relating to mentors assigned to classroom teachers in public |
schools. |
SECTION 1. Sections 21.458(a), (a-1), (b), (b-1), (f), and |
(g), Education Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Each school district may assign a mentor who is an |
educator [teacher] to each classroom teacher who has less than two |
years of teaching experience in the subject or grade level to which |
the teacher is assigned. An educator [A teacher] assigned as a |
mentor must: |
(1) to the extent practicable, teach in the same |
school; |
(2) to the extent practicable, teach the same subject |
or grade level, as applicable; and |
(3) meet the qualifications prescribed by |
commissioner rules adopted under Subsection (b). |
(a-1) To be assigned as a mentor, an educator [a teacher] |
must agree to serve as a mentor [teacher] for at least one school |
year. The assignment must begin not later than the 30th day of |
employment of the classroom teacher to whom the mentor [teacher] is |
assigned. A district must agree to assign a mentor to a new |
classroom teacher for at least two school years. |
(b) The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to |
administer this section, including rules concerning the duties and |
qualifications of an educator [a teacher] who serves as a mentor and |
the number of classroom teachers that may be assigned to a mentor. |
The rules concerning qualifications must require that to serve as a |
mentor an educator [a teacher] must: |
(1) complete a research-based mentor and induction |
training program approved by the commissioner; |
(2) complete a mentor training program provided by the |
district, which the district may allow to be satisfied by |
completing the training program described by Subdivision (1); |
(3) have at least three complete years of [teaching] |
experience as an educator with a superior record of assisting |
students, as a whole, in achieving improvement in student |
performance; and |
(4) demonstrate interpersonal skills, instructional |
effectiveness, and leadership skills. |
(b-1) A school district must provide training as described |
by Subsection (b)(2) to mentors [mentor teachers] and any |
appropriate district and campus employees who work with the |
classroom teacher or supervise the classroom teacher. A district |
may allow a training program approved by the commissioner under |
Subsection (b)(1) to qualify for the training required by this |
section. The training must be completed by the mentor [teacher] and |
the district and campus employees before the beginning of the |
school year. The district shall also provide supplemental training |
to mentors [mentor teachers] and employees during the school year. |
The training must include content related to best mentorship |
practices. |
(f) A mentor [teacher] must meet with each classroom teacher |
assigned to the mentor not less than 12 hours each semester. |
Observations of the mentor by the classroom teacher being mentored, |
if applicable, or of the classroom teacher being mentored by the |
mentor may count toward the 12 hours of meeting time required for |
the semester. Except as provided by Subsection (f-1), the |
mentoring sessions must address the following topics: |
(1) orientation to the context, policies, and |
practices of the school district; |
(2) data-driven instructional practices; |
(3) specific instructional coaching cycles, including |
coaching regarding conferences between parents and the classroom |
teacher; |
(4) professional development; and |
(5) professional expectations. |
(g) A school district must: |
(1) designate a specific time during the regularly |
contracted school day for meetings between mentors [mentor |
teachers] and classroom teachers assigned to a mentor; and |
(2) schedule release time or a reduced teaching load |
for mentors, if applicable, [mentor teachers] and classroom |
teachers under this section to facilitate mentoring activities, |
including classroom observations or participation in supportive |
coaching. |
SECTION 2. Sections 48.114(a) and (c), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A school district that has implemented a mentoring |
program for classroom teachers who have less than two years of |
teaching experience under Section 21.458 is entitled to an |
allotment as determined under Subsection (b) to fund the mentoring |
program and to provide stipends for educators who are mentors |
[mentor teachers]. |
(c) Funding provided to districts under this section may be |
used only for providing: |
(1) mentor [teacher] stipends; |
(2) scheduled release time for mentors [mentor |
teachers] and the classroom teachers to whom they are assigned for |
meeting and engaging in mentoring activities; and |
(3) mentoring support through providers of mentor |
training. |
SECTION 3. This Act applies beginning with the 2023-2024 |
school year. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2023. |