88R10624 BHH-D
  By: Clardy H.R. No. 143
         WHEREAS, Stephen F. Austin State University is marking the
  100th anniversary of its founding in 2023; and
         WHEREAS, Chartered in 1917 as Stephen F. Austin State
  Teachers College, the school was named in honor of the "Father of
  Texas," and the site selected for the campus was the homestead of
  Thomas J. Rusk and property previously owned by Sam Houston, both
  of whom were the first United States Senators from Texas; the State
  Board of Regents selected Nacogdoches as the location of the new
  school due in part to its significance as the oldest town in Texas;
  the college opened in 1923, with 270 students meeting in an old
  one-room schoolhouse until the Austin Building at the new campus
  was completed the following year; and
         WHEREAS, Over the past century, SFA has become a vital part of
  the economy and culture of East Texas, and it has been named the top
  rural-serving institution of its size in the state by the Alliance
  for Research on Regional Colleges; and
         WHEREAS, Today, Stephen F. Austin State University serves
  more than 11,300 students and offers over 120 majors and areas of
  study across its six colleges; the institution boasts 18 Division I
  intercollegiate sports teams for men and women, which further
  enhance the student experience, provide opportunities for
  student-athletes from across the state, and bring pride to the
  region; in addition, the university has become an arts and
  entertainment destination, hosting a variety of theatrical,
  musical, and speaking events on campus; and
         WHEREAS, Since its founding 100 years ago, Stephen F. Austin
  State University has provided generations of Texans with a strong
  foundation for achievement and contributed greatly to the
  prosperity and vitality of East Texas, and the university's
  students, faculty, staff, and alumni may indeed take great pride in
  their rich history while looking forward to an even brighter
  future; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the centennial of Stephen F. Austin
  State University and extend to all those associated with the school
  sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Stephen F. Austin State University as an expression of
  high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.