By: Rogers H.B. No. 4891
  relating to the adoption and achievement of desired future
  conditions for aquifers by groundwater conservation districts.
         SECTION 1.  Section 36.1071(e), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (e)  In the management plan described under Subsection (a),
  the district shall:
               (1)  identify the performance standards and management
  objectives under which the district will operate to achieve the
  management goals identified under Subsection (a);
               (2)  specify, in as much detail as possible, the
  actions, procedures, performance, and avoidance that are or may be
  necessary to effect the plan, including specifications and proposed
               (3)  include estimates of the following:
                     (A)  modeled available groundwater in the
  district based on the desired future condition established under
  Section 36.108;
                     (B)  the amount of groundwater being used within
  the district on an annual basis;
                     (C)  the annual amount of recharge from
  precipitation, if any, to the groundwater resources within the
                     (D)  for each aquifer, the annual volume of water
  that discharges from the aquifer to springs and any surface water
  bodies, including lakes, streams, and rivers;
                     (E)  the annual volume of flow into and out of the
  district within each aquifer and between aquifers in the district,
  if a groundwater availability model is available;
                     (F)  the projected surface water supply in the
  district according to the most recently adopted state water plan;
                     (G)  the projected total demand for water in the
  district according to the most recently adopted state water plan;
               (4)  consider the water supply needs and water
  management strategies included in the adopted state water plan; and 
               (5)  include a plain explanation of how the district is
  monitoring and tracking achievement of the desired future
  conditions established under Section 36.108 and how the district
  performed in achieving the desired future conditions over the
  previous five-year joint planning period.
         SECTION 2.  Section 36.108, Water Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (c) and (d-3) and adding Subsection (d-4) to
  read as follows:
         (c)  The district representatives shall meet at least
  annually to conduct joint planning with the other districts in the
  management area and to review the management plans of the districts
  and their implementation through the rules of the districts, the
  accomplishments of the management area, and proposals to adopt new
  or amend existing desired future conditions.  In reviewing the
  management plans, the districts shall consider:
               (1)  the goals of each management plan and its impact on
  planning throughout the management area;
               (2)  the effectiveness of the measures established by
  each district's management plan for conserving and protecting
  groundwater and preventing waste, and the effectiveness of these
  measures in the management area generally;
               (3)  any other matters that the boards consider
  relevant to the protection and conservation of groundwater and the
  prevention of waste in the management area; and
               (4)  the degree to which each district is achieving 
  [management plan achieves] the desired future conditions
  established during the joint planning process through the
  implementation and enforcement of its management plan and rules.
         (d-3)  After all the districts have submitted their district
  summaries, the district representatives shall reconvene to review
  the reports, consider any district's suggested revisions to the
  proposed desired future conditions, and finally adopt the desired
  future conditions for the management area. The desired future
  conditions must be approved by a resolution adopted by a two-thirds
  vote of all the district representatives not later than January 5,
  2022. Subsequent desired future conditions must be proposed and
  finally adopted by the district representatives before the end of
  each successive five-year period after that date. The district
  representatives shall produce a desired future conditions
  explanatory report for the management area and submit to the
  development board and each district in the management area proof
  that notice was posted for the joint planning meeting, a copy of the
  resolution, and a copy of the explanatory report. The report must:
                     (1)  identify each desired future condition;
                     (2)  provide the policy and technical
  justifications for each desired future condition;
                     (3)  include documentation that the factors under
  Subsection (d) were considered by the districts and a discussion of
  how the adopted desired future conditions impact each factor;
                     (4)  list other desired future condition options
  considered, if any, and the reasons why those options were not
  adopted; [and]
                     (5)  for each desired future condition that
  changed from the corresponding one, if any, adopted for an aquifer
  in the previous five-year joint planning period, include a plain
  explanation of why the desired future condition was changed; 
                     (6)  discuss reasons why recommendations made by
  advisory committees and relevant public comments received by the
  districts were or were not incorporated into the desired future
  conditions; and 
                     (7)  include a summary of how each district is
  achieving the desired future conditions through the implementation
  and enforcement of its management plan and rules.
         (d-4)  The district representatives and districts shall
  adopt desired future conditions under this section for the
  following time periods and may adopt desired future conditions for
  other time periods:
                     (1)  for each 50-year planning period identified
  by the executive administrator for the preparation of state and
  regional water plans; and
                     (2)  for each five-year period within the 50-year
  planning period to aid the districts in monitoring interim progress
  in achieving the desired future conditions adopted for the 50-year
  planning period. 
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.