equal to the rate of the tax
         (b)  On the effective date of a reduction of the rate [rates]
  of a tax [taxes] imposed by this chapter, a distributor or dealer
  that possesses for the purpose of sale 2,000 or more gallons of
  gasoline or diesel fuel at each business location on which a tax
  [the taxes] imposed by this chapter at the previous rate has [have]
  been paid becomes entitled to a refund in an amount equal to the
  difference in the amount of the tax [taxes] paid on that gasoline or
  diesel fuel at the previous rate and at the rate in effect on the
  effective date of the reduction in the tax rate [rates]. The rules
  of the comptroller shall provide for the method of claiming a refund
  under this chapter and may require that the refund for the dealer be
  paid through the distributor or supplier from whom the dealer
  received the fuel.
         SECTION 8.  Section 162.016, Tax Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (g-1) to read as
         (a)  A person may not import motor fuel to a destination in
  this state or export motor fuel to a destination outside this state
  by any means unless the person possesses a shipping document for
  that fuel.  The shipping document must include:
               (1)  the name and physical address of the terminal or
  bulk plant from which the motor fuel was received for import or
               (2)  the name of the carrier transporting the motor
               (3)  the date the motor fuel was loaded;
               (4)  the type of motor fuel;
               (5)  the number of gallons:
                     (A)  in temperature-adjusted gallons if purchased
  from a terminal for export or import; or
                     (B)  in temperature-adjusted gallons or in gross
  gallons if purchased from a bulk plant;
               (6)  the destination state and, if the destination
  state is this state and the gasoline or diesel fuel will be
  delivered to a municipality, the municipality in this state to
  which the gasoline or diesel fuel will be delivered [of the motor
  fuel] as represented by the purchaser of the motor fuel and the
  number of gallons of the fuel to be delivered, if delivery is to
  only one state;
               (7)  the name and physical address of the purchaser of
  the motor fuel;
               (8)  the name of the person responsible for paying the
  tax imposed by this chapter, as given to the terminal by the
  purchaser if different from the licensed supplier or distributor;
               (9)  the destination state of each portion of a split
  load of motor fuel if the motor fuel is to be delivered to more than
  one state and, if a destination state is this state and the gasoline
  or diesel fuel will be delivered to a municipality, the
  municipality in this state to which the gasoline or diesel fuel will
  be delivered; and
               (10)  any other information that, in the opinion of the
  comptroller, is necessary for the proper administration of this
         (g-1)  An importer or exporter who wants to deliver a single
  cargo tank of motor fuel to a municipality in this state must issue
  a properly completed shipping document denoting the municipality to
  which the motor fuel will be delivered or, in the case of a split
  load, each municipality to which a portion of the motor fuel will be
         SECTION 9.  The heading to Section 162.101, Tax Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 10.  Sections 162.101(a), (b), (c), and (f), Tax
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A tax is imposed on the removal of gasoline from the
  terminal using the terminal rack, other than by bulk transfer.  The
  supplier or permissive supplier is liable for and shall collect the
  tax imposed by this section [subchapter] from the person who orders
  the withdrawal at the terminal rack.
         (b)  A tax is imposed at the time gasoline is imported into
  this state, other than by a bulk transfer, for delivery to a
  destination in this state.  The supplier or permissive supplier is
  liable for and shall collect the tax imposed by this section
  [subchapter] from the person who imports the gasoline into this
  state.  If the seller is not a supplier or permissive supplier,
  then the person who imports the gasoline into this state is liable
  for and shall pay the tax.
         (c)  A tax is imposed on the removal of gasoline from the bulk
  transfer/terminal system in this state.  The supplier is liable for
  and shall collect the tax imposed by this section [subchapter] from
  the person who orders the removal from the bulk transfer terminal
         (f)  A terminal operator in this state is considered a
  supplier for the purpose of the tax imposed by [under] this section
  [subchapter] unless at the time of removal:
               (1)  the terminal operator has a terminal operator's
  license issued for the facility from which the gasoline is
               (2)  the terminal operator verifies that the person who
  removes the gasoline has a supplier's license; and
               (3)  the terminal operator does not have a reason to
  believe that the supplier's license is not valid.
         SECTION 11.  Subchapter B, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.1011 to read as follows:
  OF COLLECTION.  (a)  In a municipality that imposes taxes on motor
  vehicle fuel authorized by Chapter 401, a tax is imposed on the
  delivery of gasoline into the taxing municipality.
         (b)  A tax is imposed on gasoline that is otherwise exempt
  from taxation under Section 162.104(a)(4) or (7) if the gasoline is
  sold in this state to a person who does not hold a license under
  Section 162.105(1), (2), (3), (4), or (6) and the gasoline is
  subsequently delivered into a taxing municipality. The person who
  delivered the gasoline into the taxing municipality is liable for
  and shall collect the tax.
         (c)  A tax is imposed on gasoline that is otherwise exempt
  from taxation under Section 162.104(a)(4) or (7) if before export
  the gasoline is sold in this state to a person who holds a license
  under Section 162.105(1), (2), (3), (4), or (6) and the gasoline is
  delivered into a taxing municipality. The person who delivered the
  gasoline into the taxing municipality is liable for and shall pay
  the tax.
         (d)  The distributor shall collect the tax imposed by this
  section from each person on delivery of gasoline into a taxing
         (e)  In each subsequent sale of gasoline on which the tax has
  been paid, the tax imposed by this section shall be collected from
  the purchaser so that the tax is paid ultimately by the person who
  uses the gasoline. Gasoline is considered to be used when it is
  delivered into a fuel supply tank.
         SECTION 12.  Section 162.102, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.102.  TAX RATES [RATE]. (a)  Except as provided by
  Section 162.1026, the state [The] gasoline tax rate is 20 cents for
  each net gallon or fractional part of a net gallon on which the tax
  is imposed under Section 162.101.
         (b)  In a taxing municipality, the municipal gasoline tax
  rate for each net gallon or fractional part of a net gallon is the
  rate established by Chapter 401, including the amount of
  adjustments under Section 162.1026.
         SECTION 13.  The heading to Section 162.1025, Tax Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 14.  Sections 162.1025(a), (b), and (c), Tax Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In each subsequent sale of gasoline on which the taxes
  imposed by this subchapter have [tax has] been paid, the taxes [tax
  imposed by this subchapter] shall be collected from the purchaser
  so that the taxes are [tax is] paid ultimately by the person who
  uses the gasoline. Gasoline is considered to be used when it is
  delivered into a fuel supply tank.
         (b)  The taxes [tax] imposed by this subchapter must be
  stated separately from the sales price of gasoline and identified
  as gasoline taxes [tax] on the invoice or receipt issued to a
  purchaser. Backup gasoline taxes [tax] may be identified as
  gasoline taxes [tax]. The taxes [tax] must be separately stated and
  identified in the same manner on a shipping document, if the
  shipping document includes the sales price of the gasoline.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the sales price of
  gasoline stated on an invoice, receipt, or shipping document is
  presumed to be exclusive of the taxes [tax] imposed by this
  subchapter.  The seller or purchaser may overcome the presumption
  by using the seller's records to show that the taxes [tax] imposed
  by this subchapter were [was] included in the sales price.
         SECTION 15.  Subchapter B, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.1026 to read as follows:
  PRICE INDEX. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Consumer price index" means the consumer price
  index for all urban consumers for all items and for all regions of
  the United States combined, as determined by the United States
  Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, or, if that index
  is discontinued or superseded, a similar index selected or
  calculated by the comptroller.
               (2)  "Consumer price index percentage change" means the
  percentage increase or decrease in the consumer price index of a
  given state fiscal year from the consumer price index of the
  preceding state fiscal year.
         (b)  On January 1 of each year, the rates of state and
  municipal gasoline taxes imposed under this subchapter in the
  preceding year are increased or decreased by a percentage that is
  equal to the consumer price index percentage change for the
  preceding state fiscal year.
         (c)  Not later than November 1 of each year, the comptroller
               (1)  compute the new tax rates as provided by this
               (2)  give the new tax rates to the secretary of state
  for publication in the Texas Register; and
               (3)  notify each license holder under this subchapter
  of the new tax rates.
