88R12593 JCG-F
  By: Guerra H.B. No. 4867
  relating to health care transparency, including advertising,
  identification, and notice requirements for certain health
  facilities and health professionals; authorizing administrative
  and civil penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is amended by
  adding Subtitle J to read as follows:
         Sec. 185.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Advertisement" means:
                     (A)  any printed, electronic, or oral statement,
  with respect to the provision of health care services by a health
  care professional:
                           (i)  that is communicated or disseminated to
  the public;
                           (ii)  that:
                                 (a)  is intended to encourage a person
  to use the professional's services; or
                                 (b)  for a commercial purpose, names
  the professional in connection with the practice, profession, or
  institution in which the professional provides health care
  services; and
                           (iii)  the preparation, communication, or
  dissemination of which is controlled by the professional or a group
  to which the professional is affiliated; and
                     (B)  any communication or statement not described
  by Paragraph (A) but that is used in the regular course of the
  professional's business for the purpose of promoting the
  professional's services to the public, including:
                           (i)  business cards;
                           (ii)  letterhead;
                           (iii)  signs;
                           (iv)  pamphlets;
                           (v)  brochures;
                           (vi)  e-mails and any other communication or
  statement transmitted through the Internet; or
                           (vii)  audio or video communications,
  including television or radio advertisements.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
               (3)  "Health facility" means:
                     (A)  a solo or group medical practice; or
                     (B)  an urgent care facility.
               (4)  "Health professional" and "professional" mean an
  individual licensed under Title 3, Occupations Code.
               (5)  "Urgent care facility" means a facility providing
  health care that:
                     (A)  provides episodic ambulatory health care to
  individuals outside of a hospital emergency room setting;
                     (B)  does not require an individual to make an
                     (C)  provides some services typically provided in
  a primary care physician's office or emergency room; and
                     (D)  treats individuals requiring treatment of an
  illness or injury that requires immediate care but is not
  health facility shall adopt a policy requiring a health
  professional providing direct patient care at the facility to wear
  a photo identification badge during all patient encounters, unless
  wearing the badge is precluded by isolation or sterilization
  protocols adopted by the facility. The badge must be of sufficient
  size, be prominently worn and clearly visible, and include:
               (1)  the professional's first and last name;
               (2)  the facility department with which the
  professional is associated;
               (3)  the type of license held by the professional under
  Title 3, Occupations Code, and no other title; and
               (4)  if applicable, the professional's status as a
  student, intern, or trainee, or resident, but only if the
  professional is registered with the Texas Medical Board.
         (b)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(3), the identification
  badge of a health professional licensed under Title 3, Occupations
  Code, must clearly state:
               (1)  "physician," if the professional holds a license
  under Subtitle B of that title;
               (2)  "acupuncturist," "chiropractor," "midwife,"
  "physician assistant," "podiatrist," or "surgical assistant," as
  applicable, if the professional holds a license under Subtitle C of
  that title;
               (3)  "dental hygienist" or "dentist," as applicable, if
  the professional holds a license under Subtitle D of that title;
               (4)  "advanced practice registered nurse," "licensed
  vocational nurse," "registered nurse," "nurse practitioner,"
  "nurse midwife," "nurse anesthetist," or "clinical nurse
  specialist," as applicable, if the professional holds a license
  under Subtitle E of that title;
               (5)  "optometrist" or "therapeutic optometrist," as
  applicable, if the professional holds a license under Subtitle F of
  that title;
               (6)  "audiologist" or "speech-language pathologist,"
  as applicable, if the professional holds a license under Subtitle G
  of that title;
               (7)  "athletic trainer," "massage therapist,"
  "occupational therapist," "occupational therapy assistant," 
  "physical therapist," or "physical therapist assistant," as
  applicable, if the professional holds a license under Subtitle H of
  that title;
               (8)  "pharmacist," if the professional holds a license
  under Subtitle J of that title;
               (9)  "medical physicist," "medical radiologic
  technologist," "orthotist," "orthotist assistant,"
  "perfusionist," "prosthetist," "prosthetist assistant," or
  "respiratory care practitioner," as applicable, if the
  professional holds a license under Subtitle K of that title; or
               (10)  "dietitian," if the professional holds a license
  under Subtitle M of that title.
  health facility shall post in a conspicuous location in each office
  where a health professional provides health care services a written
  notice stating the type of license the professional holds.  The
  notice must be printed using an easily readable font and type size.
  HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. (a)  If a nonphysician health professional
  provides health care services in a health facility under the
  supervision of a physician, the facility shall post in a
  conspicuous location in each office where the professional provides
  health care services a written notice stating:
               (1)  the name of the supervising physician;
               (2)  the supervising physician's medical license
               (3)  any board certification or specialty in which the
  physician is certified;
               (4)  the physician's practice contact information,
  including the telephone number and address of the practice;
               (5)  either:
                     (A)  the hours the physician is scheduled to be
  present at the practice location; or
                     (B)  if the physician is not scheduled to be
  present at the practice location, the statement: "No physician on
  site"; and
               (6)  the statement: "Any patient may request treatment
  by a physician. Notify a staff member at this location if you want
  to request this option."
         (b)  A patient may choose to be treated by the supervising
  physician of a nonphysician health professional. If the patient
  requests treatment by the supervising physician, the physician must
  see the patient not later than the 30th day after the date the
  patient makes the request. The physician may see the patient in
  person or through an acceptable telemedicine medical services
         Sec. 185.005.  PROHIBITED CONDUCT. A health professional
  may not:
               (1)  knowingly aid, abet, permit, advise, or solicit a
  person who is not licensed to practice the health profession in
  which the professional is licensed to engage in an act contrary to
  that professional licensure; or
               (2)  delegate to or contract with another health
  professional to provide health care services if the professional
  knows, or has reason to know, that the other professional is not
  authorized for delegation of or to contract for those services
  under the professional's license.
         Sec. 185.006.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a) The commission
  or the regulatory agency for a health professional, including the
  Texas Medical Board, the Texas Physician Assistant Board, and the
  Texas Board of Nursing, may impose an administrative penalty
  against a health facility or professional regulated by the
  commission or agency who violates this chapter or a rule adopted
  under this chapter.
         (b)  The amount of the penalty imposed may not exceed $1,000
  for each violation, and each day a violation continues or occurs is
  a separate violation for the purpose of imposing a penalty. The
  amount shall be based on:
               (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including the
  nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation;
               (2)  the history of previous violations;
               (3)  the amount necessary to deter a future violation;
               (4)  the efforts to correct the violation; and
               (5)  any other matter that justice may require.
         (c)  The enforcement of the penalty may be stayed during the
  time the order is under judicial review if the health facility or
  professional pays the penalty to the clerk of the court or files a
  supersedeas bond with the court in the amount of the penalty. A
  facility or professional that cannot afford to pay the penalty or
  file the bond may stay the enforcement by filing an affidavit in the
  manner required by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure for a party
  who cannot afford to file security for costs, subject to the right
  of the commission or regulatory agency to contest the affidavit as
  provided by those rules.
         (d)  The attorney general may sue to collect the penalty.
  The attorney general may recover reasonable expenses incurred in
  obtaining relief under this subsection, including court costs,
  reasonable attorney's fees, investigation costs, witness fees, and
  deposition expenses.
         (e)  A proceeding to impose the penalty is considered to be a
  contested case under Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         Sec. 185.007.  CIVIL PENALTY. (a) A health facility that
  violates this chapter is liable to the state for a civil penalty of
  not more than $1,000 for each violation. Each day of a continuing
  violation constitutes a separate ground for recovery.
         (b)  The attorney general may sue to collect a civil penalty
  under this section. The attorney general may recover reasonable
  expenses incurred in obtaining relief under this section, including
  court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, investigation costs,
  witness fees, and deposition expenses.
