WHEREAS, Larry Fink, chief executive officer of investment |
behemoth BlackRock, has become a suspiciously strident proponent of |
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance initiatives; and |
WHEREAS, Under Mr. Fink's leadership, BlackRock has moved to |
the vanguard of the ESG movement, investing on the basis of social |
and environmental factors rather than pure fiduciary interests; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Fink has used BlackRock's financial might to |
coerce companies to follow his liberal political agenda; touting |
the doctrine of "stakeholder capitalism," he has warned companies |
in which BlackRock invests that they must adopt ESG standards or |
face pressure in proxy battles; for instance, BlackRock has used |
the proxy votes of its clients to push its global warming agenda and |
bolster renewable energy, often in conflict with its fiduciary |
responsibilities; and |
WHEREAS, While BlackRock demands unreasonable environmental |
and social standards of U.S. companies, imposing enormous |
extra-regulatory costs, it fails to require similar ESG adherence |
by the Chinese companies in which it invests; the business sector in |
Communist China has a deplorable record with respect to |
environmental stewardship, justice, and accountable governance, |
with a severe lack of the basic auditing safeguards required in the |
U.S.; notably, BlackRock became an investor in two Chinese |
companies, Hikvision and iFlytek, that the United States government |
has blacklisted for human rights abuses against Uyghurs in |
Xinjiang; BlackRock actually increased its holding in Hikvision |
after the blacklisting; and |
WHEREAS, BlackRock manages an estimated $10 trillion in |
assets, a number larger than many first-world economies; billions |
of those dollars come from U.S. pension funds, which play a vital |
role in the financial security of the middle class and in the |
stability of the U.S. economy; by prioritizing left-wing political |
initiatives over shareholder returns, BlackRock is potentially |
weakening those funds and sabotaging the American companies in |
which it invests; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas |
hereby respectfully urge the United States Congress to investigate |
the anti-fiduciary practices of BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, the |
intent behind those practices, and their impact on American |
companies and the U.S. economy; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official |
copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to |
the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the |
Senate of the United States Congress, and to all the members of the |
Texas delegation to Congress with the request that this resolution |
be officially entered in the Congressional Record as a memorial to |
the Congress of the United States of America. |