         SECTION 16.  The heading to Section 162.103, Tax Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 17.  Sections 162.103(a) and (c), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A backup tax is imposed at the rate prescribed by
  Sections 162.102(a) and 162.1026 [Section 162.102] on:
               (1)  a person who obtains a refund of tax on gasoline by
  claiming the gasoline was used for an off-highway purpose, but
  actually uses the gasoline to operate a motor vehicle on a public
               (2)  a person who operates a motor vehicle on a public
  highway using gasoline on which tax has not been paid;
               (3)  a person who sells to the ultimate consumer
  gasoline on which tax has not been paid and who knew or had reason to
  know that the gasoline would be used for a taxable purpose; and
               (4)  a person, other than a person exempted under
  Section 162.104, who acquires gasoline on which tax has not been
  paid from any source in this state.
         (c)  The tax imposed by [under] Subsection (a)(3) is also
  imposed on the ultimate consumer.
         SECTION 18.  Subchapter B, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.1035 to read as follows:
  (a) A backup tax is imposed at the rate prescribed by Sections
  162.102(b) and 162.1026 on:
               (1)  a person who, in a taxing municipality:
                     (A)  delivers gasoline into the fuel supply tank
  of a motor vehicle;
                     (B)  purchases or receives gasoline from another
  person; or
                     (C)  sells or delivers gasoline to another person;
               (2)  a person who obtains a refund of the tax imposed by
  Section 162.1011 for gasoline that the person delivered into the
  fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle, purchased or acquired, or sold
  or delivered in a taxing municipality.
         (b)  A person who sells gasoline subject to the tax imposed
  by this section shall at the time of sale collect the tax from the
  purchaser or recipient of the gasoline in addition to the selling
  price and is liable to this state for the taxes collected at the
  time and in the manner provided by this chapter.
         (c)  The following are exempt from the tax imposed by this
               (1)  gasoline on which the tax imposed by Section
  162.1011 has been paid; and
               (2)  gasoline exempt under Section 162.104.
         (d)  The tax imposed by this section is in addition to any
  penalty imposed under this chapter.
         SECTION 19.  Section 162.104(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The taxes [tax] imposed by this subchapter do [does] not
  apply to gasoline:
               (1)  sold to the United States for its exclusive use,
  provided that the exemption does not apply with respect to fuel sold
  or delivered to a person operating under a contract with the United
               (2)  sold to a public school district in this state for
  the district's exclusive use;
               (3)  sold to a commercial transportation company or a
  metropolitan rapid transit authority operating under Chapter 451,
  Transportation Code, that provides public school transportation
  services to a school district under Section 34.008, Education Code,
  and that uses the gasoline only to provide those services;
               (4)  exported by either a licensed supplier or a
  licensed exporter from this state to any other state, provided that
  the bill of lading indicates the destination state and the supplier
  collects the destination state tax;
               (5)  moved by truck or railcar between licensed
  suppliers or licensed permissive suppliers and in which the
  gasoline removed from the first terminal comes to rest in the second
  terminal, provided that the removal from the second terminal rack
  is subject to the state gasoline tax imposed by this subchapter;
               (6)  delivered or sold into a storage facility of a
  licensed aviation fuel dealer from which gasoline will be delivered
  solely into the fuel supply tanks of aircraft or aircraft servicing
  equipment, or sold from one licensed aviation fuel dealer to
  another licensed aviation fuel dealer who will deliver the aviation
  fuel exclusively into the fuel supply tanks of aircraft or aircraft
  servicing equipment;
               (7)  exported to a foreign country if the bill of lading
  or shipping documents indicate the foreign destination and the fuel
  is actually exported to the foreign country;
               (8)  sold to a volunteer fire department in this state
  for the department's exclusive use; or
               (9)  sold to a nonprofit entity that is organized for
  the sole purpose of and engages exclusively in providing emergency
  medical services and that uses the gasoline exclusively to provide
  emergency medical services, including rescue and ambulance
         SECTION 20.  Section 162.105, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.105.  PERSONS REQUIRED TO BE LICENSED. A person
  shall obtain the appropriate license or licenses issued by the
  comptroller before conducting the activities of:
               (1)  a supplier, who may also act as a distributor,
  importer, exporter, blender, motor fuel transporter, dealer, or
  aviation fuel dealer without securing a separate license, but who
  is subject to all other conditions, requirements, and liabilities
  imposed on those license holders;
               (2)  a permissive supplier, who may also act as a
  distributor, importer, exporter, blender, motor fuel transporter,
  dealer, or aviation fuel dealer without securing a separate
  license, but who is subject to all other conditions, requirements,
  and liabilities imposed on those license holders;
               (3)  a distributor, who may also act as an importer,
  exporter, blender, [or] motor fuel transporter, or dealer without
  securing a separate license, but who is subject to all other
  conditions, requirements, and liabilities imposed on those license
               (4)  an importer, who may also act as an exporter,
  blender, [or] motor fuel transporter, or dealer without securing a
  separate license, but who is subject to all other conditions,
  requirements, and liabilities imposed on those license holders;
               (5)  a terminal operator;
               (6)  an exporter;
               (7)  a blender;
               (8)  a motor fuel transporter;
               (9)  an aviation fuel dealer; [or]
               (10)  an interstate trucker; or
               (11)  a dealer.
         SECTION 21.  Sections 162.107(a) and (b), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person may elect to obtain a permissive supplier
  license to collect the state gasoline tax imposed by [under] this
  subchapter for gasoline that is removed at a terminal in another
  state and has this state as the destination state.
         (b)  With respect to gasoline that is removed by the licensed
  permissive supplier at a terminal located in another state and that
  has this state as the destination state, a licensed permissive
  supplier shall:
               (1)  collect the state gasoline tax due to this state on
  the gasoline;
               (2)  waive any defense that this state lacks
  jurisdiction to require the supplier to collect the state gasoline
  tax due to this state on the gasoline under this subchapter;
               (3)  report and pay the state gasoline tax and the
  municipal gasoline tax due on the gasoline in the same manner as if
  the removal had occurred at a terminal located in this state;
               (4)  keep records of the removal of the gasoline and
  submit to audits concerning the gasoline as if the removal had
  occurred at a terminal located in this state; and
               (5)  report sales by the permissive supplier to a
  person who is not licensed in this state.
         SECTION 22.  Section 162.108, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  In addition to the information required by Subsection
  (a), an applicant for a license as a dealer must list on the
               (1)  the street address, municipality, county, and zip
  code of the location for which the applicant seeks a license to sell
  or dispense motor fuel at retail;
               (2)  the applicant's social security number, driver's
  license number, and federal employer identification number if the
  applicant is a natural person who is not licensed as a supplier,
  permissive supplier, or terminal operator; and
               (3)  if the applicant is a corporation, limited
  liability company, professional association, partnership, or other
  entity that is not licensed as a supplier, permissive supplier, or
  terminal operator and is not wholly owned by an entity that is
  licensed as a supplier, permissive supplier, or terminal operator,
  the physical address, mailing address, social security number, and
  driver's license number of:
                     (A)  each natural person responsible for the
  purchase of motor fuel for sale by the applicant; and
                     (B)  each officer, director, manager, member,
  shareholder, and partner of the applicant.
         SECTION 23.  Section 162.110(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The license issued to a supplier, permissive supplier,
  distributor, importer, exporter, terminal operator, blender, [or]
  motor fuel transporter, or dealer is permanent and is valid during
  the period the license holder has in force and effect the required
  bond or security and furnishes timely reports and supplements as
  required, or until the license is surrendered by the holder or
  canceled by the comptroller. The comptroller shall cancel a
  license under this subsection if a purchase, sale, or use of
  gasoline has not been reported by the license holder during the
  previous nine months.
         SECTION 24.  Section 162.111(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The comptroller shall determine the amount of security
  required of a supplier, permissive supplier, distributor,
  exporter, importer, dealer, or blender, taking into consideration
  the amount of tax that has or is expected to become due from the
  person, any past history of the person as a license holder under
  this chapter or its predecessor, and the necessity to protect this
  state against the failure to pay the tax as the tax becomes due.
         SECTION 25.  Sections 162.112(a) and (b), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The comptroller, on or before December 20 of each year,
  shall make available to all license holders an alphabetical list of
  licensed suppliers, permissive suppliers, distributors, aviation
  fuel dealers, importers, exporters, blenders, dealers, and
  terminal operators. A supplemental list of additions and deletions
  shall be made available to the license holders each month. A
  current and effective license or the list furnished by the
  comptroller is evidence of the validity of the license until the
  comptroller notifies license holders of a change in the status of a
  license holder.
         (b)  A licensed supplier, permissive supplier, dealer, or
  distributor who sells gasoline tax-free to a person whose
  supplier's, permissive supplier's, dealer's, or aviation fuel
  dealer's license has been canceled or revoked under this chapter is
  liable for any tax due on gasoline sold after receiving notice of
  the cancellation or revocation.
