88R13117 KJE-F
  By: González of El Paso H.B. No. 4344
  relating to the state assistance with the payment of debt under the
  public school finance system.
         SECTION 1.  The heading to Chapter 46, Education Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.  The heading to Subchapter A, Chapter 46,
  Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 3.  Section 46.003, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  ALLOTMENT. (a)  For each school year, [except as provided by
  Sections 46.005 and 46.006,] a school district is guaranteed a
  specified amount [per student] in state and local funds [for each
  cent of tax effort, up to the maximum rate under Subsection (b),] to
  pay the principal of and interest on eligible bonds [issued to
  construct, acquire, renovate, or improve an instructional
  facility].  The amount of state support is the greater of zero or
  the amount determined by the formula:
  SDA = BP X (1 - (DR/GR))
  [FYA = (FYL X ADA X BTR X 100) - (BTR X (DPV/100))]
         "SDA" is the amount of state funds to which the district is
         "BP" is the amount the district certifies to the commissioner
  under Subsection (c) that the district expects to pay on the
  principal of and interest on eligible bonds for that school year;
         "DR" is the district's local revenue per student per cent of
  tax effort, which is determined by dividing the district's taxable
  value of property as determined under Subchapter M, Chapter 403,
  Government Code, or, if applicable, Section 48.258, by the product
  of the number of students in average daily attendance and 10,000;
         "GR" ["FYA" is the guaranteed facilities yield amount of
  state funds allocated to the district for the year;
         ["FYL"] is the dollar amount guaranteed level of state and
  local funds per student per cent of tax effort, which is determined
  by dividing the maximum amount of the basic allotment provided
  under Section 48.051 by 100 and multiplying the quotient by ____
  [$35] or a greater amount for any year provided by appropriation[;
         ["ADA" is the greater of the number of students in average
  daily attendance, as determined under Section 48.005, in the
  district or 400;
         ["BTR" is the district's bond tax rate for the current year,
  which is determined by dividing the amount budgeted by the district
  for payment of eligible bonds by the quotient of the district's
  taxable value of property as determined under Subchapter M, Chapter
  403, Government Code, or, if applicable, Section 48.258, divided by
  100; and
         ["DPV" is the district's taxable value of property as
  determined under Subchapter M, Chapter 403, Government Code, or, if
  applicable, Section 48.258].
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a district is not
  entitled to receive an allotment under this section for a school
  year for which the district does not levy interest and sinking fund
  taxes [The bond tax rate under Subsection (a) may not exceed the
  rate that would be necessary for the current year, using state funds
  under Subsection (a), to make payments of principal and interest on
  the bonds for which the tax is pledged].
         (c)  [To enable the district to collect local funds
  sufficient to pay the district's share of the debt service, a
  district may levy a bond tax at a rate higher than the maximum rate
  for which it may receive state assistance.
         [(d)  The amount budgeted by a district for payment of
  eligible bonds may include:
               [(1)  bond taxes collected in the current school year;
               [(2)  bond taxes collected in a preceding school year
  in excess of the amount necessary to pay the district's share of
  actual debt service on bonds in that year, provided that the taxes
  were not used to generate other state financial assistance for the
  district; or
               [(3)  maintenance and operations taxes collected in the
  current school year or a preceding school year in excess of the
  amount eligible to be used to generate other state financial
  assistance for the district.
         [(e)]  Bonds are eligible to be paid with state and local
  funds under this section if, not later than December 31 of each
  even-numbered year, the district certifies to the commissioner in
  accordance with commissioner rule the amount of payments the
  district expects to make on the principal and interest of those
  bonds for each state fiscal year of the next state fiscal biennium,
  excluding any payments to be made from:
               (1)  taxes collected in that school year or a preceding
  school year used to generate other state financial assistance for
  the district [to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds were
  first levied in the 1997-1998 school year or a later school year];
  or [and]
               (2)  state aid received for the district's tier two
  allotment under Subchapter E, Chapter 48 [the bonds do not have a
  weighted average maturity of less than eight years].
         (d) [(f)]  A district may use state funds received under this
  section only to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds for
  which the district received the funds.
         [(g)  The board of trustees and voters of a school district
  shall determine district needs concerning construction,
  acquisition, renovation, or improvement of instructional
         [(h)  To receive state assistance under this subchapter, a
  school district must apply to the commissioner in accordance with
  rules adopted by the commissioner before issuing bonds that will be
  paid with state assistance.  Until the bonds are fully paid or the
  instructional facility is sold:
               [(1)  a school district is entitled to continue
  receiving state assistance without reapplying to the commissioner;
               [(2)  the guaranteed level of state and local funds per
  student per cent of tax effort applicable to the bonds may not be
  reduced below the level provided for the year in which the bonds
  were issued.]
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter A, Chapter 46, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 46.0035 to read as follows:
  RELIEF. A school district may not adopt an interest and sinking
  fund tax rate for any year that exceeds the rate necessary, in
  conjunction with the amount of the district's allotment under
  Section 46.003 for that year, for the district to make the payments
  the district certifies to the commissioner for that year under
  Section 46.003(c).
