88R12444 TJB-D
  By: Harrison H.B. No. 4260
  relating to the establishment of the Legislative Economic Analysis
  Unit and the expiration of certain state agency rules.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 3, Government Code, is amended
  by adding Chapter 330 to read as follows:
         Sec. 330.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the Legislative Economic Analysis
  Unit Board established under this chapter.
               (2)  "Major rule" means a state agency rule determined
  by the Legislative Economic Analysis Unit to be a rule that will or
  is likely to result in:
                     (A)  an annual effect on the state's economy of
  $10 million or more;
                     (B)  significant adverse effects on competition,
  employment, investment, productivity, or innovation, including
  significant adverse effects on individual industries or regions; or
                     (C)  significant changes in social and cultural
  relations among residents of this state, including significant
  impacts on religious, ethnic, racial, or gender populations.
               (3)  "State agency rule" means a state agency statement
  of general applicability and future effect designed to implement,
  interpret, or prescribe law or policy or to describe the
  organization, procedure, or practice requirements of the agency.
               (4)  "Unit" means the Legislative Economic Analysis
  Unit established under this chapter.
         Sec. 330.051.  MEMBERSHIP. (a) The Legislative Economic
  Analysis Unit Board consists of:
               (1)  the lieutenant governor;
               (2)  the speaker of the house of representatives;
               (3)  six senators appointed by the lieutenant governor;
               (4)  six members of the house of representatives
  appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
         (b)  The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of
  representatives are joint chairs of the board.
         Sec. 330.052.  TERMS; VACANCY. (a) Except for the
  lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of
  representatives, each member of the board serves a term that begins
  on the date the member is appointed to the board and ends with the
  convening of the first regular legislative session that occurs
  after the date of appointment.
         (b)  If a vacancy occurs in the appointed membership of the
  board, the appropriate appointing authority shall appoint a person
  to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
         Sec. 330.053.  MEETINGS. (a) The board shall meet as often
  as necessary to perform its duties. Meetings may be held at any
  time at the request of either of the joint chairs of the board.
         (b)  A majority of the members of the board from each house of
  the legislature constitutes a quorum. If a quorum is present, the
  board may act on any matter that is within its jurisdiction by a
  majority vote.
         (c)  The board shall keep complete minutes of each meeting.
         (d)  Each member of the legislature is entitled to attend and
  present the member's views in any meeting of the board, except that
  a legislator who is not a member of the board may not vote.
         Sec. 330.054.  EXPENSES OF MEMBERS. Members of the board are
  entitled to reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred in
  performing functions as members of the board.
  The board shall adopt procedures to ensure the timely consideration
  by the legislature of a bill that validates a state agency rule
  determined to be a major rule before the expiration of that rule
  under Section 330.151.
         Sec. 330.101.  ESTABLISHMENT. The Legislative Economic
  Analysis Unit is established as an independent agency of the
         Sec. 330.102.  CHIEF ECONOMIST. (a) The lieutenant
  governor and speaker of the house of representatives shall jointly
  appoint a chief economist as the director of the unit.
         (b)  The chief economist serves at the pleasure of the
  lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of representatives.
         (c)  The board shall set the salary of the chief economist.
         Sec. 330.103.  PERSONNEL. The chief economist may employ
  professional and clerical staff as necessary and appropriate to
  perform the duties of the unit, subject to limitations imposed by
  the board.
         Sec. 330.104.  APPROPRIATION. The legislature shall make an
  appropriation to the unit in an amount sufficient to fund the
  operations of the unit.
         Sec. 330.105.  DUTIES. The unit shall:
               (1)  analyze each state agency rule submitted under
  Section 330.151 to determine whether the rule is a major rule;
               (2)  make a written determination of any state agency
  rule the unit determines is a major rule, and post that
  determination on the unit's Internet website; 
               (3)  notify a state agency if the unit determines that a
  state agency rule adopted by the agency is a major rule;
               (4)  request that the Texas Legislative Council draft a
  bill to validate the major rule;
               (5)  create a written regulatory impact analysis of
  each state agency rule the unit determines is a major rule;
               (6)  on request of the lieutenant governor or speaker
  of the house of representatives, create a written grant impact
  analysis of each grant or other financial benefit that the state has
  received or is eligible to receive from the federal government or
  another source; and
               (7)  perform other duties as prescribed by the board.
         Sec. 330.106.  IMPACT ANALYSES. (a) The chief economist
  shall ensure that each regulatory impact analysis created by the
  unit under Section 330.105(5) includes the following for the major
  rule that is the subject of the analysis:
               (1)  a statement indicating whether the rule is
               (2)  a statement of the legal basis for the rule;
               (3)  an examination of alternative rules;
               (4)  a detailed evaluation of the costs and benefits of
  adopting the rule;
               (5)  a statement of the sources consulted in creating
  the analysis;
               (6)  any key assumption made in creating the analysis;
               (7)  any continued source of uncertainty regarding the
         (b)  The chief economist shall ensure that each grant impact
  analysis created by the unit under Section 330.105(6) includes the
  following for the grant or financial benefit that is the subject of
  the analysis:
               (1)  a statement of the legal basis for accepting or
  using the grant or benefit;
               (2)  a detailed evaluation of the costs and benefits of
  accepting or using the grant or benefit;
               (3)  a statement of the sources consulted in creating
  the analysis;
               (4)  any key assumption made in creating the analysis;
               (5)  any continued source of uncertainty regarding the
         (c)  The chief economist shall ensure that each impact
  analysis created by the unit is posted on the unit's Internet
         Sec. 330.107.  INTERNET WEBSITE. The unit shall maintain an
  Internet website.
         Sec. 330.151.  SUNSET OF MAJOR RULE. (a) Each state agency
  shall submit each rule adopted by the agency to the unit.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), each state agency
  rule determined by the unit to be a major rule expires on July 1 of
  the odd-numbered year following the unit's determination that the
  rule is a major rule.
         (c)  A major rule does not expire if the legislature by
  general law validates the rule before the date the rule is set to
         (d)  A state agency may not adopt a state agency rule that is
  the same or substantially the same as a major rule that has expired.
         SECTION 2.  (a) Not later than the 30th day after the
  effective date of this Act, the lieutenant governor and the speaker
  of the house of representatives shall appoint the initial members
  of the Legislative Economic Analysis Unit Board established under
  Chapter 330, Government Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  Not later than the 90th day after the effective date of
  this Act, the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of
  representatives shall appoint the chief economist of the
  Legislative Economic Analysis Unit as required by Section 330.102,
  Government Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  Section 330.151, Government Code, as added by
  this Act, applies only to a state agency rule that is adopted on or
  after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.