88R8031 JG-D
  By: A. Johnson of Harris H.B. No. 2641
  relating to Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for the provision
  of rapid whole genome sequencing to certain infants with acute or
  complex illnesses.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 32, Human Resources Code,
  is amended by adding Section 32.03125 to read as follows:
  SEQUENCING. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Rapid whole genome sequencing" means an
  investigation of the entire human genome, including coding and
  noncoding regions and mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid, to
  identify disease-causing genetic changes that returns preliminary
  positive results not later than the fifth day after the date the
  sequencing is ordered and final results not later than the 14th day
  after the date the sequencing is ordered. The term includes
  patient-only whole genome sequencing and duo and trio whole genome
  sequencing of the patient and a biological parent or parents of the
               (2)  "Recipient" means a medical assistance recipient.
         (b)  The commission shall ensure medical assistance
  reimbursement is provided for the provision of rapid whole genome
  sequencing in accordance with this section to a recipient who:
               (1)  is younger than one year of age;
               (2)  has a complex or acute illness of unknown origin
  that is not confirmed to be caused by:
                     (A)  an environmental exposure;
                     (B)  a toxic ingestion;
                     (C)  an infection with a normal response to
  therapy; or
                     (D)  trauma; and
               (3)  is receiving inpatient hospital treatment in an
  intensive care unit or high acuity pediatric care unit.
         (c)  The executive commissioner by rule shall establish a
  medical assistance program reimbursement rate for the provision of
  rapid whole genome sequencing to a recipient by a genome sequencing
         (d)  The provision of rapid whole genome sequencing may be
  subject to applicable evidence-based utilization review required
  by the commission that is based on whether:
               (1)  the recipient's symptoms suggest a broad
  differential diagnosis that would require an evaluation by multiple
  genetic tests if comprehensive genetic testing is not performed;
               (2)  the recipient's treating genome sequencing
  provider determines that a timely identification of a molecular
  diagnosis is necessary to guide clinical decision-making and
  testing results may guide the treatment or management of the
  recipient's condition; and
               (3)  the recipient has a complex or acute illness of
  unknown origin that includes at least one of the following:
                     (A)  congenital anomalies involving at least two
  organ systems or complex or multiple congenital anomalies in one
  organ system;
                     (B)  specific organ malformations highly
  suggestive of a genetic origin;
                     (C)  abnormal laboratory tests or abnormal
  chemistry profiles suggesting the presence of a genetic disease,
  complex metabolic disorder, or inborn error of metabolism,
  including an abnormal newborn screen, hyperammonemia, or severe
  lactic acidosis not due to poor perfusion;
                     (D)  refractory or severe hypoglycemia or
                     (E)  abnormal response to therapy related to an
  underlying medical condition affecting vital organs or bodily
                     (F)  severe muscle weakness, rigidity, or
                     (G)  refractory seizures;
                     (H)  high-risk stratification on evaluation for a
  brief resolved unexplained event with:
                           (i)  a lack of coordination;
                           (ii)  a recurrent event without respiratory
                           (iii)  a recurrent witnessed seizure-like
  event; or
                           (iv)  a recurrent cardiopulmonary
                     (I)  abnormal cardiac diagnostic testing results
  suggestive of possible channelopathies, arrhythmias,
  cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, or structural heart disease;
                     (J)  abnormal diagnostic imaging studies
  suggestive of an underlying genetic condition such as a storage
  disorder or brain white matter disease;
                     (K)  abnormal physiologic function studies
  suggestive of an underlying genetic origin such as a bleeding
  disorder or immune deficiency disorder; or
                     (L)  family genetic history related to the
  recipient's condition.
         (e)  Except as provided by Subsection (g), genetic data
  created as a result of rapid whole genome sequencing provided in
  accordance with this section must primarily be used to assist the
  genome sequencing provider who ordered the test and other health
  care providers treating the recipient who is the subject of the
  sequencing in the diagnosis and treatment of the recipient.
         (f)  Genetic data described by Subsection (e) is subject to
  the requirements applicable to protected health information under
  the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
  (Pub. L. No. 104-191), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
  of 2009 (Pub. L. No. 111-5), and the rules adopted under those laws,
  including 45 C.F.R. Part 160 and 45 C.F.R. Part 164, Subparts A and
         (g) A person may use genetic data described by Subsection (e)
  in scientific research if the person receives express consent for
  that use by the recipient or the recipient's parent, legal
  guardian, or managing conservator if the recipient is a minor. The
  recipient or recipient's parent, legal guardian, or managing
  conservator may provide a written revocation of that consent to the
  person at any time, and the person shall cease using the data and
  expunge the data from the person's data repository immediately on
  receipt of the revocation.
         (h)  A recipient or the recipient's parent, legal guardian,
  or managing conservator if the recipient is a minor may request
  access to the results of rapid whole genome sequencing authorized
  under this section for use in other clinical settings.
         SECTION 2.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.