88R13770 TYPED
  By: Goldman H.B. No. 4002
  relating to water control and improvement district customers of
  certain electric cooperatives.
         SECTION 1.  It is the intent of the legislature that this Act
  ensure cost-effective and reliable siting of critical water
  infrastructure operated by a water control and improvement
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 37, Utilities Code, is
  amended by adding Section 37.062 to read as follows:
               (1)  "Consenting entity" means an electric utility that
  consents to providing a district with retail electric service;
               (2)  "District" means a water control and improvement
               (3)  "District facility" means a power-consuming
  facility owned by a district that takes retail electric service at
  transmission voltage;
               (4)  "ERCOT" has the meaning assigned by Section
               (5)  "Requesting district" means a water control and
  improvement district that has requested to receive retail electric
  service provided at transmission voltage from a consenting entity
  other than the electric cooperative certificated to provide the
  district with such service.
         (b)  This section applies only to a water control and
  improvement district that:
               (1)  receives retail electric service in ERCOT from an
  electric cooperative on the date this Act takes effect;
               (2)  has the authority to impose an ad valorem tax; and 
               (3)  only provides wholesale water service.
         (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, on
  the request of a water control and improvement district described
  by Subsection (b) of this section, a consenting utility may request
  a service area exception from the commission to provide retail
  electric service to the requesting district at:
               (1)  the location of a designated district facility
  where the requesting district is currently receiving retail
  electric service from an electric cooperative on the date the
  request for service area exception is filed with the commission; or
               (2)  the site of a future district facility that will be
  located in the certificated area of the electric cooperative.
         (d)  A consenting entity may request a service area exception
  under Subsection (c) of this section if the consenting entity:
               (1)  has an existing certificated area on the date the
  request is filed that is contiguous to the certificated area of the
  electric cooperative from which the district facility is receiving
  service or the site where a future district facility will receive
  service; and
               (2)  has an existing certificated area within 10 miles
  or less of the applicable district facility.
         (e)  Section 37.056(c) does not apply to a request filed
  under Subsection (c) of this section.
         (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision in 16 T.A.C.
  Chapter 25, an electric cooperative may not contest and need not
  consent to an application filed under Subsection (c) of this
         (g)  The commission shall grant an application received
  under Subsection (c) of this section within 45 days of the filing of
  a complete application, and in accordance with the application
  shall either:
               (1)  amend the consenting entity's certificate to
  include the locations of each water control and improvement
  district facility identified in the application; and amend the
  certificate of the electric cooperative that was previously
  certificated, on the date the application was filed, to remove the
  locations of each water control and improvement district facility
  identified in the application; or
               (2)  notwithstanding Section 37.060 or any other
  provision of this chapter, amend the consenting entity's
  certificate to include the locations of each water control and
  improvement district facility identified in the application. 
         (h)  Following approval of an application under this
  section, a requesting district shall be responsible for paying
  associated costs as follows:
               (1)  construction costs of any new transmission
  facilities required to interconnect the district facilities
  identified in the application to the consenting entity's
  transmission system, to the extent that such costs are not
  otherwise recoverable in the consenting utility's wholesale
  transmission rates; 
               (2)  any nonbypassable charges and other amounts that
  the district is contractually obligated to pay to the electric
  cooperative that was providing retail transmission service to the
  requesting district on the date the application was filed; and
               (3)  other than the costs described in Subsection
  (h)(2) of this section, the requesting district is not required to
  pay additional stranded costs or penalties to the electric
  cooperative as a result of the service area exception. 
         (i)  The commission may only approve one application per
  district facility from each water control and improvement district
  under this section.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.