relating to state overdose prevention and control efforts and the |
defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving possession of |
small amounts of controlled substances, marihuana, dangerous |
drugs, or abusable volatile chemicals, or possession of drug |
paraphernalia for defendants seeking assistance for a suspected |
overdose. |
SECTION 1.01. Subtitle C, Title 6, Health and Safety Code, |
is amended by adding Chapter 490 to read as follows: |
Sec. 490.001. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Application programming interface" means a set of |
tools, definitions, and protocols for building and integrating |
application software and service with different software programs. |
(2) "Controlled substance" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 481.002. |
(3) "Department" means the Department of State Health |
Services. |
(4) "Executive commissioner" means the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission. |
(5) "Information technology platform" means the |
Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program or a similar system |
that tracks overdose information for public safety purposes. |
(6) "Opioid antagonist" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 483.101. |
Sec. 490.051. OVERDOSE MAPPING. (a) The department shall |
develop an overdose mapping and response system in which a central |
repository containing information about overdose incidents is |
established and maintained using the information technology |
platform. |
(b) The department shall design the overdose mapping and |
response system to avoid data entry duplication wherever possible. |
The system may include one or more application programming |
interfaces to transfer information about overdose incidents that |
are reported to active databases in this state to the information |
technology platform. |
Sec. 490.052. OVERDOSE REPORTING. (a) A law enforcement |
officer who responds to an overdose incident shall report |
information about the incident to the information technology |
platform as soon as possible but not later than 24 hours after the |
incident. |
(b) A person who administers emergency services and |
responds to an overdose incident or transports a person |
experiencing a confirmed or suspected overdose to a medical |
facility shall report information about the incident to the |
information technology platform as soon as possible but not later |
than 24 hours after the incident. |
(c) When a coroner, medical examiner, or other individual |
responsible for determining the cause of death determines that the |
death of a person was caused by an overdose, the coroner, medical |
examiner, or other individual shall report information about the |
overdose incident to the information technology platform, or give |
the information to a person authorized to report it, as soon as |
possible but not later than 24 hours after the determination of the |
cause of death. |
(d) A report under this section must include: |
(1) the date and time of the overdose incident; |
(2) the approximate location of the overdose incident; |
(3) whether an opioid antagonist was administered, and |
if so, the number of doses and the type of delivery; |
(4) whether the overdose was fatal or nonfatal; |
(5) the sex and approximate age of the person |
suffering the overdose incident; and |
(6) the suspected substance involved. |
(e) A person who reports information about an overdose |
incident under this subchapter in good faith is not subject to civil |
or criminal liability for making the report unless the act |
constitutes wilful or wanton negligence. |
department shall: |
(1) identify parameters for identifying an overdose |
spike throughout the state; and |
(2) create overdose spike response plans that |
coordinate the response of public health, public safety, and |
emergency management agencies and officials, first responders, |
community organizations, health care providers, and the media with |
the goal of preventing and reducing the harm caused by overdose |
spikes. |
(b) In developing overdose spike response plans, the |
department may: |
(1) establish public safety, public health, and |
behavioral health partnerships within the state; |
(2) assist local communities in identifying |
additional ways to use information about overdose incidents to |
deploy public health, behavioral health, and public safety |
responses to address specific geographic areas or high-risk |
populations; |
(3) assist in the distribution of opioid antagonists |
throughout the state; and |
(4) assist in implementing strategies to reduce drug |
supply and demand, especially in high-risk areas and where there |
are high volumes of high-risk populations. |
Sec. 490.054. REPORT BY DEPARTMENT. Not later than |
September 1 of each year, the department shall submit an annual |
report to the legislature regarding the overdose mapping and |
response system under this subchapter. The report must include: |
(1) the number of overdose incidents reported and the |
approximate locations where the overdose incidents occurred, |
including any clusters of overdose incidents; |
(2) the entities or individuals reporting information |
about overdose incidents; |
(3) the percentage of overdose incidents involving |
fatal overdoses; and |
(4) the manner in which the reported information about |
overdose incidents was used for public health, behavioral health, |
and public safety responses, the outcomes of those responses, and |
the impact on affected communities. |
Sec. 490.055. LIMITATIONS ON DATA USE. (a) Information |
about overdose incidents reported to the overdose mapping and |
response system by a person other than a law enforcement officer may |
not be used for a criminal investigation or prosecution of any |
person. |
(b) Information about overdose incidents reported to, and |
accessible through, the overdose mapping and response system is |
confidential and is not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, |
Government Code. |
AND EDUCATION CAMPAIGN. (a) The department shall develop, |
implement, and maintain an ongoing statewide prevention and |
education campaign to address the fentanyl education needs in this |
state. |
(b) The campaign must include: |
(1) information for the general public about fentanyl; |
(2) precautionary measures to avoid risks and prevent |
harm caused by fentanyl; |
(3) resources for addiction treatment and services; |
and |
(4) information on laws regarding the manufacture, |
delivery, possession, and use of fentanyl, including criminal |
penalties and immunities for reporting an overdose. |
(c) The department may use television advertisements, radio |
broadcasts, print media, or any other media or digital strategies |
necessary and appropriate to reach the target audience of the |
campaign. |
(c-1) The department shall provide at least five regional |