         SECTION 26.  Sections 162.113(d), (d-1), and (e), Tax Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The supplier or permissive supplier, after requesting a
  credit under this section, shall terminate the ability of the
  licensed distributor or licensed importer to defer the payment of
  state gasoline tax.  The supplier or permissive supplier may not
  reinstate the right of the licensed distributor or licensed
  importer to defer the payment of state gasoline tax until the first
  anniversary of the date the supplier or permissive supplier
  requested the credit, subject to Subsection (d-1).
         (d-1)  A supplier or permissive supplier may reinstate the
  right of a licensed distributor or licensed importer to defer the
  payment of state gasoline tax before the date prescribed by
  Subsection (d) if the comptroller determines that:
               (1)  the supplier or permissive supplier erroneously
  requested the credit that resulted in the termination of the
  licensed distributor's or licensed importer's right to defer
  payment; or
               (2)  the licensed distributor or licensed importer
  failed to pay state gasoline taxes due because of circumstances
  that may have been outside the distributor's or importer's control.
         (e)  A licensed distributor or licensed importer who makes
  timely payments of the state gasoline tax imposed by [under] this
  subchapter is entitled to retain an amount equal to 1.75 percent of
  the total state gasoline tax [taxes] to be paid to the supplier or
  permissive supplier to cover administrative expenses.
         SECTION 27.  Section 162.114(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), each person who is
  liable for the taxes [tax] imposed by this subchapter, a terminal
  operator, a dealer, and a licensed distributor shall file a return
  on or before the 25th day of the month following the end of each
  calendar month.
         SECTION 28.  Sections 162.115(b), (c), (e), (g), and (h),
  Tax Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A distributor shall keep:
               (1)  a record showing the number of gallons of:
                     (A)  all gasoline inventories on hand at the first
  of each month;
                     (B)  all gasoline blended;
                     (C)  all gasoline purchased or received, showing
  the name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;
                     (D)  all gasoline sold, distributed, or used,
                           (i)  the name of the purchaser;
                           (ii)  if the gasoline was delivered to a
  municipality in this state, the municipality to which the gasoline
  was delivered;
                           (iii)  the amount of municipal gasoline tax
  collected from the purchaser, if any; and
                           (iv)  the date of the sale, distribution, or
  use; and
                     (E)  all gasoline lost by fire, theft, or
               (2)  an itemized statement showing by load the number
  of gallons of all gasoline:
                     (A)  received during the preceding calendar month
  for export and the location of the loading;
                     (B)  sold, distributed, or used, showing:
                           (i)  the name of the purchaser;
                           (ii)  if the gasoline was delivered to a
  municipality in this state, the municipality to which the gasoline
  was delivered;
                           (iii)  the amount of municipal gasoline tax
  collected from the purchaser, if any; and
                           (iv)  the date of the sale, distribution, or
                     (C)  exported from this state by destination state
  or country; and
                     (D) [(C)]  imported during the preceding calendar
  month by state or country of origin; [and]
               (3)  for gasoline exported from this state, proof of
  payment of tax to the destination state in a form acceptable to the
  comptroller; and
               (4)  all shipping documents.
         (c)  An importer shall keep:
               (1)  a record showing the number of gallons of:
                     (A)  all gasoline inventories on hand at the first
  of each month;
                     (B)  all gasoline compounded or blended;
                     (C)  all gasoline purchased or received, showing
  the name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;
                     (D)  all gasoline sold, distributed, or used,
  showing the name of the purchaser, the municipality in this state,
  if applicable, and the date of the sale, distribution, or use; and
                     (E)  all gasoline lost by fire, theft, or
  accident; and
               (2)  an itemized statement showing by load the number
  of gallons of all gasoline:
                     (A)  received during the preceding calendar month
  for export and the location of the loading;
                     (B)  sold, distributed, or used, showing the name
  of the purchaser, the municipality or municipalities in this state,
  if applicable, and the date of the sale, distribution, or use;
                     (C)  exported from this state by destination state
  or country; and
                     (D) [(C)]  imported during the preceding calendar
  month by state or country of origin.
         (e)  A blender shall keep a record showing the number of
  gallons of:
               (1)  all gasoline inventories on hand at the first of
  each month;
               (2)  all gasoline compounded or blended;
               (3)  all gasoline purchased or received, showing the
  name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;
               (4)  all gasoline sold, distributed, or used, showing
  the name of the purchaser, the municipality in this state, if
  applicable, and the date of the sale or use; and
               (5)  all gasoline lost by fire, theft, or accident.
         (g)  A motor fuel transporter shall keep a complete and
  separate record of each intrastate and interstate transportation of
  gasoline, showing:
               (1)  the date of transportation;
               (2)  the name of the consignor and consignee;
               (3)  the means of transportation;
               (4)  the quantity and kind of gasoline transported;
               (5)  full data concerning the diversion of shipments,
  including the municipality in this state, if applicable, and the
  number of gallons diverted from interstate to intrastate and
  intrastate to interstate commerce; and
               (6)  the points of origin and destination, the
  municipality in this state, if applicable, the number of gallons
  shipped or transported, the date, the consignee and the consignor,
  and the kind of gasoline that has been diverted.
         (h)  A dealer shall keep all shipping documents and a record
  showing the number of gallons of:
               (1)  gasoline inventories on hand at the first of each
               (2)  all gasoline purchased or received, showing the
  name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;
               (3)  all gasoline sold or used, showing the date of the
  sale or use; and
               (4)  all gasoline lost by fire, theft, or accident.
         SECTION 29.  Section 162.116(c), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  A supplier or permissive supplier may take a credit for
  any state gasoline tax [taxes] that was [were] not remitted in a
  previous period to the supplier or permissive supplier by a
  licensed distributor or licensed importer as required by Section
  162.113. The supplier or permissive supplier is eligible to take
  the credit if the comptroller is notified of the default within 15
  days after the default occurs. If a license holder pays to a
  supplier or permissive supplier the tax owed, but the payment
  occurs after the supplier or permissive supplier has taken a credit
  on its return, the supplier or permissive supplier shall remit the
  payment to the comptroller with the next monthly return after
  receipt of the tax, plus a penalty of 10 percent of the amount of
  unpaid taxes and interest at the rate provided by Section 111.060
  beginning on the date the credit was taken.
         SECTION 30.  Section 162.118, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  and supplements of each distributor shall contain for the period
  covered by the return:
               (1)  the number of net gallons of gasoline received by
  the distributor during the month, sorted by product code, seller,
  point of origin, destination state, carrier, and receipt date;
               (2)  the number of net gallons of gasoline removed at a
  terminal rack by the distributor during the month, sorted by
  product code, seller, terminal code, and carrier;
               (3)  the number of net gallons of gasoline removed by
  the distributor during the month for export, sorted by product
  code, terminal code, bulk plant address, destination state, and
               (4)  the number of net gallons of gasoline removed by
  the distributor during the month from a terminal located in another
  state for conveyance to this state, as indicated on the shipping
  document for the gasoline, sorted by product code, seller, terminal
  code, bulk plant address, and carrier;
               (5)  the number of net gallons of gasoline the
  distributor sold during the month in transactions exempt under
  Section 162.104, sorted by product code and purchaser; [and]
               (6)  the number of net gallons delivered into a taxing
  municipality sorted by taxing municipality and purchaser; and
               (7)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         (b)  A distributor or importer who makes timely payments of
  the municipal gasoline tax imposed by this subchapter is entitled
  to retain an amount equal to two percent of the total municipal
  gasoline taxes remitted to the comptroller to cover administrative
         SECTION 31.  Section 162.123, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  The monthly return and supplements of each blender shall contain
  for the period covered by the return:
               (1)  the number of net gallons of gasoline received by
  the blender during the month, sorted by product code, seller, point
  of origin, carrier, and receipt date;
               (2)  the number of net gallons of product blended with
  gasoline during the month, sorted by product code, type of blending
  agent if no product code exists, seller, and carrier;
               (3)  the number of net gallons of blended gasoline sold
  during the month and the license number or name, [and] address, and,
  if applicable, municipality of the entity receiving the blended
  gasoline; and
               (4)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         SECTION 32.  Subchapter B, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.1235 to read as follows:
  The monthly return and supplements of each dealer shall contain for
  the period covered by the return:
               (1)  the number of gallons of gasoline inventories on
  hand at the first of each month, sorted by product code;
               (2)  the number of gallons of gasoline received by the
  dealer during the month, sorted by seller;
               (3)  the number of gallons of gasoline inventories on
  hand at the end of each month; and
               (4)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         SECTION 33.  Sections 162.125(g-1) and (g-2), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (g-1)  A volunteer fire department exempt from the taxes
  [tax] imposed under this subchapter that paid a tax on the purchase
  of gasoline is entitled to a refund of the tax paid, and the
  volunteer fire department may file a refund claim with the
  comptroller for that amount.
