88R6544 BPG-D
  By: Lozano H.C.R. No. 11
         WHEREAS, 42 U.S.C. Section 265, commonly known as Title 42,
  has proven invaluable in managing the crisis at the United
  States-Mexico border; and
         WHEREAS, Since the invocation of Title 42 by the Trump
  administration in March 2020, the U.S. Department of Homeland
  Security has used the order more than two million times to rapidly
  expel unauthorized migrants; enforcement of the order also serves
  as an important deterrent to citizens of other countries
  contemplating a dangerous journey to join the massive surge at the
  border; and
         WHEREAS, Texas border communities have struggled to deal with
  the huge influx of migrants, and DHS has relied heavily on Title 42
  to protect these communities from being even more overwhelmed;
  during fiscal year 2021, of the more than 1.6 million encounters on
  the Southwestern land border, over 60 percent, or around 1 million,
  resulted in expulsion under Title 42 authority; and
         WHEREAS, Unauthorized migration has reached historic highs,
  leading to overcrowding at Border Patrol stations, and officials
  have warned that numbers could more than double should Title 42 be
  rescinded; recent policy changes at DHS have made the agency even
  less able to cope with such a spike if it is forced to fall back
  solely on its Title 8 authorities to process and detain migrants;
  small border communities, already sorely burdened, lack sufficient
  housing, transportation, and health care facilities to absorb an
  even greater tide of migrants paroled into their jurisdictions; and
         WHEREAS, Rescission of Title 42 during an unprecedented surge
  in unauthorized immigration is sure to have a deleterious effect on
  border security while degrading quality of life in communities all
  along the southwestern border; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby respectfully urge the president of the United States to keep
  Title 42 in place for the duration of the current border crisis;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward an
  official copy of this resolution to the president of the United
  States of America.