By: Thompson of Brazoria (Senate Sponsor - Perry) H.B. No. 2759
         (In the Senate - Received from the House April 17, 2023;
  April 18, 2023, read first time and referred to Committee on Water,
  Agriculture & Rural Affairs; May 4, 2023, reported favorably by the
  following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0; May 4, 2023, sent to printer.)
Click here to see the committee vote
  relating to the establishment of the TexMesonet Hydrometeorology
  Network and creation of the TexMesonet Advisory Committee.
         SECTION 1.  Section 16.012(b), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The executive administrator shall:
               (1)  determine suitable locations for future water
  facilities, including reservoir sites;
               (2)  determine suitable, cost-effective water supply
  alternatives on a regional basis, including voluntary means of
  encouraging aggressive water conservation;
               (3)  locate land best suited for irrigation;
               (4)  make estimates of the cost of proposed irrigation
  works and the improvement of reservoir sites;
               (5)  examine and survey reservoir sites;
               (6)  monitor the effects of fresh water inflows upon
  the bays and estuaries of Texas;
               (7)  monitor instream flows;
               (7-a)  monitor hydrometeorological conditions;
               (8)  lead a statewide effort, in coordination with
  federal, state, and local governments, institutions of higher
  education, and other interested parties, to develop a network for
  collecting and disseminating water resource-related information
  that is sufficient to support assessment of ambient water
  conditions statewide;
               (9)  make recommendations for optimizing the
  efficiency and effectiveness of water resource data collection and
  dissemination as necessary to ensure that basic water resource data
  are maintained and available for Texas; and
               (10)  make basic data and summary information developed
  under this subsection accessible to state agencies and other
  interested persons.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 16, Water Code, is amended
  by adding Section 16.026 to read as follows:
  TEXMESONET ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a) In this section, "network"
  means the TexMesonet Hydrometeorology Network.
         (b)  The executive administrator shall establish the
  TexMesonet Hydrometeorology Network to provide a statewide
  resource for hydrometeorological data and summary information
  benefiting weather forecasting, flood preparedness, drought
  monitoring, wildfire management, water resources planning, water
  conservation, agricultural readiness and productivity, industrial
  readiness, and related business readiness and productivity across
  this state.
         (c)  The network shall:
               (1)  establish a series of stations throughout this
  state to monitor hydrometeorological conditions;
               (2)  coordinate mesoscale, evapotranspiration, and
  soil moisture monitoring efforts in this state by:
                     (A)  collecting, receiving, analyzing,
  processing, and facilitating access to basic hydrometeorological
  data; and
                     (B)  developing and disseminating products,
  tools, and summary information related to that data;
               (3)  serve as the centralized repository for
  hydrometeorological data in this state; and
               (4)  provide appropriate technical assistance related
  to the duties described by Subdivisions (1)-(3).
         (d)  The executive administrator may, on behalf of the
  network, enter into:
               (1)  any agreement with an individual or a federal,
  state, or local governmental entity to provide site location and
  access for earth observation stations; and
               (2)  a partnership with a public or private entity to
  provide additional funding and resources for improved access to and
  development of hydrometeorological data, products, and tools.
         (e)  Each state agency or political subdivision of this state
  that collects hydrometeorological information, including public
  institutions of higher education, shall cooperate with the network
  in the development of a coordinated, efficient, and effective
  statewide hydrometeorological data collection and dissemination
         (f)  The executive administrator may establish the
  TexMesonet Advisory Committee to advise and make recommendations to
  the executive administrator on ensuring data quality and optimizing
  the efficiency and effectiveness of hydrometeorological data
  collection, product development, and dissemination of data and
  information.  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
  size, composition, or duration of the advisory committee.  Members
  of the advisory committee serve without compensation but are
  entitled to reimbursement for actual or necessary expenses incurred
  in performing functions as a member of the advisory committee
  subject to any applicable limitation on reimbursement provided by
  the General Appropriations Act.  The committee may include members
  representing the following entities or interest groups:
               (1)  the office of the state climatologist;
               (2)  the National Weather Service;
               (3)  existing hydrometeorological networks; and
               (4)  other appropriate entities.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.
  * * * * *