88R11304 MLH-D
  By: Campos H.B. No. 2704
  relating to service plans in a suit affecting the parent-child
         SECTION 1.  Section 263.101, Family Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 263.101.  DEPARTMENT TO FILE SERVICE PLAN.  Except as
  provided by Section 262.2015, not later than the 30th [45th] day
  after the date the court renders a temporary order appointing the
  department as temporary managing conservator of a child under
  Chapter 262, the department shall file a service plan.
         SECTION 2.  Section 263.102, Family Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a) and (f) and adding Subsection (a-1) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The service plan must:
               (1)  be specific;
               (2)  be in writing in a language that the parents
  understand, or made otherwise available;
               (3)  be prepared by the department in conference with
  the child's parents and any legal counsel retained by the child's
               (4)  state appropriate deadlines;
               (5)  specify the primary permanency goal and at least
  one alternative permanency goal;
               (6)  state steps that are necessary to:
                     (A)  return the child to the child's home if the
  placement is in foster care;
                     (B)  enable the child to remain in the child's
  home with the assistance of a service plan if the placement is in
  the home under the department's supervision; or
                     (C)  otherwise provide a permanent safe placement
  for the child;
               (7)  state the actions and responsibilities that are
  necessary for the child's parents to take to achieve the plan goal
  during the period of the service plan and the assistance to be
  provided to the parents by the department or other agency toward
  meeting that goal;
               (8)  state any specific skills or knowledge that the
  child's parents must acquire or learn, as well as any behavioral
  changes the parents must exhibit, to achieve the plan goal;
               (9)  state the actions and responsibilities that are
  necessary for the child's parents to take to ensure that the child
  attends school and maintains or improves the child's academic
               (10)  state the name of the person with the department
  whom the child's parents may contact for information relating to
  the child if other than the person preparing the plan; and
               (11)  prescribe any other term or condition that the
  department determines to be necessary to the service plan's
         (a-1)  Any actions, responsibilities, skills, or knowledge
  under Subsection (a)(7) or (8) must directly relate to the reason
  the child was removed from the child's home.
         (f)  The department shall consult with relevant
  professionals to determine the skills or knowledge that the parents
  of a child under two years of age should learn or acquire to provide
  a safe placement for the child.  The skills or knowledge must
  directly relate to the reason the child was removed from the child's
  home.  The department shall incorporate those skills and abilities
  into the department's service plans, as appropriate.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.