WHEREAS, November 2023 marks the 39th anniversary of the |
start of the Sikh genocide in India; and |
WHEREAS, The assassination of Indian prime minister Indira |
Gandhi on October 31, 1984, sparked systematic attacks against |
Sikhs in India, which resulted in the murder of more than 30,000 |
people over the course of a three-day period; Sikh communities were |
terrorized and businesses and properties were destroyed at the |
hands of vigilante groups, who had the encouragement of the police, |
government ministers, and members of parliament; under the code |
name "Operation Woodrose," the government of India went on to |
target Amritdhari Sikhs across the country's Punjab region, and for |
10 years, the violence continued as the Indian army rounded up Sikh |
men and youth, who were later put to death; and |
WHEREAS, Mass graves holding the remains of those killed in |
the violence have been found in a number of communities, including |
the villages of Hondh Chillar and Pataudi in Haryana, where burial |
sites were discovered in 2011; moreover, the Tilak Vihar |
neighborhood in New Delhi, known as the "Widow Colony," still |
houses thousands of Sikh women who were forced to endure rape and to |
witness the torture and murder of their husbands, fathers, and |
sons; and |
WHEREAS, The Sikh community in the United States continues to |
mourn these atrocities, and it is incumbent upon the global |
community to learn from the past and to reaffirm our commitment to |
preventing similar tragedies in the years ahead; now, therefore, be |
it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby remember those who lost their lives during the |
November 1984 anti-Sikh genocide. |