H.R. No. 161
         WHEREAS, Members of the Jacksonville Leadership Institute
  and the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce are gathering in Austin on
  February 14, 2023, to celebrate Jacksonville Leadership Day at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Now the largest city in Cherokee County,
  Jacksonville was founded in 1847 along the banks of Gum Creek, and
  it was moved to its present location in 1872 to be closer to the
  railroad; and
         WHEREAS, The early economy centered around agriculture, and
  Jacksonville was a leading center of peach production before
  tomatoes became the primary crop; today, the Jacksonville economy
  is supported by a diverse mix of industries, ranging from plastic
  manufacturing to major clothing shipping outlets, medical
  facilities, and more; the city is also home to the family-owned
  Texas Basket Company, which supplies unique handcrafted baskets
  nationwide and celebrated its first 100 years of business in 2019;
         WHEREAS, Education is an important part of the Jacksonville
  community, and the Baptist Missionary Association Theological
  Seminary is located there, as is Jacksonville College, one of the
  last remaining private junior colleges in the state; additionally,
  all eight campuses of the Jacksonville Independent School District
  have been recipients of the highest rating from the Texas Education
  Agency; and
         WHEREAS, Home to numerous attractions, Jacksonville has been
  called the Tomato Capital of the World, and it continues to
  celebrate that heritage with the annual Tomato Festival; moreover,
  it has been recognized for creating the world's largest bowl of
  salsa; the city is also the site of the Tomato Bowl football and
  soccer stadium, which has been in operation since 1940 and is one of
  the last remaining downtown stadiums in Texas, as well as Love's
  Lookout, a scenic park featuring breathtaking views; and
         WHEREAS, Residents and visitors alike enjoy a number of
  special events, including the Jacksonville Tomato Fest, the Nicky
  Wheeler Memorial Bull Riding event, the Tops in Texas Rodeo, and
  competitions at River Run ATV Park; furthermore, Lake Jacksonville
  provides a setting for camping, boating, fishing, and other outdoor
  activities; and
         WHEREAS, The citizens of Jacksonville are working to preserve
  their rich history even as they look ahead to the opportunities of
  the future, and they may take justifiable pride in their unique
  contributions to the story of the Lone Star State; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 14, 2023, as Jacksonville
  Leadership Day at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting
  delegation sincere best wishes for a meaningful and memorable stay
  in Austin.
  Harris of Anderson
Phelan Guerra Murr
Allen Guillen Neave Criado
Allison Harless Noble
Anchía Harris of Anderson Oliverson
Anderson Harris of Williamson Ordaz
Ashby Harrison Orr
Bailes Hayes Ortega
Bell of Kaufman Hefner Patterson
Bell of Montgomery Hernandez Paul
Bernal Herrero Perez
Bhojani Hinojosa Plesa
Bonnen Holland Price
Bowers Howard Ramos
Bryant Hull Raney
Buckley Hunter Raymond
Bucy Isaac Reynolds
Bumgarner Jetton Rogers
Burns Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Burrows A. Johnson of Harris Rose
Button J. Johnson of Harris Rosenthal
Cain Jones of Dallas Schaefer
Campos Jones of Harris Schatzline
Canales Kacal Schofield
Capriglione King of Hemphill Shaheen
Clardy King of Uvalde Sherman, Sr.
Cole Kitzman Shine
Collier Klick Slaton
Cook Kuempel Slawson
Cortez Lalani Smith
Craddick Lambert Smithee
Cunningham Landgraf Spiller
Darby Leach Stucky
Davis Leo-Wilson Swanson
Dean Longoria Talarico
DeAyala Lopez of Bexar Tepper
Dorazio Lopez of Cameron Thierry
Dutton Lozano Thimesch
Flores Lujan Thompson of Brazoria
Frank Manuel Thompson of Harris
Frazier Martinez Tinderholt
Gamez Martinez Fischer Toth
Garcia Metcalf Troxclair
Gates Meyer Turner
Gerdes Meza VanDeaver
Geren Moody Vasut
Gervin-Hawkins Morales of Harris Vo
Goldman Morales of Maverick Walle
González of Dallas Morales Shaw Wilson
González of El Paso Morrison Wu
Goodwin Muñoz, Jr. Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 161 was adopted by the House on February
  14, 2023, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House