         (g-2)  A nonprofit entity exempted under Section
  162.104(a)(9) from the taxes [tax] imposed under this subchapter
  that paid a tax on the purchase of gasoline is entitled to a refund
  of the tax paid, and the entity may file a refund claim with the
  comptroller for that amount.
         SECTION 34.  Sections 162.127(a) and (d), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A refund claim must be filed on a form provided by the
  comptroller, be supported by the original invoice issued by the
  seller, and contain:
               (1)  the stamped or preprinted name and address of the
  seller, including, if applicable, the municipality to which the
  gasoline was delivered;
               (2)  the name and address of the purchaser;
               (3)  the date of delivery of the gasoline;
               (4)  the date of the issuance of the invoice, if
  different from the date of fuel delivery;
               (5)  the number of gallons of gasoline delivered;
               (6)  the amount of state or municipal gasoline taxes
  paid [tax], either separately stated from the selling price or
  stated with a notation that both state and municipal gasoline taxes
  are included if both apply [the selling price includes the tax]; and
               (7)  the type of vehicle or equipment, such as a
  motorboat, railway engine, motor vehicle, off-highway vehicle, or
  refrigeration unit or stationary engine, into which the fuel is
         (d)  A distributor or person who does not hold a license who
  files a valid refund claim with the comptroller shall be paid by a
  warrant issued by the comptroller. For purposes of this section, a
  distributor meets the requirement of filing a valid refund claim
  for state and municipal gasoline taxes if the distributor
  designates the gallons of gasoline sold or used that are the subject
  of the refund claim on the monthly report submitted by the
  distributor to the comptroller.
         SECTION 35.  The heading to Section 162.201, Tax Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 36.  Sections 162.201(a), (b), (c), and (f), Tax
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A tax is imposed on the removal of diesel fuel from the
  terminal using the terminal rack other than by bulk transfer.  The
  supplier or permissive supplier is liable for and shall collect the
  tax imposed by this section [subchapter] from the person who orders
  the withdrawal at the terminal rack.
         (b)  A tax is imposed at the time diesel fuel is imported into
  this state, other than by a bulk transfer, for delivery to a
  destination in this state.  The supplier or permissive supplier is
  liable for and shall collect the tax imposed by this section
  [subchapter] from the person who imports the diesel fuel into this
  state.  If the seller is not a supplier or permissive supplier, the
  person who imports the diesel fuel into this state is liable for and
  shall pay the tax.
         (c)  A tax is imposed on the removal of diesel fuel from the
  bulk transfer/terminal system in this state.  The supplier is
  liable for and shall collect the tax imposed by this section
  [subchapter] from the person who orders the removal from the bulk
  transfer/terminal system.
         (f)  The terminal operator in this state is considered a
  supplier for the purpose of the tax imposed under this section
  [subchapter] unless at the time of removal:
               (1)  the terminal operator has a terminal operator's
  license issued for the facility from which the diesel fuel is
               (2)  the terminal operator verifies that the person who
  removes the diesel fuel has a supplier's license; and
               (3)  the terminal operator does not have a reason to
  believe that the supplier's license is not valid.
         SECTION 37.  Subchapter C, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.2011 to read as follows:
  POINT OF COLLECTION. (a) In a municipality that imposes taxes on
  motor vehicle fuel authorized by Chapter 401, a tax is imposed on
  the delivery of diesel fuel into the taxing municipality.
         (b)  The distributor shall collect the tax imposed by this
  section from each person on delivery of diesel fuel into a taxing
         (c)  A tax is imposed on diesel fuel that is otherwise exempt
  from taxation under Section 162.204(a)(4) or (7) if the diesel fuel
  is sold in this state to a person who does not hold a license under
  Section 162.205(a)(1), (2), (3), (4), or (6) and the diesel fuel is
  subsequently delivered into a taxing municipality. The person who
  delivered the diesel fuel into the taxing municipality is liable
  for and shall collect the tax.
         (d)  A tax is imposed on diesel fuel that is otherwise exempt
  from taxation under Section 162.204(a)(4) or (7) if before export
  the diesel fuel is sold in this state to a person who holds a license
  under Section 162.205(a)(1), (2), (3), (4), or (6) and the diesel
  fuel is subsequently delivered to a taxing municipality.  The
  person who delivered the diesel fuel into the taxing municipality
  is liable for and shall pay the tax.
         (e)  In each subsequent sale of diesel fuel on which the tax
  has been paid, the tax imposed by this section shall be collected
  from the purchaser so that the tax is paid ultimately by the person
  who uses the diesel fuel. Diesel fuel is considered to be used when
  it is delivered into a fuel supply tank.
         SECTION 38.  Section 162.202, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.202.  TAX RATES [RATE]. (a) Except as provided by
  Section 162.2026, the state [The] diesel fuel tax rate is 20 cents
  for each net gallon or fractional part of a net gallon on which the
  tax is imposed under Section 162.201.
         (b)  In a taxing municipality, the municipal diesel fuel tax
  rate for each net gallon or fractional part of a net gallon is the
  rate established by Chapter 401, including the amount of
  adjustments under Section 162.2026.
         SECTION 39.  The heading to Section 162.2025, Tax Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 40.  Sections 162.2025(a), (b), and (c), Tax Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In each subsequent sale of diesel fuel on which the
  taxes imposed by this subchapter have [tax has] been paid, the taxes
  [tax imposed by this subchapter] shall be collected from the
  purchaser so that the taxes are [tax is] paid ultimately by the
  person who uses the diesel fuel.  Diesel fuel is considered to be
  used when it is delivered into a fuel supply tank.
         (b)  The taxes [tax] imposed by this subchapter must be
  stated separately from the sales price of diesel fuel and
  identified as diesel fuel taxes [tax] on the invoice or receipt
  issued to a purchaser.  Backup diesel fuel taxes [tax] may be
  identified as diesel fuel taxes [tax].  The taxes [tax] must be
  separately stated and identified in the same manner on a shipping
  document, if the shipping document includes the sales price of the
  diesel fuel.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the sales price of
  diesel fuel stated on an invoice, receipt, or shipping document is
  presumed to be exclusive of the taxes [tax] imposed by this
  subchapter.  The seller or purchaser may overcome the presumption
  by using the seller's records to show that the taxes [tax] imposed
  by this subchapter were [was] included in the sales price.
         SECTION 41.  Subchapter C, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.2026 to read as follows:
  PRICE INDEX. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Consumer price index" means the consumer price
  index for all urban consumers for all items and for all regions of
  the United States combined, as determined by the United States
  Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, or, if that index
  is discontinued or superseded, a similar index selected or
  calculated by the comptroller.
               (2)  "Consumer price index percentage change" means the
  percentage increase or decrease in the consumer price index of a
  given state fiscal year from the consumer price index of the
  preceding state fiscal year.
         (b)  On January 1 of each year, the rates of state and
  municipal diesel fuel taxes imposed under this subchapter in the
  preceding year are increased or decreased by a percentage that is
  equal to the consumer price index percentage change for the
  preceding state fiscal year.
         (c)  Not later than November 1 of each year, the comptroller
               (1)  compute the new tax rates as provided by this
               (2)  give the new tax rates to the secretary of state
  for publication in the Texas Register; and
               (3)  notify each license holder under this subchapter
  of the new tax rates.
         SECTION 42.  The heading to Section 162.203, Tax Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 43.  Sections 162.203(a) and (c), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A backup tax is imposed at the rate prescribed by
  Sections 162.202(a) and 162.2026 [Section 162.202] on:
               (1)  a person who obtains a refund of tax on diesel fuel
  by claiming the diesel fuel was used for an off-highway purpose, but
  actually uses the diesel fuel to operate a motor vehicle on a public
               (2)  a person who operates a motor vehicle on a public
  highway using diesel fuel on which tax has not been paid;
               (3)  a person who sells to the ultimate consumer diesel
  fuel on which a tax has not been paid and who knew or had reason to
  know that the diesel fuel would be used for a taxable purpose; and
               (4)  a person, other than a person exempted under
  Section 162.204, who acquires diesel fuel on which tax has not been
  paid from any source in this state.
         (c)  The tax imposed by [under] Subsection (a)(3) is also
  imposed on the ultimate consumer.