         SECTION 2.  The heading to Subchapter E, Chapter 101,
  Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 3.  Section 101.201, Occupations Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read
  as follows:
         (b)  False, misleading, or deceptive advertising or
  advertising not readily subject to verification includes
  advertising that:
               (1)  makes a material misrepresentation of fact or
  omits a fact necessary to make the statement as a whole not
  materially misleading;
               (2)  makes a representation likely to create an
  unjustified expectation about the results of a health care service
  or procedure;
               (3)  compares a health care professional's services
  with another health care professional's services unless the
  comparison can be factually substantiated;
               (4)  contains a testimonial;
               (5)  causes confusion or misunderstanding as to the
  credentials, education, or licensing of a health care professional,
  including using a title, term, or other words that misstate,
  falsely describe, falsely hold out, or falsely detail the health
  care professional's:
                     (A)  professional skills;
                     (B)  training;
                     (C)  expertise;
                     (D)  educational degree;
                     (E)  specialty certification; or
                     (F)  licensure;
               (6)  represents that health care insurance deductibles
  or copayments may be waived or are not applicable to health care
  services to be provided if the deductibles or copayments are
               (7)  represents that the benefits of a health benefit
  plan will be accepted as full payment when deductibles or
  copayments are required;
               (8)  makes a representation that is designed to take
  advantage of the fears or emotions of a particularly susceptible
  type of patient; or
               (9)  represents in the use of a professional name a
  title or professional identification that is associated with
  another profession and the health care professional is not licensed
  or otherwise authorized to practice that profession [expressly or
  commonly reserved to or used by another profession or
         (c)  For purposes of this section, advertising that does not
  include the name of the health care professional and the
  professional identification required by Section 104.003 is
  considered false, misleading, deceptive, or not readily subject to
         (d)  In this section, "advertising" includes:
               (1)  any printed, electronic, or oral statement, with
  respect to the provision of health care services by a health care
                     (A)  that is communicated or disseminated to the
                     (B)  that:
                           (i)  is intended to encourage a person to use
  the professional's services; or
                           (ii)  for a commercial purpose, names the
  professional in connection with the practice, profession, or
  institution in which the professional provides health care
  services; and
                     (C)  the preparation, communication, or
  dissemination of which is controlled by the professional or a group
  to which the professional is affiliated; and
               (2)  any communication or statement not described by
  Subdivision (1) but that is used in the regular course of the
  professional's business for the purpose of promoting the
  professional's services to the public, including:
                     (A)  business cards;
                     (B)  letterhead;
                     (C)  signs;
                     (D)  pamphlets;
                     (E)  brochures;
                     (F)  e-mails and any other communication or
  statement transmitted through the Internet; or
                     (G)  audio or video communications, including
  television or radio advertisements.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter E, Chapter 101, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 101.205 to read as follows:
         Sec. 101.205.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a)  A health
  licensing agency that issues a license, certificate, or other
  authorization under this title, may impose an administrative
  penalty on a person who:
               (1)  holds a license, certificate, or other
  authorization issued by the health licensing agency; and
               (2)  violates Section 101.201.
         (b)  The amount of an administrative penalty may not exceed
  $1,000 for each violation. Each day a violation continues or occurs
  is a separate violation for purposes of imposing a penalty.
         (c)  A proceeding to impose an administrative penalty under
  this section is subject to Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         SECTION 5.  Section 104.003, Occupations Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (b) and (c) and adding Subsection (h) to read
  as follows:
         (b)  A person who is licensed by the Texas Medical [State]
  Board [of Medical Examiners] and holds a doctor of medicine degree
  shall use:
               (1)  physician or surgeon, M.D.;
               (2)  doctor, M.D.; [or]
               (3)  doctor of medicine, M.D.; or
               (4)  a designation indicating that the person is
  certified or eligible for certification, as applicable, by a
  certifying board of the American Board of Medical Specialties, the
  American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the National
  Board of Physicians and Surgeons, or a successor organization to
  those organizations.
         (c)  A person who is licensed by the Texas Medical [State]
  Board [of Medical Examiners] and holds a doctor of osteopathy
  degree shall use:
               (1)  physician or surgeon, D.O.;
               (2)  osteopathic physician or surgeon;
               (3)  doctor, D.O.;
               (4)  doctor of osteopathy;
               (5)  doctor of osteopathic medicine;
               (6)  osteopath; [or]
               (7)  D.O.; or
               (8)  a designation indicating that the person is
  certified or eligible for certification, as applicable, by a
  certifying board of the American Osteopathic Association, the
  American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the National
  Board of Physicians and Surgeons, or a successor organization to
  those organizations.
         (h)  A person licensed under this title and not described by
  Subsection (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), or (g) may only use a title
  authorized by the law under which the person is licensed.