training sessions during the first year of operation of the |
campaign for community partners to implement youth health |
development strategies. This subsection expires December 1, 2025. |
(d) The department shall develop, implement, and maintain |
an Internet website to serve as the state resource for the most |
accurate and timely information regarding fentanyl. The website |
must include the information described by Subsection (b). |
COLLABORATIVE. (a) The department shall establish a Substance |
Abuse Prevention Collaborative, composed of the number and |
composition of members as determined by the executive commissioner |
to be appropriate. The executive commissioner shall appoint members |
from: |
(1) institutions of higher education; |
(2) nonprofit agencies; |
(3) state agencies; and |
(4) other stakeholders as determined by the executive |
commissioner. |
(b) The Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative shall: |
(1) gather feedback from stakeholders concerning |
evidence-based overdose prevention practices; |
(2) work with prevention specialists to provide and |
support training to strengthen the state's prevention workforce; |
(3) coordinate with and assist state agencies and |
communities to strengthen prevention infrastructure; |
(4) implement a statewide strategic plan for |
prevention of substance use disorders; |
(5) advance the use of tested and effective prevention |
programs and practices through education, outreach, advocacy, and |
technical assistance; |
(6) direct efforts to raise public awareness of the |
cost savings of prevention measures; |
(7) provide direct training and technical assistance |
to communities regarding the selection, implementation, and |
sustainment of tested and effective prevention programs; |
(8) provide recommendations to state agencies and |
communities regarding innovative prevention programs and |
practices; |
(9) support funding efforts to align funding and |
services and communicate with communities about funding |
strategies; |
(10) work with key state and community stakeholders to |
establish minimum standards for prevention programs; and |
(11) not later than September 1 of each year, submit an |
annual report to the legislature of the collaborative's progress. |
The department shall develop and implement a grant program to |
prevent overdose deaths and reduce health risks associated with |
substance abuse. |
(b) To be eligible to receive a grant, an entity must be: |
(1) a nonprofit organization that is in good standing |
and registered with the Internal Revenue Service and the secretary |
of state's office; |
(2) a federally qualified health center or rural |
health clinic, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(l); or |
(3) a law enforcement agency. |
(c) An eligible entity may submit an application on behalf |
of a group of eligible entities, and apportion grant money |
accordingly, to foster community collaboration and collective |
impact. |
(d) The department shall: |
(1) develop additional eligibility criteria for grant |
funding; |
(2) review applications for funding; and |
(3) award funding based on the developed criteria. |
SECTION 2.01. Section 481.115(h), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(h) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (g) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.1151(b)(1), |
481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), 481.118(b), or |
481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section 481.119(b), |
481.125(a), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), 481.1161(c), |
481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.02. Section 481.1151(d), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (c) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), 481.118(b), or |
481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section 481.119(b), |
481.125(a), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.116(f), 481.1161(c), |
481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.03. Section 481.116(g), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(g) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (f) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), 481.118(b), or |
481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section 481.119(b), |
481.125(a), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.1161(c), |
481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.04. Section 481.1161(d), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (c) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.117(b), 481.118(b), or |
481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section 481.119(b), |
481.125(a), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.05. Section 481.117(g), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(g) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (f) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.118(b), or |
481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section 481.119(b), |
481.125(a), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.1161(c), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.06. Section 481.118(g), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(g) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (f) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), or |
481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section 481.119(b), |
481.125(a), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.1161(c), 481.117(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.07. Section 481.119(d), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (c) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), |
481.118(b), or 481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section |
481.125(a), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.1161(c), 481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.121(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.08. Section 481.121(d), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (c) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), or |
481.118(b), or an offense under Section 481.119(b), 481.125(a), |
483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.1161(c), 481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.125(g), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.09. Section 481.125(h), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(h) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (g) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), |
481.118(b), or 481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section |
481.119(b), 483.041(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 483 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.1161(c), 481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), |
