88R12977 KBB-D
  By: Rogers H.B. No. 3420
  relating to the transfer of certain real property from the Texas
  Transportation Commission to Palo Pinto County.
         SECTION 1.  (a) Not later than January 1, 2024, the Texas
  Transportation Commission shall transfer to Palo Pinto County all
  or part of the real property described by Section 2 of this Act. The
  property transferred shall be sufficient to serve the purposes
  described by Subsection (b) of this section.
         (b)  The consideration for the transfer authorized by
  Subsection (a) of this section is the requirement that Palo Pinto
  County use the property transferred only as an area for motor
  vehicle scales used by and motor vehicle inspections conducted by
  Department of Public Safety inspectors or other authorized weight
  enforcement officers for purposes of enforcement of Chapter 621,
  Transportation Code, or a successor statute, a purpose that
  benefits the public interest of the state. If Palo Pinto County no
  longer uses the property as described by this subsection, ownership
  of the property automatically reverts to the Texas Transportation
         (c)  The Texas Transportation Commission shall transfer the
  property by an appropriate instrument of transfer that:
               (1)  includes a provision that:
                     (A)  requires Palo Pinto County to use the
  property as an area for motor vehicle scales used by and vehicle
  inspections conducted by Department of Public Safety inspectors or
  other authorized weight enforcement officers for purposes of
  enforcement of Chapter 621, Transportation Code, or a successor
  statute, a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state;
                     (B)  indicates that ownership of the property
  automatically reverts to the Texas Transportation Commission if
  Palo Pinto County no longer uses the property for that public
  purpose; and
               (2)  describes the property to be transferred by metes
  and bounds.
         (d)  All contracts, leases, and other obligations governing
  the real property transferred as authorized by this Act in effect on
  the effective date of this Act are transferred to Palo Pinto County.
         (e)  Sections 31.158 and 31.159, Natural Resources Code, do
  not apply to the transfer of real property authorized by this Act.
         SECTION 2.  The real property to which Section 1 of this Act
  applies is only the property included in the following description
  that is located in the S. Botsford Survey, Abstract 2164, in Palo
  Pinto County, Texas:
  BEING a called 6.820 acres, more or less, and being out of the
  following described two tracts of land conveyed by A. B. Gilbert and
  wife, Helen Gilbert to the State of Texas, acting by and through the
  State Highway Commission, by Deed dated July 18, 1966, recorded in
  Volume 336, Page 557, Deed Records of Palo Pinto County, Texas.
  BEING 4.014 acres of land, more or less, situated in the County of
  Palo Pinto, State of Texas, and being out of the S. Botsford Survey,
  Abstract No. 2164, and being a part of a tract of land conveyed to A.
  B. Gilbert by will recorded in Volume 22, Page 394 thru 395 of the
  Probate Minutes, Palo Pinto County, Texas, which 4.014 acres of
  land, more or less, is more particularly described as follows:
  BEGINNING at a point in the existing southeasterly right of way line
  of U.S. Highway 80, said point being North 42 deg. 50 min. East a
  distance of 6.55 feet from the most northerly northwest corner of
  said A. B. Gilbert's tract that lies southerly of U.S. Highway 80;
  THENCE North 42 deg. 50 min. East with the existing southeasterly
  right of way line of said U.S. Highway 80 a distance of 2,400.00
  feet to a point in the proposed southeasterly right of way line of
  Interstate Highway 20, said point being 225.00 feet southeasterly
  of and at right angles to centerline survey station 1334+00.00;
  THENCE in a southwesterly direction with said proposed right of way
  line along the arc of a circular curve to the left having a radius of
  2,824.79 feet, and through a central angle of 13 deg. 00 min. 00
  sec. a distance of 640.92 feet to a point;
  THENCE South 29 deg. 50 min. West continuing with said proposed
  right of way line a distance of 228.04 feet to a point;
  THENCE in a southwesterly direction continuing with said proposed
  right of way line along the arc of a circular curve to the right
  having a radius of 1,472.39 feet and through a central angle of 25
  deg. 00 min. 00 sec. a distance of 642.45 feet to a point;
  THENCE South 54 deg. 50 min. West continuing with said proposed
  right of way line a distance of 324.81 feet to a point;
  THENCE in a southwesterly direction continuing with said proposed
  right of way line along the arc of a circular curve to the left
  having a radius of 2,824.79 feet and through a central angle of 12
  deg. 00 min. 00 sec. a distance of 591.62 feet to the point of
  BEING 48.804 acres of land, more or less, situated in the Counties
  of Palo Pinto and Parker, State of Texas, and being out of the A.
  Issac Survey, Abstract No. 728, Palo Pinto County, and Abstract No.
  2165, Parker County, and the S. Botsford Survey, Abstract No. 31,
  Parker County and Abstract No. 2164, Palo Pinto County, and being a
  part of a tract of land conveyed by Billy H. Jones to A. B. Gilbert
  by deed dated September 5, 1961 and recorded in Volume 295, Page
  498, of the Deed Records, Palo Pinto County, Texas, and being also a
  part of a tract of land conveyed to A. B. Gilbert by Will recorded in
  Volume 22, Page 394 thru 395 of the Probate Minutes, Palo Pinto
  County, Texas, which 48.804 acres of land, more or less, is more
  particularly described as follows:
  BEGINNING at the most Easterly corner of the A. B. Gilbert tract
  that lies Northwesterly of U.S. Highway 80, said point being in the
  existing northwesterly right of way line of U.S. Highway 80.
  THENCE South 42 deg. 50 min. West with said existing Northwesterly
  right of way line of U.S. Highway 80 a distance of 5,098.89 feet to a
  point in the East line of the Ella Gilbert tract;
  THENCE North 00 deg. 39 min. East with the East line of said Ella
  Gilbert's tract a distance of 521.32 feet to a point in the proposed
  Northwesterly right of way line of Interstate Highway 20, said
  point being South 00 deg. 39 min. West a distance of 98.87 feet from
  the Northeast corner of said Ella Gilbert's tract;
  THENCE with said proposed Northwesterly right of way line of
  Interstate Highway 20 the following courses and distances:
         North 42 deg. 50 min. East a distance of 105.04 feet to a
         North 34 deg. 18 min. East a distance of 335.18 feet to a
         North 22 deg. 21 min. East a distance of 286.64 feet to a
         North 13 deg. 17 min. East a distance of 172.41 feet to a
         North 28 deg. 50 min. East a distance of 325.67 feet to a
         North 37 deg. 59 min. East a distance of 331.86 feet to a
         North 66 deg. 40 min. East a distance of 211.29 feet to a
         North 64 deg. 05 min. East a distance of 356.59 feet to a
  THENCE in a Northeasterly direction continuing with said proposed
  right of way line along the arc of a circular curve to the left
  having a radius of 1,869.86 feet and through a central angle of 21
  deg. 15 min. 00 sec. a distance of 693.50 feet to a point, said point
  being 225.00 feet Northwesterly of and at right angle to centerline
  survey Station 1342+00.00;
  THENCE North 42 deg. 50 min. East continuing with said proposed
  right of way line a distance of 2,007.84 feet to a point in the
  Northeasterly line of A. B. Gilbert's tract;
  THENCE South 47 deg. 07 min. East with the Northeasterly line of
  said A. B. Gilbert's tract a distance of 350.00 feet to the point of
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.