         SECTION 6.  Chapter 104, Occupations Code, is amended by
  adding Section 104.0035 to read as follows:
         Sec. 104.0035.  FALSE AND DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING. A healing
  art practitioner may not use advertising that is false, misleading,
  or deceptive, or not readily subject to verification as provided by
  Section 101.201. 
         SECTION 7.  Chapter 104, Occupations Code, is amended by
  adding Section 104.008 to read as follows:
         Sec. 104.008.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. (a)  A healing art
  licensing board that issues a license, certificate, or other
  authorization described by Section 104.003, may impose an
  administrative penalty on a person who:
               (1)  holds a license, certificate, or other
  authorization issued by the healing art licensing board; and
               (2)  violates this chapter. 
         (b)  The amount of an administrative penalty may not exceed
  $1,000 for each violation. Each day a violation continues or occurs
  is a separate violation for purposes of imposing a penalty.
         (c)  A proceeding to impose an administrative penalty under
  this section is subject to Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         SECTION 8.  Section 165.156, Occupations Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  PRACTICE MEDICINE. A person, partnership, trust, association, or
  corporation commits an offense if the person, partnership, trust,
  association, or corporation, through the use of any title,
  abbreviation, description of services, designation, letters,
  words, or terms, alone or in combination with any other title,
  affixed on stationery or on advertisements, or in any other manner,
  including oral or written communications, indicates or induces
  another to believe that the person, partnership, trust,
  association, or corporation is entitled to practice medicine if the
  person, partnership, trust, association, or corporation is not
  licensed to do so.
         SECTION 9.  Subchapter D, Chapter 165, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 165.1565 to read as follows:
         Sec. 165.1565.  USE OF TITLE. (a)  In this section, "medical
  or medical specialty title" means:
               (1)  "doctor of medicine" or "M.D.";
               (2)  "doctor of osteopathy" or "D.O.";
               (3)  "physician";
               (4)  "surgeon";
               (5)  "osteopathic physician";
               (6)  "osteopathic surgeon";
               (7)  "doctor";
               (8)  "aesthetic surgeon";
               (9)  "age management medicine physician";
               (10)  "allergist";
               (11)  "anesthesiologist";
               (12)  "associate physician";
               (13)  "cosmetic surgeon";
               (14)  "dermatologist";
               (15)  "emergency medicine doctor";
               (16)  "emergency medicine physician";
               (17)  "endocrinologist";
               (18)  "environmental medicine physician";
               (19)  "family medicine doctor";
               (20)  "family medicine physician";
               (21)  "family practice doctor";
               (22)  "family practice physician";
               (23)  "functional medicine doctor";
               (24)  "functional medicine physician";
               (25)  "gastroenterologist";
               (26)  "general practitioner";
               (27)  "geriatrician";
               (28)  "graduate physician";
               (29)  "gynecologist";
               (30)  "hematologist";
               (31)  "hepatologist";
               (32)  "hospitalist";
               (33)  "house officer";
               (34)  "intensivist";
               (35)  "internal medicine physician";
               (36)  "intern";
               (37)  "internist";
               (38)  "laryngologist";
               (39)  "neonatologist";
               (40)  "nephrologist";
               (41)  "neurologist";
               (42)  "nocturnist";
               (43)  "obstetrician";
               (44)  "occupational health physician";
               (45)  "occupational medicine doctor";
               (46)  "occupational medicine physician";
               (47)  "oncologist";
               (48)  "ophthalmologist";
               (49)  "orthopedic surgeon";
               (50)  "orthopedist";
               (51)  "osteopath";
               (52)  "otolaryngologist";
               (53)  "otologist";
               (54)  "otorhinolaryngologist";
               (55)  "pathologist";
               (56)  "pediatrician";
               (57)  "physiatrist";
               (58)  "physical medicine and rehabilitation
               (59)  "physician associate";
               (60)  "physician graduate";
               (61)  "plastic surgeon";
               (62)  "primary care doctor";
               (63)  "primary care physician";
               (64)  "proctologist";
               (65)  "psychiatrist";
               (66)  "radiologist";
               (67)  "resident";
               (68)  "rheumatologist";
               (69)  "rhinologist";
               (70)  "urogynecologist";
               (71)  "urologist"; or
               (72)  another title specified by board rule.