483.041(e), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.10. Section 483.041(f), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(f) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (e) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), |
481.118(b), or 481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section |
481.119(b), 481.125(a), or 485.031(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 481 or 485; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.1161(c), 481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), |
481.125(g), or 485.031(c); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 2.11. Section 485.031(d), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d) The defense to prosecution provided by Subsection (c) is |
not available if[: |
[(1)] at the time the request for emergency medical |
assistance was made: |
(1) [(A)] a peace officer was in the process of |
arresting the actor or executing a search warrant describing the |
actor or the place from which the request for medical assistance was |
made; or |
(2) [(B)] the actor is committing another offense, |
other than an offense punishable under Section 481.115(b), |
481.1151(b)(1), 481.116(b), 481.1161(b)(1) or (2), 481.117(b), |
481.118(b), or 481.121(b)(1) or (2), or an offense under Section |
481.119(b), 481.125(a), or 483.041(a)[; |
[(2) the actor has been previously convicted of or |
placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an |
offense under this chapter or Chapter 481 or 483; |
[(3) the actor was acquitted in a previous proceeding |
in which the actor successfully established the defense under that |
subsection or Section 481.115(g), 481.1151(c), 481.116(f), |
481.1161(c), 481.117(f), 481.118(f), 481.119(c), 481.121(c), |
481.125(g), or 483.041(e); or |
[(4) at any time during the 18-month period preceding |
the date of the commission of the instant offense, the actor |
requested emergency medical assistance in response to the possible |
overdose of the actor or another person]. |
SECTION 3.01. (a) The Department of Public Safety, in |
consultation with the Health and Human Services Commission, shall |
conduct a study regarding the use of the Internet, including |
retail, payment, and social media platforms, for the purpose of |
distributing fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, any other derivative |
of fentanyl, synthetic opiates, and counterfeit prescription |
drugs. The study must: |
(1) examine the prevalence of the availability and |
accessibility of fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, any other |
derivative of fentanyl, synthetic opiates, and counterfeit |
prescription drugs through the Internet; |
(2) identify Internet website policies and practices |
intended to prevent the use of a website for distributing fentanyl, |
alpha-methylfentanyl, any other derivative of fentanyl, synthetic |
opiates, and counterfeit prescription drugs; |
(3) identify laws implemented by other states or the |
federal government intended to prevent the use of the Internet for |
distributing fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, any other derivative |
of fentanyl, synthetic opiates, and counterfeit prescription |
drugs; and |
(4) examine any other relevant data, information, or |
resource concerning the use of the Internet for distributing |
fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, any other derivative of fentanyl, |
synthetic opiates, and counterfeit prescription drugs. |
(b) Not later than September 1, 2024, the Department of |
Public Safety shall report the results of the study conducted under |
Subsection (a) of this section to the governor, the lieutenant |
governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the |
standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives |
that have jurisdiction over drug trafficking and health care |
issues. The report must include recommendations for legislation: |
(1) to prevent the use of the Internet for |
distributing fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, any other derivative |
of fentanyl, synthetic opiates, and counterfeit prescription |
drugs; |
(2) imposing criminal and civil liability for the use |
of the Internet for distributing fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, |
any other derivative of fentanyl, synthetic opiates, and |
counterfeit prescription drugs; |
(3) creating consumer reporting mechanisms for |
reporting to law enforcement the use of an Internet website or |
online account for distributing fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, |
any other derivative of fentanyl, synthetic opiates, and |
counterfeit prescription drugs; and |
(4) implementing any other public policy changes |
necessary to reduce or eliminate the use of the Internet for |
distributing fentanyl, alpha-methylfentanyl, any other derivative |
of fentanyl, synthetic opiates, and counterfeit prescription |
drugs. |
(c) This section expires January 1, 2025. |
SECTION 4.01. (a) Not later than September 1, 2024, the |
Department of State Health Services shall develop the overdose |
mapping and response system as required by Section 490.051, Health |
and Safety Code, as added by this Act. |
(b) Not later than September 1, 2024, the Department of |
State Health Services shall develop the overdose spike response |
plans as required by Section 490.053, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by this Act. |
(c) Not later than September 1, 2024, the Department of |
State Health Services shall develop and implement the Fentanyl |
Addiction and Overdose Prevention and Education Campaign as |
required by Section 490.101, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
this Act. |
(d) Not later than September 1, 2024, the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall |
appoint the members to the Substance Abuse Prevention Collaborative |
as required by Section 490.102, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
this Act. |
(e) Not later than September 1, 2024, the Department of |
State Health Services shall develop and implement the state |
overdose prevention grant program as required by Section 490.103, |
Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act. |
SECTION 4.02. The changes in law made by this Act to |
Chapters 481, 483, and 485, Health and Safety Code, apply only to an |
offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act. An |
offense committed before the effective date of this Act is governed |
by the law in effect on the date the offense was committed, and the |
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of |
this section, an offense was committed before the effective date of |
this Act if any element of the offense occurred before that date. |
SECTION 4.03. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023. |