88R13081 MAW-F
  By: Goldman H.B. No. 3746
  relating to the repeal of registration and other regulatory
  provisions applicable to code enforcement officers and
         SECTION 1.  Chapters 1952 and 1953, Occupations Code, are
         SECTION 2.  Section 1002.252, Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 1002.252.  EXEMPTIONS.  The following activities do
  not require a license under this chapter:
               (1)  geoscientific work performed by an employee or a
  subordinate of a license holder under this chapter if the work does
  not include the responsible charge of geoscientific work and is
  performed under the direct supervision of a licensed geoscientist
  who is responsible for the work;
               (2)  geoscientific work performed by an officer or
  employee of the United States practicing solely as such an officer
  or employee;
               (3)  geoscientific work performed exclusively in
  exploring for and developing oil, gas, or other energy resources,
  base metals, or precious or nonprecious minerals, including sand,
  gravel, or aggregate, if the work is done in and for the benefit of
  private industry;
               (4)  geoscientific research conducted through an
  academic institution, local, state, or federal governmental
  agency, nonprofit research institution, or for-profit
  organization, including submission of a report on the research to a
  public agency, unless the work is covered by Section 1002.251(c);
               (5)  teaching geoscience or a related physical or
  natural science;
               (6)  work customarily performed by a cartographer,
  technician, or physical or natural scientist, including a
  geologist, geophysicist, soil scientist, chemist, archaeologist,
  geographer, or oceanographer, if the work does not include the
  public practice of geoscience;
               (7)  work performed by an archaeologist, geoscientist,
  or other person conducting a stratigraphic or historical geological
  investigation for archaeological purposes;
               (8)  testifying or preparing and presenting an exhibit
  or document for the sole purpose of being placed in evidence before
  an administrative or judicial tribunal or hearing if the testimony,
  exhibit, or document does not imply that the person is licensed
  under this chapter;
               (9)  the evaluation by a state agency, as defined by
  Section 2001.003, Government Code, or by a hearing examiner of an
  exhibit or document offered or placed in evidence before an
  administrative tribunal; or
               (10)  the determination of the suitability of a site
  for a specific on-site sewage disposal system by a person who has
  successfully completed site evaluation training approved by the
  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and is:
                     (A)  registered by the commission as:
                           (i)  an installer, if the commission
  recognizes only one level of installer; or
                           (ii)  the highest level of installer
  recognized by the commission, if the commission recognizes more
  than one level of installer; or
                     (B)  a designated representative[; or
                     [(C)  a registered professional sanitarian].
         SECTION 3.  Section 46.15(h), Penal Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (h)  The provisions of Section 46.03 prohibiting the
  possession or carrying of a club do not apply to a code enforcement
  officer who [:
               [(1)  holds a certificate of registration issued under
  Chapter 1952, Occupations Code; and
               [(2)]  possesses or carries an instrument used
  specifically for deterring an animal bite while the officer is:
               (1) [(A)]  performing official duties; or
               (2) [(B)]  traveling to or from a place of duty.
         SECTION 4.  On the effective date of this Act, a certificate
  of registration issued under a law that is repealed by this Act
         SECTION 5.  (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this
  section, on the effective date of this Act, a pending regulatory
  action, including a complaint investigation, disciplinary action,
  or administrative penalty proceeding, of the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation with respect to a certificate of
  registration issued under a law repealed by this Act, is
         (b)  An administrative penalty imposed before the effective
  date of this Act under a law repealed by this Act may be collected
  after the effective date of this Act by the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation in the manner provided by Subchapter F,
  Chapter 51, Occupations Code.
         SECTION 6.  The repeal of a law by this Act does not entitle a
  person to a refund of a fee for a certificate of registration paid
  by the person before the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.