88R14588 KBB-D
  By: Zwiener H.B. No. 4225
  relating to a study conducted by the Railroad Commission of Texas to
  determine the net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the
  atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture, utilization,
  and storage technology.
         SECTION 1.  DEFINITIONS. In this Act:
               (1)  "Carbon capture technology" means technology that
  captures, stores, and uses high concentrations of carbon dioxide.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Railroad Commission of
         SECTION 2.  STUDY. (a)  The commission shall conduct a study
  of ongoing carbon capture technology projects to:
               (1)  assess the net reduction in the amount of carbon
  dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture
  technology; and
               (2)  determine whether each carbon capture technology
  examined removes more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it
         (b)  In conducting the study under Subsection (a) of this
  section, the commission shall:
               (1)  establish an accounting framework that includes a
  project life-cycle analysis to determine the net amount of carbon
  dioxide sequestered from projects using carbon capture technology;
               (2)  coordinate with the Bureau of Economic Geology of
  The University of Texas at Austin, the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality, and other appropriate agencies.
         (c)  For a carbon capture technology project included in the
  study under Subsection (a) of this section, the study must:
               (1)  establish a method of accurately measuring and
  reporting the volumes of carbon dioxide captured by the project;
               (2)  accurately identify the amount of carbon dioxide
  the project removes from the atmosphere; and
               (3)  determine whether the project provides a net
  reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the project's
  life-cycle based on the amount of carbon dioxide removed and the
  amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the sequestration activities.
         (d)  To the extent that carbon capture technology projects
  are used for enhanced oil recovery operations, the study must:
               (1)  account for whether those enhanced oil recovery
  operations on the whole result in:
                     (A)  an increase of the total amount of the oil
  produced by operations using that technology and by operations not
  using that technology; or
                     (B)  a decrease in the amount of oil produced by
  operations not using that technology in an amount that equals or
  exceeds the amount of oil produced by operations using that
  technology; and
               (2)  account for contributions to the atmosphere of
  carbon dioxide from the projects.
         SECTION 3.  REPORT. Not later than September 1, 2024, the
  commission shall prepare and submit a report to the legislature
  that includes:
               (1)  the methodology used to perform the study;
               (2)  the information already available to the
  commission and any information needed to provide an accurate
  accounting of how much carbon dioxide each carbon capture
  technology project removes from the atmosphere;
               (3)  the information needed to assess different types
  of carbon capture technology, including direct air capture
  technology; and
               (4)  a framework that would allow the commission to
  accurately assess the effectiveness of all ongoing carbon capture
  technology projects and the likely effectiveness of carbon capture
  technology projects to be considered in the future.
         SECTION 4.  EXPIRATION. This Act expires September 1, 2025.
         SECTION 5.  EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect September
  1, 2023.