         SECTION 44.  Subchapter C, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.2035 to read as follows:
  (a) A backup tax is imposed at the rate prescribed by Sections
  162.202(b) and 162.2026 on:
               (1)  a person who, in a taxing municipality:
                     (A)  delivers diesel fuel into the fuel supply
  tank of a motor vehicle;
                     (B)  purchases or receives diesel fuel from
  another person; or
                     (C)  sells or delivers diesel fuel to another
  person; and
               (2)  a person who obtains a refund of the tax imposed by
  Section 162.2011 for diesel fuel that the person delivered into the
  fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle, purchased or acquired, or sold
  or delivered in a taxing municipality.
         (b)  A person who sells diesel fuel subject to the tax
  imposed by this section shall at the time of sale collect the tax
  from the purchaser or recipient of the diesel fuel in addition to
  the selling price and is liable to this state for the taxes
  collected at the time and in the manner provided by this chapter.
         (c)  The following are exempt from the tax imposed by this
               (1)  diesel fuel on which the tax imposed by Section
  162.2011 has been paid; and
               (2)  diesel fuel exempt under Section 162.204.
         (d)  The tax imposed by this section is in addition to any
  penalty imposed under this chapter.
         SECTION 45.  Sections 162.204(a) and (g), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The taxes [tax] imposed by this subchapter do [does] not
  apply to:
               (1)  diesel fuel sold to the United States for its
  exclusive use, provided that the exemption does not apply to diesel
  fuel sold or delivered to a person operating under a contract with
  the United States;
               (2)  diesel fuel sold to a public school district in
  this state for the district's exclusive use;
               (3)  diesel fuel sold to a commercial transportation
  company or a metropolitan rapid transit authority operating under
  Chapter 451, Transportation Code, that provides public school
  transportation services to a school district under Section 34.008,
  Education Code, and that uses the diesel fuel only to provide those
               (4)  diesel fuel exported by either a licensed supplier
  or a licensed exporter from this state to any other state, provided
  that the bill of lading indicates the destination state and the
  supplier collects the destination state tax;
               (5)  diesel fuel moved by truck or railcar between
  licensed suppliers or licensed permissive suppliers and in which
  the diesel fuel removed from the first terminal comes to rest in the
  second terminal, provided that the removal from the second terminal
  rack is subject to the state diesel fuel tax imposed by this
               (6)  diesel fuel delivered or sold into a storage
  facility of a licensed aviation fuel dealer from which the diesel
  fuel will be delivered solely into the fuel supply tanks of aircraft
  or aircraft servicing equipment, or sold from one licensed aviation
  fuel dealer to another licensed aviation fuel dealer who will
  deliver the diesel fuel exclusively into the fuel supply tanks of
  aircraft or aircraft servicing equipment;
               (7)  diesel fuel exported to a foreign country if the
  bill of lading or shipping documents indicate the foreign
  destination and the fuel is actually exported to the foreign
               (8)  dyed diesel fuel sold or delivered by a supplier to
  another supplier and dyed diesel fuel sold or delivered by a
  supplier or distributor into the bulk storage facility of a dyed
  diesel fuel bonded user or to a purchaser who provides a signed
  statement as provided by Section 162.206;
               (9)  the volume of water, fuel ethanol, renewable
  diesel, biodiesel, or mixtures thereof that are blended together
  with taxable diesel fuel when the finished product sold or used is
  clearly identified on the retail pump, storage tank, and sales
  invoice as a combination of diesel fuel and water, fuel ethanol,
  renewable diesel, biodiesel, or mixtures thereof;
               (10)  dyed diesel fuel sold by a supplier or permissive
  supplier to a distributor, or by a distributor to another
               (11)  dyed diesel fuel delivered by a license holder
  into the fuel supply tanks of railway engines, motorboats, or
  refrigeration units or other stationary equipment powered by a
  separate motor from a separate fuel supply tank;
               (12)  dyed kerosene when delivered by a supplier,
  distributor, or importer into a storage facility at a retail
  business from which all deliveries are exclusively for heating,
  cooking, lighting, or similar nonhighway use;
               (13)  diesel fuel used by a person, other than a
  political subdivision, who owns, controls, operates, or manages a
  commercial motor vehicle as defined by Section 548.001,
  Transportation Code, if the fuel:
                     (A)  is delivered exclusively into the fuel supply
  tank of the commercial motor vehicle; and
                     (B)  is used exclusively to transport passengers
  for compensation or hire between points in this state on a fixed
  route or schedule;
               (14)  diesel fuel sold to a volunteer fire department
  in this state for the department's exclusive use; or
               (15)  diesel fuel sold to a nonprofit entity that is
  organized for the sole purpose of and engages exclusively in
  providing emergency medical services and that uses the diesel fuel
  exclusively to provide emergency medical services, including
  rescue and ambulance services.
         (g)  In lieu of claiming the exemption and complying with the
  labeling requirements provided by Subsection (a)(9), a person to
  whom Section 162.201 applies may elect to collect and remit the
  taxes [tax] otherwise imposed by [under] this subchapter on the
  materials described by Subsection (a)(9) as if the materials were
  taxable diesel fuel.  The labeling requirements provided by
  Subsection (a)(9) do not apply to a dealer who sells taxable diesel
  fuel blended with materials described by Subsection (a)(9) on which
  a tax has been paid as provided by this subsection.  Materials
  described by Subsection (a)(9) on which a tax has been paid as
  provided by this subsection are not exempt from taxation [tax]
  under Subsection (a)(9) on a subsequent sale, and a license holder
  or other purchaser is not entitled to a refund or credit under
  Subsection (a)(9) for a purchase of taxable diesel fuel blended
  with those materials.
         SECTION 46.  Section 162.205(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A person shall obtain the appropriate license or
  licenses issued by the comptroller before conducting the activities
               (1)  a supplier, who may also act as a distributor,
  importer, exporter, blender, motor fuel transporter, dealer, or
  aviation fuel dealer without securing a separate license, but who
  is subject to all other conditions, requirements, and liabilities
  imposed on those license holders;
               (2)  a permissive supplier, who may also act as a
  distributor, importer, exporter, blender, motor fuel transporter,
  dealer, or aviation fuel dealer without securing a separate license
  but who is subject to all other conditions, requirements, and
  liabilities imposed on those license holders;
               (3)  a distributor, who may also act as an importer,
  exporter, blender, [or] motor fuel transporter, or dealer without
  securing a separate license, but who is subject to all other
  conditions, requirements, and liabilities imposed on those license
               (4)  an importer, who may also act as an exporter,
  blender, [or] motor fuel transporter, or dealer without securing a
  separate license, but who is subject to all other conditions,
  requirements, and liabilities imposed on those license holders;
               (5)  a terminal operator;
               (6)  an exporter;
               (7)  a blender;
               (8)  a motor fuel transporter;
               (9)  an aviation fuel dealer;
               (10)  an interstate trucker; [or]
               (11)  a dyed diesel fuel bonded user; or
               (12)  a dealer.
         SECTION 47.  Section 162.206(d), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Any gallons purchased or sold in excess of the
  limitations prescribed by Subsection (c) constitute a [taxable
  purchase or] sale subject to the taxes imposed by this subchapter.
  A purchaser that exceeds the limitations prescribed by Subsection
  (c) shall be required to obtain a dyed diesel fuel bonded user
         SECTION 48.  Sections 162.208(a) and (b), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person may elect to obtain a permissive supplier
  license to collect the state diesel fuel tax imposed by [under] this
  subchapter for diesel fuel that is removed at a terminal in another
  state and has this state as the destination state.
         (b)  With respect to diesel fuel that is removed by the
  licensed permissive supplier at a terminal located in another state
  and that has this state as the destination state, a licensed
  permissive supplier shall:
               (1)  collect the state diesel fuel tax due to this state
  on the diesel fuel;
               (2)  waive any defense that this state lacks
  jurisdiction to require the supplier to collect the state diesel
  fuel tax due to this state on the diesel fuel under this subchapter;
               (3)  report and pay the state diesel fuel tax due on the
  diesel fuel in the same manner as if the removal had occurred at a
  terminal located in this state;
               (4)  keep records of the removal of the diesel fuel and
  submit to audits concerning the diesel fuel as if the removal had
  occurred at a terminal located in this state; and
               (5)  report sales by the permissive supplier to a
  person who is not licensed in this state.