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 104.004, a person who is
  not licensed to practice medicine by the board may not:
               (1)  use or publicly display a medical or medical
  specialty title in connection with the person's name either alone
  or in combination with another word or title; or
               (2)  indicate or induce another to believe that the
  person is an attending doctor or attending physician or practices
         (c)  In a clinical setting, the terms "fellowship" and
  "residency" are reserved for postgraduate medical, dental,
  podiatric, and pharmacologic education and training. The terms may
  not be used to describe nursing or any nonmedical postgraduate
         (d)  In a clinical setting, the terms "attending,"
  "attending doctor," and "attending physician" are reserved for
  physicians who are licensed to practice medicine and who have
  completed a postgraduate medical residency training program.
         (e)  In a clinical setting, "physician associate,"
  "associate physician," and "physician graduate" are reserved for
  physicians licensed to practice medicine who:
               (1)  are graduates of a board-approved medical school
  or osteopathic medical school; and
               (2)  have passed the second component of the United
  States Medical Licensing Examination or the equivalent component of
  another board-approved licensing examination.
         SECTION 10.  Section 204.203, Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 204.203.  IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. A physician
  assistant shall:
               (1)  keep the physician assistant's license available
  for inspection at the physician assistant's primary place of
  business; and
               (2)  when engaged in the physician assistant's
  professional activities, wear a name tag identifying the license
  holder as a physician assistant by title or the initials "P.A.".
         SECTION 11.  Subchapter E, Chapter 204, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 204.2035 to read as follows:
  physician assistant may not use advertising that is false,
  misleading, deceptive, or not readily subject to verification as
  provided by Section 101.201.
         SECTION 12.  Sections 301.351(a), (b), and (c), Occupations
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person who holds a license [as a registered nurse]
  under this chapter[:
               [(1)]  is referred to as:
               (1)  a registered nurse or[; and
               [(2) may use the abbreviation] "R.N.";
               (2)  a licensed vocational nurse or "L.V.N.";
               (3)  an advanced practice registered nurse or
               (4)  a nurse practitioner or "N.P.";
               (5)  a nurse midwife;
               (6)  a certified registered nurse anesthetist or
  "C.R.N.A."; or
               (7)  a clinical nurse specialist or "C.N.S.".
         (b)  Except as provided by Section 104.004, a [A] person who
  holds a license [as a vocational nurse] under this chapter may not
  use the title "doctor" unless the person also holds a license issued
  by the Texas Medical Board under Subtitle B, as provided by Section
               [(1)  is referred to as a licensed vocational nurse or
  vocational nurse; and
               [(2)  may use the abbreviation "L.V.N." or "V.N."]
         (c)  While interacting with the public in a nursing role,
  each nurse shall wear a clearly legible insignia identifying the
  nurse in accordance with Subsection (a) [as a registered or
  vocational nurse]. The insignia may not contain information other
               (1)  the appropriate [registered or vocational nurse]
               (2)  the nurse's name, certifications, academic
  degrees, or practice position;
               (3)  the name of the employing facility or agency, or
  other employer;
               (4)  a picture of the nurse; or
               (5)  any other information authorized by the board.
         SECTION 13.  Subchapter H, Chapter 301, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 301.3515 to read as follows:
         Sec. 301.3515.  FALSE AND DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING. A nurse
  may not use advertising that is false, misleading, deceptive, or
  not readily subject to verification as provided by Section 101.201.
         SECTION 14.  Section 104.007, Occupations Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 15.  Each state regulatory agency that issues a
  license to a health professional or health facility, including the
  Texas Medical Board, Texas Physician Assistant Board, Texas Board
  of Nursing, and Health and Human Services Commission, shall adopt
  rules necessary to implement Chapter 185, Health and Safety Code,
  as added by this Act, and Chapters 101 and 104, Occupations Code, as
  amended by this Act, not later than January 1, 2024.
         SECTION 16.  Chapter 185, Health and Safety Code, as added by
  this Act, applies to the provision of health care services on or
  after January 1, 2024.
         SECTION 17.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only
  to conduct that occurs on or after the effective date of this Act.  
  Conduct that occurs before that date is governed by the law in
  effect on the date the conduct occurred, and the former law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 18.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.