         SECTION 5.  Section 46.004(b), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The exclusion of certain payments under Sections
  46.003(c)(1) and (2) do not apply [Section 46.003(b) applies] to
  payments made from taxes levied to pay a district's share of the
  payments under a lease-purchase agreement for which the district
  receives state assistance under this subchapter.
         SECTION 6.  Section 46.007, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 46.007.  REFUNDING BONDS. A school district may use
  state funds received under this subchapter to pay the principal of
  and interest on refunding bonds that:
               (1)  are issued to refund bonds eligible under Section
  46.003; and
               (2)  [do not have a final maturity date later than the
  final maturity date of the bonds being refunded;
               [(3)  may not be called for redemption earlier than the
  earliest call date of the bonds being refunded; and
               [(4)]  result in a present value savings, which is
  determined by computing, at the true interest cost of the refunding
  bonds, the net present value of the difference between each
  scheduled payment on the original bonds and each scheduled payment
  on the refunding bonds. [The present value savings shall be
  computed at the true interest cost of the refunding bonds.]
         SECTION 7.  Section 46.008, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 46.008.  STANDARDS. [(a)]  The commissioner shall
  establish standards for adequacy of school facilities. The
  standards must include requirements related to space, educational
  adequacy, and construction quality. All new facilities constructed
  after September 1, 2023 [September 1, 1998], must meet the
  standards to be eligible to be financed with state or local tax
         SECTION 8.  The heading to Section 46.009, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 9.  Sections 46.009(b) and (d), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  For each school year [If the amount appropriated for
  purposes of this subchapter for a year is less than the total amount
  determined under Subsection (a) for that year], the commissioner
               [(1)]  transfer from the Foundation School Program to
  the school debt assistance [instructional facilities] program the
  total amount of money to which school districts are entitled under
  this subchapter for that school year [by which the total amount
  determined under Subsection (a) exceeds the amount appropriated;
               [(2)  reduce each district's foundation school fund
  allocations in the manner provided by Section 48.266(f)].
         (d)  As soon as practicable after September 1 of each year,
  the commissioner shall distribute to each school district the
  amount of state assistance under this subchapter to which [the
  commissioner has determined] the district is entitled for the
  school year. The district shall deposit the money in the interest
  and sinking fund for the bonds for which the assistance is received
  [and shall adopt a tax rate for purposes of debt service that takes
  into account the balance of the interest and sinking fund].
         SECTION 10.  The heading to Section 46.011, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 11.  Section 46.011(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  If a [an instructional] facility financed by bonds paid
  with state and local funds under this subchapter is sold before the
  bonds are fully paid, the school district shall send to the
  comptroller an amount equal to the district's net proceeds from the
  sale multiplied by a percentage determined by dividing the amount
  of state funds under this subchapter used to pay the principal of
  and interest on the bonds by the total amount of principal and
  interest paid on the bonds with funds other than the proceeds of the
         SECTION 12.  Section 46.061(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The rules adopted under Subsection (a) must:
               (1)  establish the minimum amount of savings to be
  accrued from a refinancing under this section; and
               (2)  require that at least ___ percent of the savings
  accrued from a refinancing under this section are remitted to the
  state [commissioner may allocate state assistance provided for a
  refinancing to Subchapter A, Subchapter B, or both, as
         SECTION 13.  Section 7.062(c), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, if the
  commissioner certifies that the amount appropriated for a state
  fiscal year for purposes of Subchapter [Subchapters] A [and B],
  Chapter 46, exceeds the amount to which school districts are
  entitled under that subchapter [those subchapters] for that year,
  the commissioner shall use the excess funds, in an amount not to
  exceed $20 million in any state fiscal year, for the purpose of
  making grants under this section.  The use of excess funds under
  this subsection has priority over any provision of Chapter 48 that
  permits or directs the use of excess foundation school program
  funds, including Sections 48.258, 48.259, and 48.267.  The
  commissioner is required to use excess funds as provided by this
  subsection only if the commissioner is not required to reduce the
  total amount of state funds allocated to school districts under
  Section 48.266(f).
         SECTION 14.  Section 12.106(d), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (d)  Subject to Subsection (e), in addition to other amounts
  provided by this section, a charter holder is entitled to receive,
  for the open-enrollment charter school, funding per student in
  average daily attendance in an amount equal to the guaranteed level
  of state and local funds per student per cent of tax effort under
  Section 46.003(a) [Section 46.032(a)] multiplied by the lesser of:
               (1)  the state average interest and sinking fund tax
  rate imposed by school districts for the current year; or
               (2)  a rate that would result in a total amount to which
  charter schools are entitled under this subsection for the current
  year equal to $60 million.
         SECTION 15.  The following provisions of Chapter 46,
  Education Code, are repealed:
               (1)  Section 46.002(b);
               (2)  Sections 46.005, 46.006, 46.010, and 46.013; and
               (3)  Subchapters B and D.
         SECTION 16.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.