         SECTION 49.  Section 162.209, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  In addition to the information required by Subsection
  (a), an applicant for a license as a dealer must list on the
               (1)  the street address, municipality, county, and zip
  code of the location for which the applicant seeks a license to sell
  or dispense motor fuel at retail;
               (2)  the applicant's social security number, driver's
  license number, and federal employer identification number if the
  applicant is a natural person who is not licensed as a supplier,
  permissive supplier, or terminal operator; and
               (3)  if the applicant is a corporation, limited
  liability company, professional association, partnership or other
  entity that is not licensed as a supplier, permissive supplier, or
  terminal operator and is not wholly owned by an entity that is
  licensed as a supplier, permissive supplier, or terminal operator,
  the physical address, mailing address, social security number, and
  driver's license number of:
                     (A)  each natural person responsible for the
  purchase of motor fuel for sale by the applicant; and
                     (B)  each officer, director, manager, member,
  shareholder, and partner of the applicant.
         SECTION 50.  Section 162.211(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The license issued to a supplier, permissive supplier,
  distributor, importer, terminal supplier, exporter, blender,
  dealer, motor fuel transporter, or dyed diesel fuel bonded user is
  permanent and is valid during the period the license holder has in
  force and effect the required bond or security and furnishes timely
  reports and supplements as required, or until the license is
  surrendered by the holder or canceled by the comptroller. The
  comptroller shall cancel a license under this subsection if a
  purchase, sale, or use of diesel fuel has not been reported by the
  license holder during the previous nine months.
         SECTION 51.  Section 162.212(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The comptroller shall determine the amount of security
  required of a supplier, permissive supplier, distributor,
  exporter, importer, dealer, blender, or dyed diesel fuel bonded
  user, taking into consideration the amount of tax that has or is
  expected to become due from the person, any past history of the
  person as a license holder under this chapter and its predecessor,
  and the necessity to protect this state against the failure to pay
  the tax as the tax becomes due.
         SECTION 52.  Section 162.213(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The comptroller, on or before December 20 of each year,
  shall make available to all license holders an alphabetical list of
  licensed suppliers, permissive suppliers, distributors, aviation
  fuel dealers, importers, exporters, blenders, dealers, terminal
  operators, and dyed diesel fuel bonded users. A supplemental list
  of additions and deletions shall be made available to the license
  holders each month. A current and effective license or the list
  furnished by the comptroller is evidence of the validity of the
  license until the comptroller notifies license holders of a change
  in the status of a license holder.
         SECTION 53.  Sections 162.214(c), (d), (d-1), and (e), Tax
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  If the supplier or permissive supplier cannot secure
  from the licensed distributor or licensed importer payment of taxes
  due for state diesel fuel removed from the terminal during the
  previous reporting period and the supplier elects to take a credit
  against a subsequent payment of diesel fuel tax to this state for
  the taxes not remitted to the supplier or permissive supplier by the
  licensed distributor or licensed importer, the supplier or
  permissive supplier shall notify the comptroller of the licensed
  distributor's or licensed importer's failure to remit tax in
  conjunction with the report requesting a credit.
         (d)  The supplier or permissive supplier, after requesting a
  credit under this section, shall terminate the ability of the
  licensed distributor or licensed importer to defer the payment of
  state diesel fuel tax.  The supplier or permissive supplier may not
  reinstate the right of the licensed distributor or licensed
  importer to defer the payment of state diesel fuel tax until the
  first anniversary of the date the supplier or permissive supplier
  requested the credit, subject to Subsection (d-1).
         (d-1)  A supplier or permissive supplier may reinstate the
  right of a licensed distributor or licensed importer to defer the
  payment of state diesel fuel tax before the date prescribed by
  Subsection (d) if the comptroller determines that:
               (1)  the supplier or permissive supplier erroneously
  requested the credit that resulted in the termination of the
  licensed distributor's or licensed importer's right to defer
  payment; or
               (2)  the licensed distributor or licensed importer
  failed to pay state diesel fuel taxes due because of circumstances
  that may have been outside the distributor's or importer's control.
         (e)  A licensed distributor or licensed importer who makes
  timely payments of the state diesel fuel tax imposed by [under] this
  subchapter is entitled to retain an amount equal to 1.75 percent of
  the total state diesel fuel tax [taxes] to be paid to the supplier
  or permissive supplier to cover administrative expenses.
         SECTION 54.  Section 162.215(a), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), each person who is
  liable for the taxes [tax] imposed by this subchapter, a terminal
  operator, a dealer, and a licensed distributor shall file a return
  on or before the 25th day of the month following the end of each
  calendar month.
         SECTION 55.  Sections 162.216(b), (c), (e), (g), and (h),
  Tax Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A distributor shall keep:
               (1)  a record showing the number of gallons of:
                     (A)  all diesel fuel inventories on hand at the
  first of each month;
                     (B)  all diesel fuel blended;
                     (C)  all diesel fuel purchased or received,
  showing the name of the seller and the date of each purchase or
                     (D)  all diesel fuel sold, distributed, or used,
                           (i)  the name of the purchaser;
                           (ii)  if the diesel fuel was delivered to a
  municipality in this state, the municipality to which the diesel
  fuel was delivered;
                           (iii)  the amount of municipal diesel fuel
  tax collected from the purchaser, if any; and
                           (iv)  the date of the sale, distribution, or
  use; and
                     (E)  all diesel fuel lost by fire, theft, or
               (2)  an itemized statement showing by load the number
  of gallons of all diesel fuel:
                     (A)  received during the preceding calendar month
  for export and the location of the loading;
                     (B)  sold, distributed, or used, showing:
                           (i)  the name of the purchaser;
                           (ii)  if the diesel fuel was delivered to a
  municipality in this state, the municipality to which the diesel
  fuel was delivered;
                           (iii)  the amount of municipal diesel fuel
  tax collected from the purchaser, if any; and
                           (iv)  the date of the sale, distribution, or
                     (C)  exported from this state by destination state
  or country; and
                     (D) [(C)]  imported during the preceding calendar
  month, by state or country of origin; [and]
               (3)  for diesel fuel exported outside this state, proof
  of payment of tax to the destination state, in a form acceptable to
  the comptroller; and
               (4)  all shipping documents.
         (c)  An importer shall keep:
               (1)  a record showing the number of gallons of:
                     (A)  all diesel fuel inventories on hand at the
  first of each month;
                     (B)  all diesel fuel compounded or blended;
                     (C)  all diesel fuel purchased or received,
  showing the name of the seller and the date of each purchase or
                     (D)  all diesel fuel sold, distributed, or used,
  showing the name of the purchaser, the municipality in this state,
  if applicable, and the date of the sale, distribution, or use; and
                     (E)  all diesel fuel lost by fire, theft, or
  accident; and
               (2)  an itemized statement showing by load the number
  of gallons of all diesel fuel:
                     (A)  received during the preceding calendar month
  for export and the location of the loading;
                     (B)  sold, distributed, or used, showing the name
  of the purchaser, the municipality or municipalities in this state,
  if applicable, and the date of sale, distribution, or use;
                     (C)  exported from this state, by destination
  state or country; and
                     (D) [(C)]  imported during the preceding calendar
  month, by state or country of origin.
         (e)  A blender shall keep a record showing the number of
  gallons of:
               (1)  all diesel fuel inventories on hand at the first of
  each month;
               (2)  all diesel fuel compounded or blended;
               (3)  all diesel fuel purchased or received, showing the
  name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;
               (4)  all diesel fuel sold, distributed, or used,
  showing the name of the purchaser, the municipality in this state,
  if applicable, and the date of the sale, distribution, or use; and
               (5)  all diesel fuel lost by fire, theft, or accident.
         (g)  A motor fuel transporter shall keep a complete and
  separate record of each intrastate and interstate transportation of
  diesel fuel, showing:
               (1)  the date of transportation;
               (2)  the name of the consignor and consignee;
               (3)  the method of transportation;
               (4)  the quantity and kind of diesel fuel transported;
               (5)  full data concerning the diversion of shipments,
  including the municipality in this state, if applicable, and the
  number of gallons diverted from interstate to intrastate and
  intrastate to interstate commerce; and
               (6)  the points of origin and destination, the
  municipality in this state, if applicable, the number of gallons
  shipped or transported, the date, the consignee and the consignor,
  and the kind of diesel fuel that has been diverted.
         (h)  A dealer shall keep all shipping documents and a record
  showing the number of gallons of:
               (1)  diesel fuel inventories on hand at the first of
  each month;
               (2)  all diesel fuel purchased or received, showing the
  name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;
               (3)  all diesel fuel sold or used, showing the date of
  the sale or use; and
               (4)  all diesel fuel lost by fire, theft, or accident.
