88R4688 BEE/SCL-D
  By: Bonnen H.B. No. 4326
  relating to the direction of utilization review by physicians.
         SECTION 1.  Section 4201.152, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  PHYSICIAN.  A utilization review agent shall conduct utilization
  review under the direction of a physician licensed to practice
  medicine in this state.  The physician may not hold a license to
  practice administrative medicine under Section 155.009,
  Occupations Code.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter M, Chapter 4201, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 4201.6015 to read as follows:
         Sec. 4201.6015.  INQUIRY BY TEXAS MEDICAL BOARD. (a)  If the
  Texas Medical Board believes that a physician has directed a
  utilization review in an arbitrary manner or without a medical
  basis or receives a complaint with that allegation, the Texas
  Medical Board:
               (1)  shall notify the physician of the allegation; and
               (2)  may compel the production of documents or other
  information as necessary to determine whether the utilization
  review was directed in an arbitrary manner or without a medical
         (b)  An inquiry and determination under this section is
  limited to whether the utilization review was directed in an
  arbitrary manner or without a medical basis in accordance with the
  standards of medical practice. If the commissioner initiates a
  proceeding under Section 4201.601 in relation to the same
  utilization review for which the inquiry is being conducted, the
  Texas Medical Board shall suspend the inquiry until the conclusion
  of the commissioner's proceeding.
         SECTION 3.  The heading to Section 4201.602, Insurance Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 4.  Section 4201.602(a), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner may initiate a proceeding under
  Section 4201.601 [this subchapter]. The Texas Medical Board may
  initiate a proceeding under Section 4201.6015.
         SECTION 5.  Section 4201.603, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  [FOR VIOLATION].  (a) If the commissioner determines that a
  utilization review agent, health maintenance organization,
  insurer, or other person or entity conducting utilization review
  has violated or is violating this chapter, the commissioner may:
               (1)  impose a sanction under Chapter 82;
               (2)  issue a cease and desist order under Chapter 83; or
               (3)  assess an administrative penalty under Chapter 84.
         (b)  The Texas Medical Board may restrict, suspend, or revoke
  the license of a physician the board determines has directed a
  utilization review in an arbitrary manner or without a medical
  basis at the conclusion of a proceeding conducted under Section
         (c)  If a utilization review results in the serious injury or
  death of the individual who is the subject of the review, the
  commissioner may temporarily prohibit a physician who directed the
  review from directing utilization review and the Texas Medical
  Board may temporarily suspend the physician's license.  The
  commissioner or Texas Medical Board, as applicable, shall conduct a
  proceeding under Section 4201.601 or 4201.6015, as applicable,
  regarding the utilization review, and the prohibition or suspension
  is effective until the conclusion of the proceeding.
         SECTION 6.  Section 151.002(a)(13), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (13)  "Practicing medicine" means:
                     (A)  the diagnosis, treatment, or offer to treat a
  mental or physical disease or disorder or a physical deformity or
  injury by any system or method, or the attempt to effect cures of
  those conditions, by a person who:
                           (i) [(A)]  publicly professes to be a
  physician or surgeon; or
                           (ii) [(B)] directly or indirectly charges
  money or other compensation for those services; and
                     (B)  the direction of utilization review
  conducted by a utilization review agent under Section 4201.152,
  Insurance Code.
         SECTION 7.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to utilization review conducted on or after the effective date of
  this Act. Utilization review conducted before the effective date of
  this Act is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.