88R3332 DRS-D
  By: Leo-Wilson H.B. No. 3281
  relating to a prohibition on certain roadway projects and to the
  distribution of affordable housing funds to local governmental
  entities that violate that prohibition.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 472, Transportation Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter E to read as follows:
         Sec. 472.051.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "undivided
  laned roadway" means a roadway that has at least two clearly marked
  lanes for vehicular travel and is not divided by a median.
         Sec. 472.052.  APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies only
  to a roadway project that:
               (1)  converts a four-lane undivided laned roadway to a
  three-lane undivided laned roadway consisting of two through lanes
  and a center two-way left turn lane and that reallocates roadway
  space to another use, including a bike lane, pedestrian refuge
  island, transit stop, or parking; or
               (2)  narrows existing marked lanes on an undivided
  laned roadway to reallocate roadway space for a use other than the
  creation of an additional traffic lane.
         Sec. 472.053.  CERTAIN ROADWAY PROJECTS PROHIBITED. A local
  governmental entity may not implement a roadway project described
  by Section 472.052 on a roadway maintained by the entity.
  local governmental entity implementing a roadway project shall
  include the department's telephone number and the department's
  Internet website address in all public materials and communication
  about the project for the purpose of allowing a member of the public
  to submit a complaint regarding the project to the department.
         Sec. 472.055.  INVESTIGATION BY DEPARTMENT. (a) If the
  department receives a complaint or otherwise is informed that a
  local governmental entity has implemented or plans to implement a
  roadway project described by Section 472.052, the department shall
  investigate whether the roadway project violates Section 472.053.
         (b)  The department shall report the results of an
  investigation under Subsection (a) to:
               (1)  the local governmental entity implementing the
  roadway project that is the subject of the investigation; and
               (2)  the commission.
         Sec. 472.056.  ACTION BY COMMISSION. If the commission
  finds, based on the results of an investigation under Section
  472.055, that a roadway project of a local governmental entity
  violates Section 472.053, the commission shall deliver notice of
  the violation to:
               (1)  the local governmental entity implementing the
  roadway project that is the subject of the violation; and
               (2)  the Texas Department of Housing and Community
         Sec. 472.057.  APPEAL OF COMMISSION DETERMINATION. (a) Not
  later than the 30th day after the date a local governmental entity
  receives notice under Section 472.056 that a roadway project of the
  entity violates Section 472.053, the entity may contest the
  determination by filing an appeal with the department.
         (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date an appeal is
  filed with the department under Subsection (a), the department
  shall review the findings of the department's investigation under
  Section 472.055 and report the results of the review to the
         (c)  Not later than the 30th day after the date the
  commission receives the results of the department's review under
  Subsection (b), the commission shall determine whether the roadway
  project violates Section 472.053.
         (d)  The commission shall deliver notice of the commission's
  determination to:
               (1)  the local governmental entity that filed the
  appeal; and
               (2)  the Texas Department of Housing and Community
         (e)  If the commission determines that the roadway project
  violates Section 472.053, the notice must include recommendations
  for implementing the roadway project in a manner that will not
  violate Section 472.053.
         SECTION 2.  Section 2306.111, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (j) to read as follows:
         (j)  The department may not provide financial assistance to a
  local governmental entity if the Texas Transportation Commission
  notifies the department under Section 472.056(2), Transportation
  Code, that a roadway project of the entity violates Section
  472.053, Transportation Code. A prohibition on financial
  assistance to a local governmental entity under this subsection is
  in effect until the earlier of:
               (1)  the end of the fiscal year of the entity following
  the fiscal year during which the department received notice under
  Section 472.056(2), Transportation Code; or
               (2)  the date the department receives notification from
  the commission under Section 472.057(d), Transportation Code, that
  the entity has successfully appealed the commission's initial
  determination of a violation of Section 472.053, Transportation
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.