         SECTION 56.  Section 162.217(c), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  A supplier or permissive supplier may take a credit for
  any state diesel fuel tax [taxes] that was [were] not remitted in a
  previous period to the supplier or permissive supplier by a
  licensed distributor or licensed importer as required by Section
  162.214. The supplier or permissive supplier is eligible to take
  this credit if the comptroller is notified of the default within 15
  days after the default occurs. If a license holder pays to a
  supplier or permissive supplier the tax owed, but the payment
  occurs after the supplier or permissive supplier has taken a credit
  on its return, the supplier or permissive supplier shall remit the
  payment to the comptroller with the next monthly return after
  receipt of the tax, plus a penalty of 10 percent of the amount of
  unpaid taxes and interest at the rate provided by Section 111.060
  beginning on the date the credit is taken.
         SECTION 57.  Section 162.219, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  RETURN; PAYMENT OF TAXES AND ALLOWANCES. (a) The monthly return and
  supplements of each distributor shall contain for the period
  covered by the return:
               (1)  the number of net gallons of diesel fuel received
  by the distributor during the month, sorted by product code,
  seller, point of origin, destination state, carrier, and receipt
               (2)  the number of net gallons of diesel fuel removed at
  a terminal rack by the distributor during the month, sorted by
  product code, seller, terminal code, and carrier;
               (3)  the number of net gallons of diesel fuel removed by
  the distributor during the month for export, sorted by product
  code, terminal code, bulk plant address, destination state, and
               (4)  the number of net gallons of diesel fuel removed by
  the distributor during the month from a terminal located in another
  state for conveyance to this state, as indicated on the shipping
  document for the diesel fuel, sorted by product code, seller,
  terminal code, bulk plant address, and carrier;
               (5)  the number of net gallons of diesel fuel the
  distributor sold during the month in transactions exempt under
  Section 162.204, dyed diesel fuel sold to a purchaser under a signed
  statement, or dyed diesel fuel sold to a dyed diesel fuel bonded
  user, sorted by product code and by the entity receiving the diesel
  fuel; [and]
               (6)  the number of net gallons delivered into a taxing
  municipality sorted by taxing municipality and purchaser; and
               (7)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         (b)  A distributor or importer who makes timely payments of
  the municipal diesel fuel tax imposed by this subchapter is
  entitled to retain an amount equal to two percent of the total
  municipal diesel fuel taxes remitted to the comptroller to cover
  administrative expenses.
         SECTION 58.  Section 162.224, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  The monthly return and supplements of each blender shall contain
  for the period covered by the return:
               (1)  the number of net gallons of diesel fuel received
  by the blender during the month, sorted by product code, seller,
  point of origin, carrier, and receipt date;
               (2)  the number of net gallons of product blended with
  diesel fuel during the month, sorted by product code, type of
  blending agent if no product code exists, seller, and carrier;
               (3)  the number of net gallons of blended diesel fuel
  sold during the month and the license number or name, [and] address,
  and, if applicable, municipality of the entity receiving the
  blended diesel fuel; and
               (4)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         SECTION 59.  Subchapter C, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.2245 to read as follows:
  monthly return and supplements of each dealer shall contain for the
  period covered by the return:
               (1)  the number of gallons of diesel fuel inventories
  on hand at the first of each month, sorted by product code;
               (2)  the number of gallons of diesel fuel received by
  the dealer during the month, sorted by seller;
               (3)  the number of gallons of diesel fuel inventories
  on hand at the end of each month; and
               (4)  any other information required by the comptroller.
         SECTION 60.  Sections 162.227(f-1) and (f-2), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (f-1)  A volunteer fire department exempt from the taxes
  [tax] imposed under this subchapter that paid a tax on the purchase
  of diesel fuel is entitled to a refund of the tax paid, and the
  volunteer fire department may file a refund claim with the
  comptroller for that amount.
         (f-2)  A nonprofit entity exempted under Section
  162.204(a)(15) from the taxes [tax] imposed under this subchapter
  that paid a tax on the purchase of diesel fuel is entitled to a
  refund of the tax paid, and the entity may file a refund claim with
  the comptroller for that amount.
         SECTION 61.  Sections 162.229(a) and (d), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A refund claim must be filed on a form provided by the
  comptroller, be supported by the original invoice issued by the
  seller, and contain:
               (1)  the stamped or preprinted name and address of the
  seller, including, if applicable, the municipality to which the
  diesel fuel was delivered;
               (2)  the name and address of the purchaser;
               (3)  the date of delivery of the diesel fuel;
               (4)  the date of the issuance of the invoice, if
  different from the date of fuel delivery;
               (5)  the number of gallons of diesel fuel delivered;
               (6)  the amount of state or municipal diesel fuel taxes
  paid [tax], either separately stated from the selling price or
  stated with a notation that both state and municipal diesel fuel
  taxes are included if both apply [the selling price includes the
  tax]; and
               (7)  the type of vehicle or equipment into which the
  fuel is delivered.
         (d)  A distributor or person who does not hold a license who
  files a valid refund claim with the comptroller shall be paid by a
  warrant issued by the comptroller. For purposes of this section, a
  distributor meets the requirement of filing a valid refund claim
  for state and municipal diesel fuel taxes if the distributor
  designates the gallons of diesel fuel sold or used that are the
  subject of the refund claim on the monthly report submitted by the
  distributor to the comptroller.
         SECTION 62.  Sections 162.401(b), (c), and (f), Tax Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The comptroller may add a penalty of 75 percent of the
  amount of taxes, penalties, and interest due if failure to file the
  report or pay the tax when it becomes due is attributable to fraud
  or an intent to evade the application of this chapter or a rule
  adopted under this chapter or Chapter 111 or 401.
         (c)  The penalties provided by Subsection (b) are intended to
  be remedial in nature and are provided for the protection of state
  and taxing municipality revenue and to reimburse the state and
  taxing municipalities for expenses incurred as a result of fraud,
  including expenses incurred in conducting an investigation.
         (f)  In addition to any other penalty authorized by this
  section, a person who fails to pay the tax imposed by Section
  162.101(e-2), 162.1011(c), [or] 162.201(e-2), or 162.2011(d) when
  due shall pay a penalty equal to the greater of $2,000 or five times
  the amount of the taxes [tax] due on the motor fuel.
         SECTION 63.  Sections 162.402(a), (c), and (d), Tax Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person forfeits to the state a civil penalty of not
  less than $25 and not more than $200 if the person:
               (1)  refuses to stop and permit the inspection and
  examination of a motor vehicle transporting or using motor fuel on
  demand of a peace officer or the comptroller;
               (2)  operates a motor vehicle in this state without a
  valid interstate trucker's license or a trip permit when the person
  is required to hold one of those licenses or permits;
               (3)  transports gasoline or diesel fuel in any cargo
  tank that has a connection by pipe, tube, valve, or otherwise with
  the fuel injector or carburetor of, or with the fuel supply tank
  feeding the fuel injector or carburetor of, the motor vehicle
  transporting the product;
               (4)  sells or delivers gasoline or diesel fuel from any
  fuel supply tank connected with the fuel injector or carburetor of a
  motor vehicle;
               (5)  owns or operates a motor vehicle for which reports
  or mileage records are required by this chapter without an
  operating odometer or other device in good working condition to
  record accurately the miles traveled;
               (6)  furnishes to a licensed supplier or distributor a
  signed statement for purchasing diesel fuel tax-free and then uses
  the tax-free diesel fuel to operate a diesel-powered motor vehicle
  on a public highway;
               (7)  fails or refuses to comply with or violates a
  provision of this chapter;
               (8)  fails or refuses to comply with or violates a
  comptroller's rule for administering or enforcing this chapter;
               (9)  is an importer who does not obtain an import
  verification number when required by this chapter;
               (10)  purchases motor fuel for export, on which the
  taxes [tax] imposed by this chapter have [has] not been paid, and
  subsequently diverts or causes the motor fuel to be diverted to a
  destination in this state or any other state or country other than
  the originally designated state or country without first obtaining
  a diversion number;
               (11)  delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle and the
  person does not hold a valid compressed natural gas and liquefied
  natural gas dealer's license; [or]
               (12)  makes a tax-free delivery of compressed natural
  gas or liquefied natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor
  vehicle, unless the delivery is exempt from tax under Section
               (13)  transports motor fuel to a municipality in this
  state other than the municipality stated on the shipping document;
               (14)  transports motor fuel to a municipality in this
  state if the shipping document does not state a municipality.
