88R7046 DRS-D
  By: King of Uvalde H.B. No. 3478
  relating to mediation of certain fee disputes between towing
  companies and motor carriers.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 2303, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 2303.1541 to read as follows:
  MEDIATION PROHIBITED. A vehicle storage facility operator who
  receives notice under Section 2308.554(a)(2) or Section
  2308.560(c) may not sell at a public sale or otherwise dispose of
  the vehicle that is the subject of the notice until the operator
  receives notice under Section 2308.560 that:
               (1)  the mediation has been resolved; and
               (2)  if a civil action was filed by a party after the
  end of the mediation process, the civil action has concluded.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 2308, Occupations Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter L to read as follows:
         Sec. 2308.551.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "motor
  carrier" has the meaning assigned by Section 643.001,
  Transportation Code.
  CARRIER REQUEST. (a) A motor carrier may request mediation under
  this subchapter in a dispute with a towing company relating to an
  incident management tow for which towing and recovery fees exceed
         (b)  A towing company must participate in mediation
  requested by a motor carrier under this subchapter.
         Sec. 2308.553.  REQUEST FOR MEDIATION. (a) A motor carrier
  may submit a request in the manner prescribed by the department not
  later than the 30th day after the later of the date the motor
               (1)  pays the towing and recovery charges; or
               (2)  receives notice from a vehicle storage facility
  under Section 2303.151.
         (b)  A motor carrier that does not timely submit a request
  under Subsection (a) waives the right to mediation under this
         Sec. 2308.554.  NOTICE OF REQUEST. (a) On receipt of a
  request for mediation under this subchapter, the department shall
  give notice that the motor carrier has requested mediation to:
               (1)  the towing company that towed the vehicle that is
  the subject of the request for mediation; and
               (2)  the operator of the vehicle storage facility
  storing the vehicle that is the subject of the request for
         (b)  A vehicle storage facility operator who receives notice
  under this section:
               (1)  may continue to charge a daily storage fee
  authorized by Section 2303.155(b)(3); and
               (2)  may not sell the vehicle at a public sale or
  otherwise dispose of the vehicle under Subchapter D, Chapter 2303,
  before the operator receives notice under Section 2308.560 that:
                     (A)  the mediation has been resolved; and
                     (B)  if a civil action was filed by a party after
  the end of the mediation process, the civil action has concluded.
         Sec. 2308.555.  MEDIATOR. (a) A person may not act as a
  mediator in the mediation program unless the person is qualified as
  an impartial third party under Section 154.052, Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code.
         (b)  The parties by agreement shall select and compensate a
  mediator from the list maintained by the department, except that
  the parties by written agreement may select a mediator not on the
  department's list.
         (c)  If the parties do not agree on a mediator by the 10th day
  after the date the department gives notice to the towing company of
  the request for mediation:
               (1)  the motor carrier shall notify the department that
  a mediator has not been selected; and
               (2)  the department shall select a mediator from the
  department's list of qualified mediators based on convenience to
  the location of the towing company.
         (d)  Sections 154.053 and 154.055, Civil Practice and
  Remedies Code, apply to a mediator under this subchapter.
         Sec. 2308.556.  LOCATION AND SCHEDULE OF MEDIATION. (a) The
  parties by agreement shall select a venue and schedule for
  mediation under this subchapter. If the parties are unable to agree
  on a venue and schedule, the mediator shall select a venue and
         (b)  Mediation must be completed not later than the 30th day
  after the date the department orders the parties to mediate, except
  that the deadline may be extended by the department at the request
  of all parties.
         Sec. 2308.557.  APPLICABLE LAW. Section 154.073, Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code, applies to mediation under this
         Sec. 2308.558.  COSTS OF MEDIATION. (a) The fee for a
  mediator employed under this subchapter may not exceed:
               (1)  $750 per party, for a half-day mediation; or
               (2)  $1,500 per party, for a full-day mediation.
         (b)  The department is not liable for compensation paid or to
  be paid to a mediator employed under this subchapter.
         (c)  Without regard to the outcome of mediation or subsequent
  regulatory or judicial proceedings, costs incurred by a party in
  mediation required by this subchapter may not be imposed on the
  opposing party.
  RESOLUTION. (a) In a mediation under this subchapter, the parties
  shall evaluate whether the amount charged by the towing company is
  excessive. If the parties determine that the amount charged is
  excessive, the parties shall determine the appropriate charges for
  services rendered.
         (b)  A mediator may not impose the mediator's own judgment on
  the issues for that of the parties.
         Sec. 2308.560.  OUTCOME OF MEDIATION; CIVIL ACTION. (a) Not
  later than the 15th day after the date the mediation concludes, the
  mediator shall report to the department whether mediation resolves
  the dispute. The department shall notify the operator of the
  vehicle storage facility where the vehicle that is the subject of
  the mediation is being stored of the outcome of the mediation.
         (b)  If mediation does not resolve the dispute, either party
  may file a civil action. A party in a mediation under this
  subchapter may not bring a civil action before the conclusion of the
  mediation process under this subchapter. This subsection does not
  prohibit a motor carrier from filing a request for a hearing under
  Subchapter J before the conclusion of mediation.
         (c)  If a party in mediation brings a civil action after the
  conclusion of the mediation process, the motor carrier shall give
  notice to the operator of the vehicle storage facility storing the
  vehicle that is the subject of the action of the initiation and
  conclusion of the action. Notice under this subsection must be
               (1)  on filing the petition with the court, if the motor
  carrier is the party filing the action; or
               (2)  on service of citation on the motor carrier.
         (d)  A vehicle storage facility operator who receives notice
  of a civil action from a motor carrier under this section:
               (1)  may continue to charge a daily storage fee
  authorized by Section 2303.155(b)(3); and
               (2)  may not sell the vehicle at a public sale or
  otherwise dispose of the vehicle under Subchapter D, Chapter 2303,
  before the motor carrier gives the operator notice of the
  conclusion of the action.
         Sec. 2308.561.  FORMS AND PROCEDURES; REQUEST PORTAL. The
  department shall:
               (1)  adopt forms and procedures necessary to administer
  this subchapter;
               (2)  establish a portal on the department's Internet
  website through which a request to participate in the mediation
  program may be submitted; and
               (3)  maintain a list of qualified mediators on the
  department's Internet website.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.