         (c)  A person receiving motor fuel who accepts a shipping
  document that does not conform with the requirements of Section
  162.004 or 162.016(a) is liable to this state for a civil penalty of
  $2,000 or five times the amount of the unpaid tax, whichever is
  greater, for each occurrence.
         (d)  A person who issues a shipping document that does not
  conform with the requirements of Section 162.004 or 162.016(a) is
  liable to this state for a civil penalty of $2,000 or five times the
  amount of the unpaid tax, whichever is greater, for each
         SECTION 64.  Section 162.403, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.403.  CRIMINAL OFFENSES.  Except as provided by
  Section 162.404, a person commits an offense if the person:
               (1)  refuses to stop and permit the inspection and
  examination of a motor vehicle transporting or using motor fuel on
  the demand of a peace officer or the comptroller;
               (2)  is required to hold a valid trip permit or
  interstate trucker's license, but operates a motor vehicle in this
  state without a valid trip permit or interstate trucker's license;
               (3)  transports gasoline or diesel fuel in any cargo
  tank that has a connection by pipe, tube, valve, or otherwise with
  the fuel injector or carburetor or with the fuel supply tank feeding
  the fuel injector or carburetor of the motor vehicle transporting
  the product;
               (4)  sells or delivers gasoline or diesel fuel from a
  fuel supply tank that is connected with the fuel injector or
  carburetor of a motor vehicle;
               (5)  owns or operates a motor vehicle for which reports
  or mileage records are required by this chapter without an
  operating odometer or other device in good working condition to
  record accurately the miles traveled;
               (6)  sells or delivers dyed diesel fuel for the
  operation of a motor vehicle on a public highway;
               (7)  uses dyed diesel fuel for the operation of a motor
  vehicle on a public highway except as allowed under Section
               (8)  refuses to permit the comptroller or the attorney
  general to inspect, examine, or audit a book or record required to
  be kept by a license holder, other user, or any person required to
  hold a license under this chapter;
               (9)  refuses to permit the comptroller or the attorney
  general to inspect or examine any plant, equipment, materials, or
  premises where motor fuel is produced, processed, blended, stored,
  sold, delivered, or used;
               (10)  refuses to permit the comptroller, the attorney
  general, an employee of either of those officials, a peace officer,
  an employee of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, or an
  employee of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to
  measure or gauge the contents of or take samples from a storage tank
  or container on premises where motor fuel is produced, processed,
  blended, stored, sold, delivered, or used;
               (11)  is a license holder, a person required to be
  licensed, or another user and fails or refuses to make or deliver to
  the comptroller a report required by this chapter to be made and
  delivered to the comptroller;
               (12)  is an importer who does not obtain an import
  verification number when required by this chapter;
               (13)  purchases motor fuel for export, on which the
  taxes [tax] imposed by this chapter have [has] not been paid, and
  subsequently diverts or causes the motor fuel to be diverted to a
  destination in this state or any other state or country other than
  the originally designated state or country without first obtaining
  a diversion number;
               (13-a)  transports motor fuel to a municipality in this
  state other than the municipality stated on the shipping document;
               (13-b)  transports motor fuel to a municipality in this
  state if the shipping document does not state a municipality;
               (14)  conceals motor fuel with the intent of engaging
  in any conduct proscribed by this chapter or refuses to make sales
  of motor fuel on the volume-corrected basis prescribed by this
               (15)  refuses, while transporting motor fuel, to stop
  the motor vehicle the person is operating when called on to do so by
  a person authorized to stop the motor vehicle;
               (16)  refuses to surrender a motor vehicle and cargo
  for impoundment after being ordered to do so by a person authorized
  to impound the motor vehicle and cargo;
               (17)  mutilates, destroys, or secretes a book or record
  required by this chapter to be kept by a license holder, other user,
  or person required to hold a license under this chapter;
               (18)  is a license holder, other user, or other person
  required to hold a license under this chapter, or the agent or
  employee of one of those persons, and makes a false entry or fails
  to make an entry in the books and records required under this
  chapter to be made by the person or fails to retain a document as
  required by this chapter;
               (19)  transports in any manner motor fuel under a false
  cargo manifest or shipping document, or transports in any manner
  motor fuel to a location without delivering at the same time a
  shipping document relating to that shipment;
               (20)  engages in a motor fuel transaction that requires
  that the person have a license under this chapter without then and
  there holding the required license;
               (21)  makes and delivers to the comptroller a report
  required under this chapter to be made and delivered to the
  comptroller, if the report contains false information;
               (22)  forges, falsifies, or alters an invoice or
  shipping document prescribed by law;
               (23)  makes any statement, knowing said statement to be
  false, in a claim for a tax refund filed with the comptroller;
               (24)  furnishes to a licensed supplier or distributor a
  signed statement for purchasing diesel fuel tax-free and then uses
  the tax-free diesel fuel to operate a diesel-powered motor vehicle
  on a public highway;
               (25)  holds an aviation fuel dealer's license and makes
  a taxable sale or use of any gasoline or diesel fuel;
               (26)  fails to remit any tax funds collected or
  required to be collected by a license holder, another user, or any
  other person required to hold a license under this chapter;
               (27)  makes a sale of dyed diesel fuel tax-free into a
  storage facility of a person who:
                     (A)  is not licensed as a distributor, as an
  aviation fuel dealer, or as a dyed diesel fuel bonded user; or
                     (B)  does not furnish to the licensed supplier or
  distributor a signed statement prescribed in Section 162.206;
               (28)  makes a sale of gasoline tax-free to any person
  who is not licensed as an aviation fuel dealer;
               (29)  purchases any motor fuel tax-free when not
  authorized to make a tax-free purchase under this chapter;
               (30)  purchases motor fuel with the intent to evade any
  tax imposed by this chapter or accepts a delivery of motor fuel by
  any means and does not at the same time accept or receive a shipping
  document relating to the delivery;
               (31)  transports motor fuel for which a cargo manifest
  or shipping document is required to be carried without possessing
  or exhibiting on demand by an officer authorized to make the demand
  a cargo manifest or shipping document containing the information
  required to be shown on the manifest or shipping document;
               (32)  imports, sells, uses, blends, distributes, or
  stores motor fuel within this state on which a tax [the taxes]
  imposed by this chapter is [are] owed but has [have] not been first
  paid to or reported by a license holder, another user, or any other
  person required to hold a license under this chapter;
               (33)  blends products together to produce a blended
  fuel that is offered for sale, sold, or used and that expands the
  volume of the original product to evade paying applicable motor
  fuel taxes;
               (34)  evades or attempts to evade in any manner a tax
  imposed on motor fuel by this chapter;
               (35)  delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle and the
  person does not hold a valid compressed natural gas and liquefied
  natural gas dealer's license; or
               (36)  makes a tax-free delivery of compressed natural
  gas or liquefied natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor
  vehicle, unless the delivery is exempt from tax under Section
         SECTION 65.  Section 162.405(d), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  An offense under Section 162.403(6), (13-a), (13-b),
  (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), or (24) is a felony of the
  third degree.
         SECTION 66.  Section 20.002(d), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The fee imposed by this section is equal to 25 percent of
  the diesel fuel tax rate imposed under Section 162.202(a)
  [162.202], Tax Code.
         SECTION 67.  (a)  A municipality may not impose a motor fuel
  tax under Chapter 401, Tax Code, as added by this Act, before the
  effective date of rules adopted by the comptroller of public
  accounts under Section 401.151, Tax Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  The comptroller of public accounts shall adopt rules as
  provided by Section 401.151, Tax Code, as added by this Act, not
  later than the 90th day after the date the voters approve the
  imposition of a tax under Chapter 401, Tax Code, as added by this
  Act, in the first municipality in this state in which imposition of
  the tax is approved.
         SECTION 68.  The comptroller shall compute the initial
  adjusted tax rates as required by Sections 162.1026(c) and
  162.2026(c), Tax Code, as added by this Act, not later than November
  1, 2024. The initial adjusted rates take effect January 1, 2025.
         SECTION 69.  The change in law made by this Act does not
  affect tax liability accruing before the effective date of this
  Act. That liability continues in effect as if this Act had not been
  enacted, and the former law is continued in effect for the
  collection of taxes due and for civil and criminal enforcement of
  the liability for those taxes.
         SECTION 70.  If the constitution of this state requires that
  one-fourth of the municipal motor fuels tax authorized by this Act
  be allocated to the available school fund, the municipality shall
  deposit that money into an account separate from the money
  collected under other provisions of this Act and shall allocate the
  money to the comptroller of public accounts for deposit in the state
  treasury for the purpose required by the constitution.
         SECTION 71.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.